duplicate sub : in ImportBatch.pm and ImportBatch.pm duplicate sub : output in Templates.pm and Dates.pm duplicate sub : _current_language in Templates.pm and Output.pm duplicate sub : themelanguage in Templates.pm and Output.pm duplicate sub : _serialize in UploadedFile.pm and BackgroundJob.pm duplicate sub : id in UploadedFile.pm and BackgroundJob.pm duplicate sub : name in UploadedFile.pm and BackgroundJob.pm duplicate sub : fetch in UploadedFile.pm and BackgroundJob.pm duplicate sub : in Items.pm and ImportBatch.pm duplicate sub : in Items.pm and ImportBatch.pm duplicate sub : _filter_fields in SQLHelper.pm and Budgets.pm duplicate sub : all in ItemType.pm and Category.pm duplicate sub : fetch in Matcher.pm and BackgroundJob.pm duplicate sub : description in Matcher.pm and Auth_with_ldap.pm duplicate sub : _prefformat in Barcodes.pm and Dates.pm duplicate sub : delete in ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm and Matcher.pm duplicate sub : find in ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm and Message.pm duplicate sub : init in Service.pm and Dates.pm duplicate sub : GetContract in Contract.pm and Acquisition.pm ====== ===== checking SIP ===== ===== checking AuthoritiesMarc.pm ===== AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses Context.pm AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses Koha.pm >>>> There is a use Koha.pm that is useless in AuthoritiesMarc.pm AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses Biblio.pm In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcFromKohaField is used 1 times In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcBiblio is used 1 times In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Biblio.pm, sub ModBiblio is used 1 times In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetFrameworkCode is used 1 times In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Biblio.pm, sub ModZebra is used 2 times In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Biblio.pm, sub TransformMarcToKoha is used 1 times AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses Search.pm In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Search.pm, sub SimpleSearch is used 2 times In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Search.pm, sub NZanalyse is used 2 times AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses AuthoritiesMarc.pm AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses AuthoritiesMarc.pm AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses Charset.pm In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Charset.pm, sub SetUTF8Flag is used 1 times In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Charset.pm, sub StripNonXmlChars is used 1 times AuthoritiesMarc.pm uses Log.pm In AuthoritiesMarc.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 3 times ===== checking ClassSortRoutine.pm ===== ClassSortRoutine.pm uses Context.pm ClassSortRoutine.pm uses Koha.pm >>>> There is a use Koha.pm that is useless in ClassSortRoutine.pm ClassSortRoutine.pm uses ClassSortRoutine.pm ClassSortRoutine.pm require ClassSortRoutine.pm ===== checking Print.pm ===== Print.pm uses Context.pm Print.pm uses Circulation.pm >>>> There is a use Circulation.pm that is useless in Print.pm Print.pm uses Members.pm In Print.pm the Members.pm, sub GetPendingIssues is used 1 times In Print.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberDetails is used 1 times Print.pm uses Dates.pm In Print.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 1 times In Print.pm the Dates.pm, sub today is used 1 times Print.pm uses Print.pm ===== checking External ===== ===== checking Labels.pm ===== Labels.pm uses Labels.pm Labels.pm uses Labels.pm Labels.pm uses Labels.pm Labels.pm uses Labels.pm Labels.pm uses Labels.pm ===== checking Log.pm ===== Log.pm uses Context.pm Log.pm uses Dates.pm In Log.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 1 times In Log.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 2 times Log.pm uses Log.pm ===== checking Maintainance.pm ===== Maintainance.pm uses Context.pm Maintainance.pm uses Maintenance.pm >>>> There is a use Maintenance.pm that is useless in Maintainance.pm ===== checking ClassSource.pm ===== ClassSource.pm uses Context.pm ClassSource.pm uses Koha.pm >>>> There is a use Koha.pm that is useless in ClassSource.pm ClassSource.pm uses ClassSortRoutine.pm In ClassSource.pm the ClassSortRoutine.pm, sub GetClassSortKey is used 1 times ClassSource.pm uses ClassSource.pm ===== checking Category.pm ===== Category.pm uses Context.pm Category.pm uses Category.pm ===== checking AuthoritiesMarc ===== ===== checking TmplToken.pm ===== TmplToken.pm uses TmplTokenType.pm >>>> There is a use TmplTokenType.pm that is useless in TmplToken.pm ===== checking Members ===== ===== checking Patroncards ===== ===== checking Accounts.pm ===== Accounts.pm uses Context.pm Accounts.pm uses Stats.pm In Accounts.pm the Stats.pm, sub UpdateStats is used 5 times Accounts.pm uses Members.pm In Accounts.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMember is used 1 times Accounts.pm uses Items.pm In Accounts.pm the Items.pm, sub ModItem is used 2 times Accounts.pm uses Circulation.pm In Accounts.pm the Circulation.pm, sub MarkIssueReturned is used 2 times Accounts.pm uses Accounts.pm ===== checking Overdues.pm ===== Overdues.pm uses Circulation.pm In Overdues.pm the Circulation.pm, sub GetIssuingRule is used 2 times Overdues.pm uses Context.pm Overdues.pm uses Accounts.pm In Overdues.pm the Accounts.pm, sub getnextacctno is used 2 times Overdues.pm uses Log.pm In Overdues.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 1 times Overdues.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Overdues.pm Overdues.pm uses Circulation.pm In Overdues.pm the Circulation.pm, sub GetIssuingRule is used 2 times Overdues.pm uses Overdues.pm ===== checking Members.pm ===== Members.pm uses Context.pm Members.pm uses Dates.pm In Members.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 1 times Members.pm uses Log.pm In Members.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 4 times Members.pm uses Overdues.pm In Members.pm the Overdues.pm, sub checkoverdues is used 1 times Members.pm uses Reserves.pm In Members.pm the Reserves.pm, sub GetReservesFromBorrowernumber is used 1 times Members.pm uses Accounts.pm In Members.pm the Accounts.pm, sub manualinvoice is used 2 times Members.pm uses Biblio.pm In Members.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioFromItemNumber is used 1 times Members.pm uses SQLHelper.pm In Members.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub UpdateInTable is used 1 times In Members.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub InsertInTable is used 1 times In Members.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub SearchInTable is used 1 times Members.pm uses Members.pm Members.pm uses Members.pm ===== checking Bookseller.pm ===== Bookseller.pm uses Bookseller.pm ===== checking ImportBatch.pm ===== ImportBatch.pm uses Context.pm ImportBatch.pm uses Koha.pm In ImportBatch.pm the Koha.pm, sub _isbn_cleanup is used 1 times ImportBatch.pm uses Biblio.pm In ImportBatch.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcFromKohaField is used 2 times In ImportBatch.pm the Biblio.pm, sub AddBiblio is used 1 times In ImportBatch.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblio is used 2 times In ImportBatch.pm the Biblio.pm, sub ModBiblio is used 2 times In ImportBatch.pm the Biblio.pm, sub DelBiblio is used 1 times In ImportBatch.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetXmlBiblio is used 1 times In ImportBatch.pm the Biblio.pm, sub TransformMarcToKoha is used 2 times ImportBatch.pm uses Items.pm In ImportBatch.pm the Items.pm, sub DelItem is used 1 times In ImportBatch.pm the Items.pm, sub GetItemnumberFromBarcode is used 1 times In ImportBatch.pm the Items.pm, sub AddItemFromMarc is used 2 times ImportBatch.pm uses Charset.pm In ImportBatch.pm the Charset.pm, sub StripNonXmlChars is used 3 times In ImportBatch.pm the Charset.pm, sub MarcToUTF8Record is used 1 times ImportBatch.pm uses ImportBatch.pm ===== checking Budgets.pm ===== Budgets.pm uses Context.pm Budgets.pm uses Dates.pm In Budgets.pm the Dates.pm, sub regexp is used 1 times In Budgets.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date_in_iso is used 1 times Budgets.pm uses SQLHelper.pm In Budgets.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub UpdateInTable is used 2 times In Budgets.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub InsertInTable is used 2 times In Budgets.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub SearchInTable is used 2 times Budgets.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Budgets.pm ===== checking Input.pm ===== Input.pm uses Context.pm Input.pm uses Input.pm ===== checking . ===== ===== checking Output.pm ===== Output.pm uses Context.pm Output.pm uses Languages.pm In Output.pm the Languages.pm, sub accept_language is used 1 times In Output.pm the Languages.pm, sub getTranslatedLanguages is used 2 times In Output.pm the Languages.pm, sub get_bidi is used 1 times In Output.pm the Languages.pm, sub regex_lang_subtags is used 1 times Output.pm uses Dates.pm In Output.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 1 times Output.pm uses Budgets.pm >>>> There is a use Budgets.pm that is useless in Output.pm Output.pm uses Templates.pm In Output.pm the Templates.pm, sub param is used 2 times Output.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Output.pm ===== checking Scrubber.pm ===== Scrubber.pm uses Context.pm Scrubber.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Scrubber.pm ===== checking Ris.pm ===== ===== checking TTParser.pm ===== TTParser.pm uses TmplToken.pm In TTParser.pm the TmplToken.pm, sub set_attributes is used 2 times In TTParser.pm the TmplToken.pm, sub attributes is used 2 times ===== checking Search ===== ===== checking XSLT.pm ===== XSLT.pm uses Context.pm XSLT.pm uses Branch.pm In XSLT.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranches is used 1 times XSLT.pm uses Items.pm In XSLT.pm the Items.pm, sub GetItemsInfo is used 1 times XSLT.pm uses Koha.pm In XSLT.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetItemTypes is used 1 times In XSLT.pm the Koha.pm, sub xml_escape is used 2 times XSLT.pm uses Biblio.pm In XSLT.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetAuthorisedValueDesc is used 1 times In XSLT.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcStructure is used 1 times In XSLT.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetFrameworkCode is used 1 times XSLT.pm uses Circulation.pm In XSLT.pm the Circulation.pm, sub GetTransfers is used 1 times XSLT.pm uses Reserves.pm In XSLT.pm the Reserves.pm, sub CheckReserves is used 1 times XSLT.pm uses Output.pm In XSLT.pm the Output.pm, sub _current_language is used 2 times ===== checking Dates.pm ===== Dates.pm uses Context.pm Dates.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Dates.pm ===== checking Templates.pm ===== Templates.pm uses Context.pm ===== checking .. ===== ===== checking BackgroundJob.pm ===== BackgroundJob.pm uses Context.pm BackgroundJob.pm uses Auth.pm In BackgroundJob.pm the Auth.pm, sub get_session is used 2 times ===== checking tests ===== ===== checking Calendar.pm ===== Calendar.pm uses Context.pm Calendar.pm uses Calendar.pm ===== checking Reports.pm ===== Reports.pm uses Context.pm Reports.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Reports.pm ===== checking UploadedFile.pm ===== UploadedFile.pm uses Context.pm UploadedFile.pm uses Auth.pm In UploadedFile.pm the Auth.pm, sub get_session is used 4 times ===== checking Context.pm ===== Context.pm uses Boolean.pm In Context.pm the Boolean.pm, sub true_p is used 1 times Context.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Context.pm Context.pm uses Context.pm Context.pm uses Context.pm Context.pm uses Context.pm Context.pm uses Context.pm ===== checking Heading ===== ===== checking Utils.pm ===== ===== checking Heading.pm ===== Heading.pm uses Context.pm Heading.pm uses Heading.pm Heading.pm uses Search.pm In Heading.pm the Search.pm, sub SimpleSearch is used 2 times Heading.pm uses Heading.pm ===== checking Output ===== ===== checking Languages.pm ===== Languages.pm uses Context.pm Languages.pm uses Languages.pm ===== checking Items.pm ===== Items.pm uses Context.pm Items.pm uses Koha.pm In Items.pm the Koha.pm, sub getitemtypeimagelocation is used 1 times In Items.pm the Koha.pm, sub get_infos_of is used 1 times In Items.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetAuthorisedValues is used 1 times In Items.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetKohaAuthorisedValueLib is used 2 times Items.pm uses Biblio.pm In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcFromKohaField is used 7 times In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcBiblio is used 1 times In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcStructure is used 1 times In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub ModBiblioMarc is used 1 times In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetFrameworkCode is used 5 times In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub TransformKohaToMarc is used 1 times In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub ModZebra is used 5 times In Items.pm the Biblio.pm, sub TransformMarcToKoha is used 4 times Items.pm uses Dates.pm In Items.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 1 times In Items.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 2 times In Items.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date_in_iso is used 1 times Items.pm uses ClassSource.pm In Items.pm the ClassSource.pm, sub GetClassSort is used 1 times Items.pm uses Log.pm In Items.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 4 times Items.pm uses Branch.pm In Items.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchName is used 2 times Items.pm require Reserves.pm In Items.pm the Reserves.pm, sub CheckReserves is used 1 times Items.pm uses Charset.pm In Items.pm the Charset.pm, sub StripNonXmlChars is used 1 times Items.pm uses Acquisition.pm In Items.pm the Acquisition.pm, sub ModOrder is used 1 times In Items.pm the Acquisition.pm, sub GetOrderFromItemnumber is used 1 times ===== checking Review.pm ===== Review.pm uses Context.pm Review.pm uses Review.pm ===== checking Auth_with_cas.pm ===== Auth_with_cas.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Auth_with_cas.pm Auth_with_cas.pm uses Context.pm Auth_with_cas.pm uses Utils.pm >>>> There is a use Utils.pm that is useless in Auth_with_cas.pm Auth_with_cas.pm uses Auth_with_cas.pm ===== checking Charset.pm ===== Charset.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Charset.pm Charset.pm uses Charset.pm ===== checking VirtualShelves.pm ===== VirtualShelves.pm uses Context.pm VirtualShelves.pm uses Circulation.pm >>>> There is a use Circulation.pm that is useless in VirtualShelves.pm VirtualShelves.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in VirtualShelves.pm VirtualShelves.pm uses Members.pm In VirtualShelves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberDetails is used 1 times VirtualShelves.pm require Auth.pm In VirtualShelves.pm the Auth.pm, sub get_session is used 1 times VirtualShelves.pm uses VirtualShelves.pm ===== checking Koha.pm ===== Koha.pm uses Context.pm Koha.pm uses Output.pm >>>> There is a use Output.pm that is useless in Koha.pm Koha.pm uses Koha.pm ===== checking Creators ===== ===== checking Search.pm ===== Search.pm uses Context.pm Search.pm uses Biblio.pm In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcFromKohaField is used 5 times In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetAuthorisedValueDesc is used 1 times In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcBiblio is used 6 times In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub get_biblio_authorised_values is used 1 times In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioData is used 2 times In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetFrameworkCode is used 3 times In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub TransformMarcToKoha is used 4 times In Search.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetRecordValue is used 1 times Search.pm uses Koha.pm In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetItemTypes is used 1 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub getitemtypeimagelocation is used 4 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetKohaAuthorisedValues is used 1 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetAuthValCode is used 1 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedEAN is used 1 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub getFacets is used 1 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedOCLCNumber is used 1 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedUPC is used 1 times In Search.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedISBN is used 1 times Search.pm uses Search.pm Search.pm uses Dates.pm In Search.pm the Dates.pm, sub init is used 1 times In Search.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 1 times In Search.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 2 times Search.pm uses Members.pm In Search.pm the Members.pm, sub GetHideLostItemsPreference is used 1 times In Search.pm the Members.pm, sub Search is used 4 times Search.pm uses XSLT.pm In Search.pm the XSLT.pm, sub XSLTParse4Display is used 1 times Search.pm uses Branch.pm In Search.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchName is used 1 times Search.pm uses Reserves.pm In Search.pm the Reserves.pm, sub CheckReserves is used 1 times Search.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Search.pm Search.pm uses Items.pm In Search.pm the Items.pm, sub get_authorised_value_images is used 1 times In Search.pm the Items.pm, sub GetHiddenItemnumbers is used 1 times Search.pm uses Branch.pm In Search.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchName is used 1 times Search.pm uses Charset.pm In Search.pm the Charset.pm, sub SetUTF8Flag is used 1 times In Search.pm the Charset.pm, sub SetMarcUnicodeFlag is used 1 times ===== checking Labels ===== ===== checking Patroncards.pm ===== Patroncards.pm uses Patroncards.pm Patroncards.pm uses Patroncards.pm Patroncards.pm uses Patroncards.pm Patroncards.pm uses Patroncards.pm Patroncards.pm uses Patroncards.pm Patroncards.pm uses Patroncards.pm ===== checking Reserves.pm ===== Reserves.pm uses Context.pm Reserves.pm uses Biblio.pm In Reserves.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioItemData is used 2 times In Reserves.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioData is used 1 times Reserves.pm uses Members.pm In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMember is used 3 times In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetFirstValidEmailAddress is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberDetails is used 1 times Reserves.pm uses Items.pm In Reserves.pm the Items.pm, sub CartToShelf is used 2 times In Reserves.pm the Items.pm, sub ModItemTransfer is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Items.pm, sub GetItemsInfo is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Items.pm, sub GetItem is used 4 times Reserves.pm uses Search.pm >>>> There is a use Search.pm that is useless in Reserves.pm Reserves.pm uses Circulation.pm In Reserves.pm the Circulation.pm, sub _GetCircControlBranch is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Circulation.pm, sub GetBranchItemRule is used 1 times Reserves.pm uses Accounts.pm In Reserves.pm the Accounts.pm, sub getnextacctno is used 1 times Reserves.pm uses Members.pm In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMember is used 3 times In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetFirstValidEmailAddress is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberDetails is used 1 times Reserves.pm uses Members.pm In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMember is used 3 times In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetFirstValidEmailAddress is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberDetails is used 1 times Reserves.pm uses Letters.pm In Reserves.pm the Letters.pm, sub parseletter is used 5 times In Reserves.pm the Letters.pm, sub EnqueueLetter is used 4 times In Reserves.pm the Letters.pm, sub getletter is used 2 times Reserves.pm uses Branch.pm In Reserves.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchDetail is used 2 times Reserves.pm uses Dates.pm In Reserves.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Dates.pm, sub today is used 1 times In Reserves.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date_in_iso is used 2 times Reserves.pm uses Reserves.pm ===== checking XISBN.pm ===== XISBN.pm uses Biblio.pm In XISBN.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioData is used 1 times XISBN.pm uses Koha.pm In XISBN.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedISBN is used 1 times XISBN.pm uses External.pm >>>> There is a use External.pm that is useless in XISBN.pm ===== checking SQLHelper.pm ===== SQLHelper.pm uses Context.pm SQLHelper.pm uses Dates.pm In SQLHelper.pm the Dates.pm, sub regexp is used 1 times In SQLHelper.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date_in_iso is used 1 times SQLHelper.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in SQLHelper.pm SQLHelper.pm uses SQLHelper.pm ===== checking ItemType.pm ===== ItemType.pm uses Context.pm ItemType.pm uses ItemType.pm ===== checking Csv.pm ===== Csv.pm uses Context.pm ===== checking Installer ===== ===== checking Form ===== ===== checking Auth.pm ===== Auth.pm uses Context.pm Auth.pm uses Output.pm In Auth.pm the Output.pm, sub gettemplate is used 2 times Auth.pm uses Members.pm In Auth.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberDetails is used 1 times Auth.pm uses Koha.pm >>>> There is a use Koha.pm that is useless in Auth.pm Auth.pm uses Branch.pm In Auth.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchName is used 2 times In Auth.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranches is used 3 times In Auth.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchesLoop is used 1 times Auth.pm uses VirtualShelves.pm In Auth.pm the VirtualShelves.pm, sub GetRecentShelves is used 3 times Auth.pm require Auth_with_ldap.pm In Auth.pm the Auth_with_ldap.pm, sub checkpw_ldap is used 1 times Auth.pm require Auth_with_cas.pm In Auth.pm the Auth_with_cas.pm, sub checkpw_cas is used 1 times In Auth.pm the Auth_with_cas.pm, sub login_cas_url is used 1 times In Auth.pm the Auth_with_cas.pm, sub logout_cas is used 1 times Auth.pm uses Auth.pm Auth.pm uses Output.pm In Auth.pm the Output.pm, sub gettemplate is used 2 times ===== checking Circulation.pm ===== Circulation.pm uses Context.pm Circulation.pm uses Stats.pm In Circulation.pm the Stats.pm, sub UpdateStats is used 4 times Circulation.pm uses Reserves.pm In Circulation.pm the Reserves.pm, sub ModReserveFill is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Reserves.pm, sub CheckReserves is used 5 times In Circulation.pm the Reserves.pm, sub ModReserve is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Reserves.pm, sub ModReserveStatus is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Reserves.pm, sub CancelReserve is used 2 times Circulation.pm uses Koha.pm >>>> There is a use Koha.pm that is useless in Circulation.pm Circulation.pm uses Biblio.pm In Circulation.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioItemData is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioFromItemNumber is used 4 times Circulation.pm uses Items.pm In Circulation.pm the Items.pm, sub CartToShelf is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Items.pm, sub ModItemTransfer is used 4 times In Circulation.pm the Items.pm, sub ModItem is used 5 times In Circulation.pm the Items.pm, sub ModDateLastSeen is used 4 times In Circulation.pm the Items.pm, sub GetItemnumberFromBarcode is used 3 times In Circulation.pm the Items.pm, sub GetItem is used 5 times Circulation.pm uses Members.pm In Circulation.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberAccountRecords is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Members.pm, sub IsMemberBlocked is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMemberDetails is used 5 times Circulation.pm uses Dates.pm In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 2 times In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 18 times In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub today is used 4 times In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub regexp is used 1 times Circulation.pm uses Calendar.pm In Circulation.pm the Calendar.pm, sub addDate is used 2 times Circulation.pm uses Accounts.pm In Circulation.pm the Accounts.pm, sub getnextacctno is used 3 times Circulation.pm uses ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm In Circulation.pm the ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm, sub is_enabled_for is used 2 times Circulation.pm uses Dates.pm In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 2 times In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 18 times In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub today is used 4 times In Circulation.pm the Dates.pm, sub regexp is used 1 times Circulation.pm uses Message.pm In Circulation.pm the Message.pm, sub find_last_message is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Message.pm, sub append is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Message.pm, sub enqueue is used 1 times Circulation.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Circulation.pm Circulation.pm uses Branch.pm In Circulation.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchName is used 1 times In Circulation.pm the Branch.pm, sub mybranch is used 2 times In Circulation.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranches is used 3 times In Circulation.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchDetail is used 1 times Circulation.pm uses Log.pm In Circulation.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 4 times Circulation.pm uses Circulation.pm ===== checking Letters.pm ===== Letters.pm uses Members.pm In Letters.pm the Members.pm, sub GetMember is used 3 times In Letters.pm the Members.pm, sub GetFirstValidEmailAddress is used 1 times Letters.pm uses Branch.pm In Letters.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchDetail is used 1 times Letters.pm uses Log.pm In Letters.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 2 times Letters.pm uses SMS.pm In Letters.pm the SMS.pm, sub send_sms is used 1 times Letters.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Letters.pm Letters.pm uses Letters.pm ===== checking Scheduler.pm ===== Scheduler.pm uses Context.pm Scheduler.pm uses Scheduler.pm ===== checking ImportExportFramework.pm ===== ImportExportFramework.pm uses Context.pm ImportExportFramework.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in ImportExportFramework.pm ImportExportFramework.pm uses ImportExportFramework.pm ===== checking ShelfBrowser.pm ===== ShelfBrowser.pm uses Biblio.pm In ShelfBrowser.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetAuthorisedValueDesc is used 2 times In ShelfBrowser.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcBiblio is used 1 times ShelfBrowser.pm uses Branch.pm In ShelfBrowser.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranches is used 1 times ShelfBrowser.pm uses Context.pm ShelfBrowser.pm uses Koha.pm In ShelfBrowser.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedOCLCNumber is used 1 times In ShelfBrowser.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedUPC is used 1 times In ShelfBrowser.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetNormalizedISBN is used 1 times ShelfBrowser.pm uses ShelfBrowser.pm ===== checking Serials.pm ===== Serials.pm uses Dates.pm In Serials.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 13 times In Serials.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 1 times Serials.pm uses Suggestions.pm In Serials.pm the Suggestions.pm, sub NewSuggestion is used 1 times Serials.pm uses Koha.pm >>>> There is a use Koha.pm that is useless in Serials.pm Serials.pm uses Biblio.pm In Serials.pm the Biblio.pm, sub PrepareItemrecordDisplay is used 2 times In Serials.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcFromKohaField is used 9 times In Serials.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcBiblio is used 1 times In Serials.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblio is used 1 times In Serials.pm the Biblio.pm, sub ModBiblio is used 1 times In Serials.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetFrameworkCode is used 1 times In Serials.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetBiblioItemByBiblioNumber is used 1 times Serials.pm uses Branch.pm In Serials.pm the Branch.pm, sub GetBranchName is used 1 times Serials.pm uses Items.pm In Serials.pm the Items.pm, sub AddItemFromMarc is used 1 times Serials.pm uses Search.pm >>>> There is a use Search.pm that is useless in Serials.pm Serials.pm uses Letters.pm In Serials.pm the Letters.pm, sub SendAlerts is used 1 times Serials.pm uses Log.pm In Serials.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 4 times Serials.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Serials.pm Serials.pm uses Serials.pm ===== checking RotatingCollections.pm ===== RotatingCollections.pm uses Context.pm RotatingCollections.pm uses Circulation.pm In RotatingCollections.pm the Circulation.pm, sub transferbook is used 1 times ===== checking SMS.pm ===== SMS.pm uses Context.pm ===== checking Record.pm ===== Record.pm uses Biblio.pm In Record.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcBiblio is used 1 times In Record.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetMarcAuthors is used 1 times In Record.pm the Biblio.pm, sub GetFrameworkCode is used 1 times Record.pm uses Csv.pm In Record.pm the Csv.pm, sub GetCsvProfile is used 1 times Record.pm uses Koha.pm In Record.pm the Koha.pm, sub GetKohaAuthorisedValuesFromField is used 2 times ===== checking Debug.pm ===== Debug.pm uses Debug.pm Debug.pm uses Debug.pm Debug.pm uses Debug.pm Debug.pm uses Dates.pm >>>> There is a use Dates.pm that is useless in Debug.pm Debug.pm uses Debug.pm ===== checking Message.pm ===== Message.pm uses Context.pm Message.pm uses Letters.pm In Message.pm the Letters.pm, sub parseletter is used 2 times In Message.pm the Letters.pm, sub EnqueueLetter is used 2 times In Message.pm the Letters.pm, sub getletter is used 2 times Message.pm uses Message.pm Message.pm uses Items.pm In Message.pm the Items.pm, sub GetItem is used 1 times Message.pm uses Message.pm ===== checking TmplTokenType.pm ===== ===== checking Acquisition.pm ===== Acquisition.pm uses Context.pm Acquisition.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Acquisition.pm Acquisition.pm uses Dates.pm In Acquisition.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 3 times In Acquisition.pm the Dates.pm, sub output is used 2 times Acquisition.pm uses Suggestions.pm In Acquisition.pm the Suggestions.pm, sub ModSuggestion is used 1 times In Acquisition.pm the Suggestions.pm, sub GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber is used 1 times Acquisition.pm uses Biblio.pm >>>> There is a use Biblio.pm that is useless in Acquisition.pm Acquisition.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Acquisition.pm Acquisition.pm uses SQLHelper.pm In Acquisition.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub InsertInTable is used 1 times Acquisition.pm uses Acquisition.pm ===== checking Auth_with_ldap.pm ===== Auth_with_ldap.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Auth_with_ldap.pm Auth_with_ldap.pm uses Context.pm Auth_with_ldap.pm uses Members.pm In Auth_with_ldap.pm the Members.pm, sub AddMember is used 1 times In Auth_with_ldap.pm the Members.pm, sub changepassword is used 2 times Auth_with_ldap.pm uses Members.pm In Auth_with_ldap.pm the Members.pm, sub AddMember is used 1 times In Auth_with_ldap.pm the Members.pm, sub changepassword is used 2 times Auth_with_ldap.pm uses Members.pm In Auth_with_ldap.pm the Members.pm, sub AddMember is used 1 times In Auth_with_ldap.pm the Members.pm, sub changepassword is used 2 times Auth_with_ldap.pm uses Utils.pm In Auth_with_ldap.pm the Utils.pm, sub hashdump is used 1 times Auth_with_ldap.pm uses Auth_with_ldap.pm ===== checking Cache.pm ===== Cache.pm uses Cache.pm Cache.pm uses Cache.pm ===== checking Boolean.pm ===== Boolean.pm uses Boolean.pm ===== checking Installer.pm ===== Installer.pm uses Context.pm Installer.pm uses Installer.pm Installer.pm uses Installer.pm ===== checking Matcher.pm ===== Matcher.pm uses Context.pm Matcher.pm uses Search.pm In Matcher.pm the Search.pm, sub SimpleSearch is used 1 times Matcher.pm uses Biblio.pm In Matcher.pm the Biblio.pm, sub TransformMarcToKoha is used 1 times ===== checking Suggestions.pm ===== Suggestions.pm uses Context.pm Suggestions.pm uses Output.pm >>>> There is a use Output.pm that is useless in Suggestions.pm Suggestions.pm uses Dates.pm In Suggestions.pm the Dates.pm, sub today is used 1 times In Suggestions.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date_in_iso is used 1 times Suggestions.pm uses SQLHelper.pm In Suggestions.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub UpdateInTable is used 1 times In Suggestions.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub InsertInTable is used 1 times Suggestions.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Suggestions.pm Suggestions.pm uses Letters.pm In Suggestions.pm the Letters.pm, sub parseletter is used 4 times In Suggestions.pm the Letters.pm, sub EnqueueLetter is used 1 times In Suggestions.pm the Letters.pm, sub getletter is used 1 times Suggestions.pm uses Dates.pm In Suggestions.pm the Dates.pm, sub today is used 1 times In Suggestions.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date_in_iso is used 1 times Suggestions.pm uses Suggestions.pm ===== checking Breeding.pm ===== Breeding.pm uses Biblio.pm In Breeding.pm the Biblio.pm, sub TransformMarcToKoha is used 1 times Breeding.pm uses Koha.pm In Breeding.pm the Koha.pm, sub _isbn_cleanup is used 1 times Breeding.pm uses Charset.pm In Breeding.pm the Charset.pm, sub MarcToUTF8Record is used 1 times Breeding.pm uses ImportBatch.pm In Breeding.pm the ImportBatch.pm, sub is used 61 times In Breeding.pm the ImportBatch.pm, sub AddImportBatch is used 1 times In Breeding.pm the ImportBatch.pm, sub ModBiblioInBatch is used 1 times In Breeding.pm the ImportBatch.pm, sub AddBiblioToBatch is used 1 times In Breeding.pm the ImportBatch.pm, sub GetZ3950BatchId is used 1 times Breeding.pm uses Scan.pm >>>> There is a use Scan.pm that is useless in Breeding.pm ===== checking Barcodes.pm ===== Barcodes.pm uses Context.pm Barcodes.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Barcodes.pm Barcodes.pm uses Dates.pm >>>> There is a use Dates.pm that is useless in Barcodes.pm Barcodes.pm uses Barcodes.pm Barcodes.pm uses Barcodes.pm Barcodes.pm uses Barcodes.pm ===== checking ILSDI ===== ===== checking Biblio.pm ===== Biblio.pm uses Koha.pm In Biblio.pm the Koha.pm, sub get_infos_of is used 1 times In Biblio.pm the Koha.pm, sub getitemtypeinfo is used 1 times In Biblio.pm the Koha.pm, sub subfield_is_koha_internal_p is used 1 times Biblio.pm uses Dates.pm In Biblio.pm the Dates.pm, sub format is used 2 times Biblio.pm uses Log.pm In Biblio.pm the Log.pm, sub logaction is used 3 times Biblio.pm uses ClassSource.pm In Biblio.pm the ClassSource.pm, sub GetClassSort is used 3 times In Biblio.pm the ClassSource.pm, sub GetClassSources is used 1 times Biblio.pm uses Charset.pm In Biblio.pm the Charset.pm, sub SetUTF8Flag is used 2 times In Biblio.pm the Charset.pm, sub SetMarcUnicodeFlag is used 1 times In Biblio.pm the Charset.pm, sub StripNonXmlChars is used 1 times Biblio.pm require Heading.pm In Biblio.pm the Heading.pm, sub authorities is used 1 times In Biblio.pm the Heading.pm, sub new_from_bib_field is used 1 times Biblio.pm require Serials.pm In Biblio.pm the Serials.pm, sub DelSubscription is used 1 times In Biblio.pm the Serials.pm, sub GetFullSubscriptionsFromBiblionumber is used 1 times Biblio.pm require Items.pm In Biblio.pm the Items.pm, sub ModItem is used 1 times In Biblio.pm the Items.pm, sub AddItem is used 1 times In Biblio.pm the Items.pm, sub GetMarcItem is used 2 times ===== checking Z3950.pm ===== Z3950.pm uses Input.pm >>>> There is a use Input.pm that is useless in Z3950.pm Z3950.pm uses Biblio.pm >>>> There is a use Biblio.pm that is useless in Z3950.pm Z3950.pm uses Z3950.pm ===== checking Reports ===== ===== checking ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm ===== ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm uses Context.pm ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm uses Category.pm >>>> There is a use Category.pm that is useless in ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm uses ItemType.pm >>>> There is a use ItemType.pm that is useless in ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm uses ItemCirculationAlertPreference.pm ===== checking Branch.pm ===== Branch.pm uses Context.pm Branch.pm uses Koha.pm In Branch.pm the Koha.pm, sub get_infos_of is used 1 times Branch.pm uses Branch.pm ===== checking Stats.pm ===== Stats.pm uses Context.pm Stats.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Stats.pm Stats.pm uses Stats.pm ===== checking NewsChannels.pm ===== NewsChannels.pm uses Context.pm NewsChannels.pm uses Dates.pm In NewsChannels.pm the Dates.pm, sub format_date is used 5 times ===== checking Tags.pm ===== Tags.pm uses Context.pm Tags.pm uses Debug.pm >>>> There is a use Debug.pm that is useless in Tags.pm Tags.pm uses Tags.pm ===== checking Service.pm ===== Service.pm uses Auth.pm In Service.pm the Auth.pm, sub check_api_auth is used 1 times Service.pm uses Output.pm >>>> There is a use Output.pm that is useless in Service.pm Service.pm uses Output.pm >>>> There is a use Output.pm that is useless in Service.pm ===== checking Creators.pm ===== Creators.pm uses Creators.pm Creators.pm uses Creators.pm ===== checking Barcodes ===== ===== checking Cache ===== ===== checking VirtualShelves ===== ===== checking Contract.pm ===== Contract.pm uses SQLHelper.pm In Contract.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub DeleteInTable is used 1 times In Contract.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub UpdateInTable is used 1 times In Contract.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub InsertInTable is used 1 times In Contract.pm the SQLHelper.pm, sub SearchInTable is used 1 times Contract.pm uses Contract.pm ===== checking ClassSortRoutine =====