Bugzilla – Attachment 65405 Details for
Bug 16413
Prototype for GetLatestAutoRenewDate and GetSoonestRenewDate should be changed
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Bug 16413: Change prototype of GetLatestAutoRenewDate
Bug-16413-Change-prototype-of-GetLatestAutoRenewDa.patch (text/plain), 9.16 KB, created by
Jonathan Druart
on 2017-08-01 18:14:07 UTC
Bug 16413: Change prototype of GetLatestAutoRenewDate
MIME Type:
Jonathan Druart
2017-08-01 18:14:07 UTC
9.16 KB
>From 052f88d77740c035205db0b4aeed8d256707c660 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> >Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2017 14:54:36 -0300 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 16413: Change prototype of GetLatestAutoRenewDate > >Currently the 2 GetLatestAutoRenewDate and GetSoonestRenewDate >subroutines takes $borrowernumber and $itemnumber in parameter. >They refetch the patron, item and issue information but they already are >available from where they are called. >It would make sense to change the prototype of these 2 subroutines to >accept the patron, item and issue information directly to avoid >unnecessary refetches. >--- > C4/Circulation.pm | 26 +++++++++----------------- > circ/renew.pl | 6 +++--- > t/db_dependent/Circulation.t | 17 ++++++++++------- > 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/C4/Circulation.pm b/C4/Circulation.pm >index fbc2134a15..af0c715a1d 100644 >--- a/C4/Circulation.pm >+++ b/C4/Circulation.pm >@@ -2992,11 +2992,10 @@ sub GetSoonestRenewDate { > my $item = $params->{item} or return; > my $issue = $params->{issue} or return; > >- my $branchcode = _GetCircControlBranch( $item, $patron->unblessed ); >+ my $branchcode = _GetCircControlBranch( $item->unblessed, $patron->unblessed ); > my $issuing_rule = Koha::IssuingRules->get_effective_issuing_rule( > { categorycode => $patron->categorycode, >- >- itemtype => $item->{itype}, >+ itemtype => $item->effective_itemtype, > branchcode => $branchcode > } > ); >@@ -3023,7 +3022,7 @@ sub GetSoonestRenewDate { > > =head2 GetLatestAutoRenewDate > >- $NoAutoRenewalAfterThisDate = &GetLatestAutoRenewDate({ patron => $patron, issue => $issue, item => $item }); >+ $NoAutoRenewalAfterThisDate = &GetLatestAutoRenewDate({ patron => $patron, checkout => $checkout, item => $item }); > > Find out the latest possible auto renew date of a borrowed item. > >@@ -3031,7 +3030,7 @@ C<$borrower> is the patron who currencly has the item on loan. > > C<$item> is the item to renew. > >-C<$issue> is the issue to renew. >+C<$checkout> is the checkout to renew. > > C<$GetLatestAutoRenewDate> returns the DateTime of the latest possible > auto renew date, based on the value "No auto renewal after" and the "No auto >@@ -3044,21 +3043,14 @@ or item cannot be found. > sub GetLatestAutoRenewDate { > my ( $params ) = @_; > >- my $patron = $params->{patron} or return; >+ my $patron = $params->{patron} or return; > my $item = $params->{item} or return; >- my $issue = $params->{issue} or return; >- >- my $item = GetItem($itemnumber) or return; >- my $itemissue = Koha::Checkouts->find( { itemnumber => $itemnumber } ) or return; >+ my $checkout = $params->{checkout} or return; > >- $borrowernumber ||= $itemissue->borrowernumber; >- my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber ) >- or return; >- >- my $branchcode = _GetCircControlBranch( $item, $patron->unblessed ); >+ my $branchcode = _GetCircControlBranch( $item->unblessed, { branchcode => $patron->branchcode } ); > my $issuing_rule = Koha::IssuingRules->get_effective_issuing_rule( > { categorycode => $patron->categorycode, >- itemtype => $item->{itype}, >+ itemtype => $item->effective_itemtype, > branchcode => $branchcode > } > ); >@@ -3072,7 +3064,7 @@ sub GetLatestAutoRenewDate { > > my $maximum_renewal_date; > if ( $issuing_rule->no_auto_renewal_after ) { >- $maximum_renewal_date = dt_from_string($itemissue->issuedate); >+ $maximum_renewal_date = dt_from_string($checkout->issuedate); > $maximum_renewal_date->add( > $issuing_rule->lengthunit => $issuing_rule->no_auto_renewal_after > ); >diff --git a/circ/renew.pl b/circ/renew.pl >index 32bc4b0d28..cfff2d76e4 100755 >--- a/circ/renew.pl >+++ b/circ/renew.pl >@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ if ($barcode) { > if ( $error && ( $error eq 'auto_too_late' ) ) { > $latest_auto_renew_date = C4::Circulation::GetLatestAutoRenewDate( > { >- patron => $borrower->unblessed, >- item => $item->unblessed, >- issue => $issue->unblessed, >+ patron => $borrower, >+ item => $item, >+ issue => $issue, > } > ); > } >diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t b/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t >index 3acc8123ce..f84d0cbb0a 100755 >--- a/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t >+++ b/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t >@@ -694,36 +694,39 @@ C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines"); > } > ); > >+ my $renewing_borrower_obj = Koha::Patrons->find( $renewing_borrowernumber ); >+ my $item_to_auto_renew_obj = Koha::Items->find( $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} ); >+ > my $ten_days_before = dt_from_string->add( days => -10 ); > my $ten_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 10 ); >- my $issue = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $item_to_auto_renew->{barcode}, $ten_days_ahead, undef, $ten_days_before, undef, { auto_renew => 1 } ); >- $issue->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); >+ my $issue = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $item_to_auto_renew_obj->barcode, $ten_days_ahead, undef, $ten_days_before, undef, { auto_renew => 1 } ); >+ $issue = Koha::Checkouts->find( $issue->issue_id ); > $dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7, no_auto_renewal_after = "", no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = NULL'); >- my $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower, item => $item_to_auto_renew, issue => { issuedate => $issue->issuedate }, } ); >+ my $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower_obj, item => $item_to_auto_renew_obj, checkout => $issue, } ); > is( $latest_auto_renew_date, undef, 'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return undef if no_auto_renewal_after or no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit are not defined' ); > my $five_days_before = dt_from_string->add( days => -5 ); > $dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 5, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = NULL'); >- $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower, item => $item_to_auto_renew, issue => { issuedate => $issue->issuedate }, } ); >+ $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower_obj, item => $item_to_auto_renew_obj, checkout => $issue }, ); > is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'minute' ), > $five_days_before->truncate( to => 'minute' ), > 'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return -5 days if no_auto_renewal_after = 5 and date_due is 10 days before' > ); > my $five_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 5 ); > $dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 15, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = NULL'); >- $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower, item => $item_to_auto_renew, issue => { issuedate => $issue->issuedate }, } ); >+ $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower_obj, item => $item_to_auto_renew_obj, checkout => $issue }, ); > is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'minute' ), > $five_days_ahead->truncate( to => 'minute' ), > 'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return +5 days if no_auto_renewal_after = 15 and date_due is 10 days before' > ); > my $two_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 2 ); > $dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = "", no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = ?', undef, dt_from_string->add( days => 2 ) ); >- $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower, item => $item_to_auto_renew, issue => { issuedate => $issue->issuedate }, } ); >+ $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower_obj, item => $item_to_auto_renew_obj, checkout => $issue }, ); > is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'day' ), > $two_days_ahead->truncate( to => 'day' ), > 'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return +2 days if no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit is defined and not no_auto_renewal_after' > ); > $dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 15, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = ?', undef, dt_from_string->add( days => 2 ) ); >- $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower, item => $item_to_auto_renew, issue => { issuedate => $issue->issuedate }, } ); >+ $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( { patron => $renewing_borrower_obj, item => $item_to_auto_renew_obj, checkout => $issue }, ); > is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'day' ), > $two_days_ahead->truncate( to => 'day' ), > 'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return +2 days if no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit is < no_auto_renewal_after' >-- >2.11.0
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