From 7b8080083bca583c53b9d1f8b4a54f2c128ba381 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Colin Campbell <>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 11:57:09 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 13807 Rework main input loop in SIPServer

Debugging various problems in SIPServer and control of it, found it
could loop on unread buffers (e.g. the LF of a CRLF if it was only
expecting CR) making it unresponsive to signals.
Reworked the input loop with an eye to removing unnecessary whiles
and replacing the while(1) by a while( connection valid)
Enhanced the timeout code by wapping in an eval.
Moved the logic from SIP_read_packet into the server itself
Hopefully this makes the already baroque code easier to navigate
and it did seem the server was the logical place for this
Removed no longer iused SIP_read_packet from

Signed-off-by: Srdjan <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
 C4/SIP/ | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 C4/SIP/       |  56 +--------------------------
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/C4/SIP/ b/C4/SIP/
index 8722ab6..d556845 100755
--- a/C4/SIP/
+++ b/C4/SIP/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ use C4::SIP::Sip::Constants qw(:all);
 use C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration;
 use C4::SIP::Sip::Checksum qw(checksum verify_cksum);
 use C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType qw( handle login_core );
-use C4::SIP::Sip qw( read_SIP_packet );
 use base qw(Net::Server::PreFork);
@@ -116,6 +115,7 @@ sub process_request {
     } else {
+    return;
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ sub raw_transport {
     while (!$self->{account}) {
     local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "raw_transport Timed Out!\n"; };
     syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "raw_transport: timeout is %d", $service->{timeout});
-    $input = read_SIP_packet(*STDIN);
+    $input = read_request();
     if (!$input) {
         # EOF on the socket
         syslog("LOG_INFO", "raw_transport: shutting down: EOF during login");
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ sub raw_transport {
     syslog("LOG_INFO", "raw_transport: shutting down");
+    return;
 sub get_clean_string {
@@ -230,6 +231,7 @@ sub telnet_transport {
     syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport: uname/inst: '%s/%s'", $account->{id}, $account->{institution});
     syslog("LOG_INFO", "telnet_transport: shutting down");
+    return;
@@ -242,7 +244,6 @@ sub sip_protocol_loop {
 	my $service = $self->{service};
 	my $config  = $self->{config};
     my $timeout = $self->{service}->{timeout} || $config->{timeout} || 30;
-	my $input;
     # The spec says the first message will be:
 	# 	SIP v1: SC_STATUS
@@ -257,39 +258,77 @@ sub sip_protocol_loop {
 	# case, the LOGIN message has already been processed (above).
 	# In short, we'll take any valid message here.
-	#my $expect = SC_STATUS;
-    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "SIP Timed Out!\n"; };
-    my $expect = '';
-    while (1) {
-        alarm $timeout;
-        $input = read_SIP_packet(*STDIN);
-        unless ($input) {
-            return;		# EOF
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
+            syslog( 'LOG_DEBUG', 'Inactive: timed out' );
+            die "Timed Out!\n";
+        };
+        my $previous_alarm = alarm($timeout);
+        while ( my $inputbuf = read_request() ) {
+            if ( !defined $inputbuf ) {
+                return;    #EOF
+            }
+            alarm($timeout);
+            unless ($inputbuf) {
+                syslog( "LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: empty input skipped" );
+                print("96$CR");
+                next;
+            }
+            my $status = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::handle( $inputbuf, $self, q{} );
+            if ( !$status ) {
+                syslog(
+                    "LOG_ERR",
+                    "sip_protocol_loop: failed to handle %s",
+                    substr( $inputbuf, 0, 2 )
+                );
+            }
+            next if $status eq REQUEST_ACS_RESEND;
-		# begin input hacks ...  a cheap stand in for better Telnet layer
-		$input =~ s/^[^A-z0-9]+//s;	# Kill leading bad characters... like Telnet handshakers
-		$input =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//s;	# Same on the end, should get DOSsy ^M line-endings too.
-		while (chomp($input)) {warn "Extra line ending on input";}
-		unless ($input) {
-            syslog("LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: empty input skipped");
-            print("96$CR");
-            next;
-		}
-		# end cheap input hacks
-		my $status = handle($input, $self, $expect);
-		if (!$status) {
-			syslog("LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: failed to handle %s",substr($input,0,2));
-		}
-		next if $status eq REQUEST_ACS_RESEND;
-		if ($expect && ($status ne $expect)) {
-			# We received a non-"RESEND" that wasn't what we were expecting.
-		    syslog("LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: expected %s, received %s, exiting", $expect, $input);
-		}
-		# We successfully received and processed what we were expecting
-		$expect = '';
-    alarm 0;
-	}
+        alarm($previous_alarm);
+        return;
+    };
+    if ( $@ =~ m/timed out/i ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    return;
+sub read_request {
+      my $raw_length;
+      local $/ = "\015";
+    # proper SPEC: (octal) \015 = (hex) x0D = (dec) 13 = (ascii) carriage return
+      my $buffer = <STDIN>;
+      if ( defined $buffer ) {
+          STDIN->flush();    # clear an extra linefeed
+          chomp $buffer;
+          $raw_length = length $buffer;
+          $buffer =~ s/^\s*[^A-z0-9]+//s;
+# Every line must start with a "real" character.  Not whitespace, control chars, etc.
+          $buffer =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//s;
+# Same for the end.  Note this catches the problem some clients have sending empty fields at the end, like |||
+          $buffer =~ s/\015?\012//g;    # Extra line breaks must die
+          $buffer =~ s/\015?\012//s;    # Extra line breaks must die
+          $buffer =~ s/\015*\012*$//s;
+    # treat as one line to include the extra linebreaks we are trying to remove!
+      }
+      else {
+          syslog( 'LOG_DEBUG', 'EOF returned on read' );
+          return;
+      }
+      my $len = length $buffer;
+      if ( $len != $raw_length ) {
+          my $trim = $raw_length - $len;
+          syslog( 'LOG_DEBUG', "read_request trimmed $trim character(s) " );
+      }
+      syslog( 'LOG_INFO', "INPUT MSG: '$buffer'" );
+      return $buffer;
diff --git a/C4/SIP/ b/C4/SIP/
index a6cf97f..52eda1f 100644
--- a/C4/SIP/
+++ b/C4/SIP/
@@ -22,14 +22,13 @@ BEGIN {
 	@ISA = qw(Exporter);
 	@EXPORT_OK = qw(y_or_n timestamp add_field maybe_add add_count
-		    denied sipbool boolspace write_msg read_SIP_packet
+		    denied sipbool boolspace write_msg
 		    $error_detection $protocol_version $field_delimiter
 		    all => [qw(y_or_n timestamp add_field maybe_add
 			       add_count denied sipbool boolspace write_msg
-			       read_SIP_packet
 			       $error_detection $protocol_version
 			       $field_delimiter $last_response)]);
@@ -154,59 +153,6 @@ sub boolspace {
     return $bool ? 'Y' : ' ';
-# read_SIP_packet($file)
-# Read a packet from $file, using the correct record separator
-sub read_SIP_packet {
-    my $record;
-    my $fh = shift or syslog("LOG_ERR", "read_SIP_packet: no filehandle argument!");
-    my $len1 = 999;
-    # local $/ = "\r";      # don't need any of these here.  use whatever the prevailing $/ is.
-    local $/ = "\015";    # proper SPEC: (octal) \015 = (hex) x0D = (dec) 13 = (ascii) carriage return
-    {    # adapted from
-            undef $!;
-            $record = readline($fh);
-            if ( defined($record) ) {
-                while ( chomp($record) ) { 1; }
-                $len1 = length($record);
-                syslog( "LOG_DEBUG", "read_SIP_packet, INPUT MSG: '$record'" );
-                $record =~ s/^\s*[^A-z0-9]+//s; # Every line must start with a "real" character.  Not whitespace, control chars, etc. 
-                $record =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//s;    # Same for the end.  Note this catches the problem some clients have sending empty fields at the end, like |||
-                $record =~ s/\015?\012//g;      # Extra line breaks must die
-                $record =~ s/\015?\012//s;      # Extra line breaks must die
-                $record =~ s/\015*\012*$//s;    # treat as one line to include the extra linebreaks we are trying to remove!
-                while ( chomp($record) ) { 1; }
-                $record and last;    # success
-            }
-    }
-    if ($record) {
-        my $len2 = length($record);
-        syslog("LOG_INFO", "read_SIP_packet, INPUT MSG: '$record'") if $record;
-        ($len1 != $len2) and syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "read_SIP_packet, trimmed %s character(s) (after chomps).", $len1-$len2);
-    } else {
-        syslog("LOG_WARNING", "read_SIP_packet input %s, end of input.", (defined($record) ? "empty ($record)" : 'undefined'));
-    }
-    #
-    # Cen-Tec self-check terminals transmit '\r\n' line terminators.
-    # This is actually very hard to deal with in perl in a reasonable
-    # since every OTHER piece of hardware out there gets the protocol
-    # right.
-    # 
-    # The incorrect line terminator presents as a \r at the end of the
-    # first record, and then a \n at the BEGINNING of the next record.
-    # So, the simplest thing to do is just throw away a leading newline
-    # on the input.
-    #  
-    # This is now handled by the vigorous cleansing above.
-    # syslog("LOG_INFO", encode_utf8("INPUT MSG: '$record'")) if $record;
-    syslog("LOG_INFO", "INPUT MSG: '$record'") if $record;
-    return $record;
 # write_msg($msg, $file)