[patch] Bug 12072: Make datepicker and templates to be aware of dmydot format
Bug-12072-Make-datepicker-and-templates-to-be-awar.patch (text/plain), 11.30 KB, created by Marc Véron on 2015-11-19 09:32:09 UTC
Creator: Marc Véron
Created: 2015-11-19 09:32:09 UTC
Size: 11.30 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 12072: 27068 | 27069 | 27082 | 27107 | 27108 | 27109 | 27118 | 27130 | 36726 | 36761 | 43317 | 43318 | 44463 | 44606 | 44747 | 44964 | 44966 | 44980 | 45020 | 45022