[patch] Bug 20988: Modify templates so that they can be parsed as HTML
Bug-20988-Modify-templates-so-that-they-can-be-par.patch (text/plain), 31.48 KB, created by Julian Maurice on 2018-06-25 07:20:26 UTC
Creator: Julian Maurice
Created: 2018-06-25 07:20:26 UTC
Size: 31.48 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 20988: 76333 | 76334 | 76335 | 76336 | 76337 | 76338 | 76339 | 76340 | 76341 | 76342 | 76343 | 76344 | 76345 | 76346 | 76347 | 76348 | 76349 | 76350 | 76351 | 76352 | 76353 | 76354 | 76355 | 76356 | 76357 | 76358 | 76359 | 76360 | 76361 | 76362 | 76363 | 76364 | 76365 | 76934 | 76935