[patch] Bug 20935: Add in-page links to the sidebar
Bug-20935-Add-in-page-links-to-the-sidebar.patch (text/plain), 17.65 KB, created by Owen Leonard on 2018-12-05 19:12:43 UTC
Creator: Owen Leonard
Created: 2018-12-05 19:12:43 UTC
Size: 17.65 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 20935: 76039 | 76040 | 76041 | 76097 | 76106 | 76548 | 76664 | 76754 | 76755 | 77163 | 77165 | 77166 | 77167 | 77707 | 77708 | 77709 | 77844 | 77845 | 77846 | 79177 | 79178 | 79179 | 82884 | 82885 | 82886 | 82887 | 82888 | 86784 | 86785 | 86786 | 86787 | 86788 | 86833 | 86834 | 86835 | 86836 | 86837 | 89936 | 89937 | 89938 | 89939 | 89940