From d8d2c408f5891a5d32001c4a365d1ae3c6dbd913 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin Moyano <> Date: Wed, 8 May 2019 23:41:43 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Bug 17178: Add virtual keyboard to advanced cataloguing editor This patch adds Mottie keyboard ( to advanced editor. To test: 1) Apply patches 2) perl install/data/mysql/ 3) Enable EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor system preference 4) Go to cataloguing and to Advanced editor 5) Click on Keyboard shortcuts SUCCESS => the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl-K" should be displayed, with "Toggle keyboard" as description 6) press Ctrl-K SUCCESS => a virtual keyboard should be displayed, and a new toolbar button labeled "Keyboard layout" should appear. => when you press a letter on both the physical and virtual keyboard, they should be added to the editor. 7) Click on "Keyboard layout" SUCCESS => a modal should appear, where you can filter and select keyboard layouts. => when you select a layout, it should be reflected on the keyboard. => when you close the modal without selecting a layout, it should keep using the previous layout. 8) Sign off Sponsored-by: Round Rock Public Library --- .../lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-basic.min.css | 1 + .../lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-dark.min.css | 1 + .../css/keyboard-previewkeyset.min.css | 1 + .../lib/keyboard/css/keyboard.min.css | 1 + .../js/jquery.keyboard.extension-all.min.js | 5 + ...ery.keyboard.extension-altkeyspopup.min.js | 2 + ...ery.keyboard.extension-autocomplete.min.js | 2 + .../js/jquery.keyboard.extension-caret.min.js | 2 + .../jquery.keyboard.extension-extender.min.js | 2 + .../jquery.keyboard.extension-mobile.min.js | 2 + ...query.keyboard.extension-navigation.min.js | 2 + ...ry.keyboard.extension-previewkeyset.min.js | 2 + .../jquery.keyboard.extension-scramble.min.js | 2 + .../jquery.keyboard.extension-typing.min.js | 2 + .../lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.js | 3573 +++++++++++++++++ .../lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.min.js | 2 + .../lib/keyboard/js/jquery.mousewheel.min.js | 2 + .../lib/keyboard/languages/all.min.js | 1 + .../lib/keyboard/layouts/all.min.js | 5 + .../lib/koha/cateditor/marc-editor.js | 78 + .../intranet-tmpl/prog/css/cateditor.css | 12 + .../prog/en/includes/ | 4 + .../prog/en/includes/ | 1 + .../prog/en/modules/cataloguing/ | 20 + 24 files changed, 3725 insertions(+) create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-basic.min.css create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-dark.min.css create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-previewkeyset.min.css create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard.min.css create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-all.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-altkeyspopup.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-autocomplete.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-caret.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-extender.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-mobile.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-navigation.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-previewkeyset.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-scramble.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-typing.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.mousewheel.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/languages/all.min.js create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/layouts/all.min.js diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-basic.min.css b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-basic.min.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..20567ea16e --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-basic.min.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.ui-keyboard{font-size:14px;text-align:center;background:#fefefe;border:1px solid #aaa;padding:4px;width:100%;height:auto;left:0;top:auto;bottom:0;position:fixed;white-space:nowrap;overflow-x:auto;-ms-touch-action:manipulation;touch-action:manipulation}.ui-keyboard-has-focus{z-index:16001}.ui-keyboard-button{border:1px solid #aaa;padding:0 .5em;margin:1px;min-width:3em;height:3em;line-height:3em;vertical-align:top;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;color:#333;text-align:center;border-radius:5px;-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5);background:#fff;background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(-90deg,#fff 0,#e3e3e3 100%);background-image:linear-gradient(-90deg,#fff 0,#e3e3e3 100%);cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;-moz-user-focus:ignore}.ui-keyboard-button:not([disabled]):hover{background:#eee;background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(-90deg,#f2f2f2 0,#d3d3d3 100%);background-image:linear-gradient(-90deg,#f2f2f2 0,#d3d3d3 100%)}.ui-keyboard-button:not([disabled]):active{background:#ddd;background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(-90deg,#e5e5e5 0,#d3d3d3 100%);background-image:linear-gradient(-90deg,#e5e5e5 0,#d3d3d3 100%)}.ui-keyboard-button span{display:block;width:100%;font-size:1.2em;text-align:center}.ui-keyboard-actionkey:not(.ui-keyboard-dec):not(.ui-keyboard-combo){min-width:6em}.ui-keyboard-space{width:15em}.ui-keyboard-actionkey:not(.ui-keyboard-dec):not(.ui-keyboard-combo) span{font-size:.8em;position:relative;top:-1em;left:-1.6em}.ui-keyboard-placeholder{color:#888}.ui-keyboard-nokeyboard{color:#888;border-color:#888}.ui-keyboard-spacer{display:inline-block;width:1px;height:0;cursor:default}.ui-keyboard-LRM span,.ui-keyboard-NBSP span,.ui-keyboard-RLM span,.ui-keyboard-ZWJ span,.ui-keyboard-ZWNJ span,.ui-keyboard-ZWSP span{font-size:.5em;line-height:1.5em;white-space:normal}.ui-keyboard-button.ui-keyboard-combo.ui-state-default{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(213,133,18,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(213,133,18,.5);border-color:#d58512}.ui-keyboard-button.ui-keyboard-combo.ui-state-active{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(38,154,188,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(38,154,188,.5);border-color:#269abc}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-valid-input{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(57,132,57,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(57,132,57,.5);border-color:#398439}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-valid-input:not([disabled]):hover{border-color:#4cae4c}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-invalid-input{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(172,41,37,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(172,41,37,.5);border-color:#ac2925}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-invalid-input:not([disabled]):hover{border-color:#d43f3a}button.ui-keyboard-toggle span{width:.9em;height:.9em;display:inline-block;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-size:contain;background-image:url()}button.ui-keyboard-toggle.ui-keyboard-disabled span{background-image:url()}.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-disabled button:not(.ui-keyboard-toggle),.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-disabled input{opacity:.5}.ui-keyboard-overlay{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;background:rgba(238,238,238,.5)}.ui-keyboard-popup{display:inline-block;max-width:22em}.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-popup-open .ui-keyboard-keyset .ui-keyboard-button{pointer-events:none}.ui-keyboard-caret{background:#c00;width:1px;margin-top:3px}div.ui-keyboard-extender{margin-left:5px;margin-right:10px}button.ui-keyboard-extender span{width:.9em;height:.9em;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:3px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-size:contain;background-image:url()} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-dark.min.css b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-dark.min.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8b451e4de --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-dark.min.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.ui-keyboard{font-size:14px;text-align:center;background:#282828;border:1px solid #484848;padding:4px;width:100%;height:auto;left:0;top:auto;bottom:0;position:fixed;white-space:nowrap;overflow-x:auto;-ms-touch-action:manipulation;touch-action:manipulation}.ui-keyboard-has-focus{z-index:16001}.ui-keyboard-button{border:1px solid #404040;padding:0 .5em;margin:1px;min-width:3em;height:3em;line-height:3em;vertical-align:top;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;color:#eee;text-align:center;border-radius:5px;-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5);background:#444;background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(-90deg,#444 0,#333 100%);background-image:linear-gradient(-90deg,#444 0,#333 100%);cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;-moz-user-focus:ignore}.ui-keyboard-button:not([disabled]):hover{background:#eee;background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(-90deg,#4f4f4f 0,#444 100%);background-image:linear-gradient(-90deg,#4f4f4f 0,#444 100%)}.ui-keyboard-button:not([disabled]):active{background:#ddd;background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(-90deg,#555 0,#5f5f5f 100%);background-image:linear-gradient(-90deg,#555 0,#5f5f5f 100%)}.ui-keyboard-button span{display:block;width:100%;font-size:1.2em;text-align:center}.ui-keyboard-actionkey:not(.ui-keyboard-dec):not(.ui-keyboard-combo){min-width:6em}.ui-keyboard-space{width:15em}.ui-keyboard-actionkey:not(.ui-keyboard-dec):not(.ui-keyboard-combo) span{font-size:.8em;position:relative;top:-1em;left:-1.6em}.ui-keyboard-placeholder{color:#888}.ui-keyboard-nokeyboard{color:#888;border-color:#888}.ui-keyboard-spacer{display:inline-block;width:1px;height:0;cursor:default}.ui-keyboard-LRM span,.ui-keyboard-NBSP span,.ui-keyboard-RLM span,.ui-keyboard-ZWJ span,.ui-keyboard-ZWNJ span,.ui-keyboard-ZWSP span{font-size:.5em;line-height:1.5em;white-space:normal}.ui-keyboard-button.ui-keyboard-combo.ui-state-default{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(213,133,18,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(213,133,18,.5);border-color:#d58512}.ui-keyboard-button.ui-keyboard-combo.ui-state-active{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(38,154,188,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(38,154,188,.5);border-color:#269abc}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-valid-input{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(57,132,57,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(57,132,57,.5);border-color:#398439}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-valid-input:not([disabled]):hover{border-color:#4cae4c}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-invalid-input{-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(172,41,37,.5);box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 0 rgba(172,41,37,.5);border-color:#ac2925}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-invalid-input:not([disabled]):hover{border-color:#d43f3a}button.ui-keyboard-toggle span{width:.9em;height:.9em;display:inline-block;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-size:contain;background-image:url()}button.ui-keyboard-toggle.ui-keyboard-disabled span{background-image:url()}.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-disabled button:not(.ui-keyboard-toggle),.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-disabled input{opacity:.5}.ui-keyboard-overlay{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;background:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}.ui-keyboard-popup{display:inline-block;max-width:22em}.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-popup-open .ui-keyboard-keyset .ui-keyboard-button{pointer-events:none}.ui-keyboard-caret{background:#c00;width:1px;margin-top:3px}div.ui-keyboard-extender{margin-left:5px;margin-right:10px}button.ui-keyboard-extender span{width:.9em;height:.9em;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:3px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-size:contain;background-image:url()} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-previewkeyset.min.css b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-previewkeyset.min.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51b843fa95 --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/css/keyboard-previewkeyset.min.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.ui-keyboard-keyset 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+.ui-keyboard{text-align:center;padding:.3em;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:16000;-ms-touch-action:manipulation;touch-action:manipulation}.ui-keyboard-has-focus{z-index:16001}.ui-keyboard div{font-size:1.1em}.ui-keyboard[contenteditable]{white-space:pre}.ui-keyboard-button{height:2em;min-width:2em;margin:.1em;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;line-height:2em;-moz-user-focus:ignore}.ui-keyboard-button span{padding:0;margin:0;white-space:nowrap;display:inline-block}.ui-keyboard-button-endrow{clear:left}.ui-keyboard-space{width:15em}.ui-keyboard-empty span,.ui-keyboard-space span{font:0/0 a;text-shadow:none;color:transparent}.ui-keyboard-preview-wrapper{text-align:center;position:relative;overflow:hidden}.ui-keyboard-preview{text-align:left;margin:0 0 3px 0;display:inline;width:99%}.ui-keyboard-keyset{text-align:center;white-space:nowrap}.ui-keyboard-input{text-align:left}.ui-keyboard-input-current{-moz-box-shadow:0 0 5px #4d90fe;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px #4d90fe;box-shadow:0 0 5px #4d90fe}.ui-keyboard-placeholder{color:#888}.ui-keyboard-nokeyboard{color:#888;border-color:#888}.ui-keyboard-spacer{display:inline-block;width:1px;height:0;cursor:default}.ui-keyboard-LRM span,.ui-keyboard-NBSP span,.ui-keyboard-RLM span,.ui-keyboard-ZWJ span,.ui-keyboard-ZWNJ span,.ui-keyboard-ZWSP span{font-size:.5em;line-height:1.5em;white-space:normal}.ui-keyboard-button.ui-keyboard-combo.ui-state-default{border-color:#ffaf0f}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-valid-input{border-color:#0c0;background:#080;color:#fff}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-valid-input:not([disabled]):hover{background:#0a0}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-invalid-input{border-color:#c00;background:#800;color:#fff;opacity:.5}button.ui-keyboard-accept.ui-keyboard-invalid-input:not([disabled]):hover{background:#a00}.ui-keyboard-caret{background:#c00;width:1px;margin-top:3px}div.ui-body.ui-keyboard button.ui-keyboard-button.ui-btn{padding:.5em 1em;border-color:transparent}.ui-body 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button:not(.ui-keyboard-toggle),.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-disabled input{opacity:.5}.ui-keyboard-overlay{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;background:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}.ui-keyboard-popup{display:inline-block;max-width:22em}.ui-keyboard.ui-keyboard-popup-open .ui-keyboard-keyset .ui-keyboard-button{pointer-events:none}div.ui-keyboard-extender{margin-left:5px}button.ui-keyboard-extender span{width:.9em;height:.9em;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:3px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-size:contain;background-image:url()}.ui-keyboard-dark-theme button.ui-keyboard-extender span{background-image:url()}@media all and (max-width:319px){.ui-keyboard div{font-size:9px}.ui-keyboard .ui-keyboard-input{font-size:12px}.ui-body .ui-btn{margin:0;font-size:9px}.ui-body .ui-keyboard-button{width:1.8em;height:2.5em}.ui-body .ui-keyboard-widekey{width:4em}.ui-body .ui-keyboard-space{width:8em}.ui-body .ui-btn-inner{height:2.5em;padding:.3em 0}}@media all and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:479px){.ui-keyboard div{font-size:9px}.ui-keyboard .ui-keyboard-input{font-size:14px}.ui-body .ui-btn{margin:0;font-size:11px}.ui-body .ui-keyboard-button{width:1.8em;height:3em}.ui-body .ui-keyboard-widekey{width:4.5em}.ui-body .ui-keyboard-space{width:10em}.ui-body .ui-btn-inner{height:3em;padding:.7em 0}}@media all and (min-width:480px) and (max-width:767px){.ui-keyboard div{font-size:13px}.ui-keyboard .ui-keyboard-input{font-size:14px}.ui-body .ui-btn{margin:0;font-size:10px}.ui-body .ui-keyboard-button{height:2.5em}.ui-body .ui-btn-inner{height:2.5em;padding:.5em 0}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-all.min.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-all.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68d8b0d07f --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-all.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard (1.29.1) - ALL Extensions + Mousewheel */ +/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard Alt Key Popup v2.0.0 */ +!function(e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],e):"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e(require("jquery")):e(jQuery)}(function(b){"use strict";var f=b.keyboard;b.extend(f.css,{altKeyPopup:"ui-keyboard-popup",altKeyOverlay:"ui-keyboard-overlay",altKeyPopupOpen:"ui-keyboard-popup-open"}),f.altKeys=b.extend({a:"å æ ā ă ą à á â ã ä",A:"Å Æ Ā Ă Ą À Á  à Ä",c:"ç ć ĉ ċ č",C:"Ç Ć Ĉ Ċ Č",d:"ď ð ď",D:"Ď Ð Ď",e:"ė ę ĕ ě ə è é ê ë ē",E:"Ė Ę Ĕ Ě Ǝ È É Ê Ë Ē",g:"ģ ğ ĝ ġ",G:"Ģ Ğ Ĝ Ġ",h:"ĥ ħ",H:"Ĥ Ħ",i:"ı į ī ï î í ì ĩ ĭ",I:"İ Į Ī Ï Î Í Ì Ĩ Ĭ",j:"ĵ",J:"Ĵ",k:"ķ",K:"Ķ",l:"Ł Ľ Ļ Ĺ Ŀ",L:"ł ľ ļ ĺ ŀ",n:"ʼn ň ņ ń ñ",N:"ʼn Ň Ņ Ń Ñ",o:"œ ő ø ö õ ô ó ò ō ŏ",O:"Œ Ő Ø Ö Õ Ô Ó Ò Ō Ŏ",r:"ŕ ř ŗ",R:"Ŕ Ř Ŗ",s:"ś š ş ß § ŝ",S:"Ś Š Ş ẞ § Ŝ",t:"þ ť ț ţ ŧ",T:"Þ Ť Ț Ţ Ŧ",u:"ų ű ů ū ü û ú ù ũ ŭ",U:"Ų Ű Ů Ū Ü Û Ú Ù Ũ Ŭ",w:"ŵ",W:"Ŵ",y:"ý",Y:"Ý",z:"ź ż ž",Z:"Ź Ż 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d.caretlt:r.start--}e!==d.caretrt&&e!==d.caretlt||(r.start=r.start<0?0:r.start>g?g:r.start,v.last.start=v.last.end=r.end=r.start,u.keyboard.caret(v.$preview,v.last)),(s=v.getMaxIndex(o,t))<a&&(a=s),o.find("."+y.css.buttonHover).removeClass(y.css.buttonHover),o.find("."+l.keyButton+'[data-pos="'+t+","+a+'"]').addClass(y.css.buttonHover),c.position=[t,a]}},v.options.alwaysOpen&&v.isVisible()&&(v.$keyboard.find("."+y.css.buttonHover).removeClass(y.css.buttonHover),v.navigation_init()),v.$el.unbind(v.navigation_namespace).bind(n.kbVisible,function(){v.$keyboard.find("."+y.css.buttonHover).removeClass(y.css.buttonHover),v.navigation_init()}).bind(n.kbInactive+" "+n.kbHidden,function(e){v.checkKeys(e.which,!0)}).bind(n.kbKeysetChange,function(){v.navigateKeys(null)}).bind("navigate navigateTo",function(e,t,a){var n;(t=isNaN(t)?t.toLowerCase():t)in v.navigation_keys?(n=v.navigation_keys[t],isNaN(n)&&n in u.keyboard.keyaction?u.keyboard.keyaction[n](v,this,e):"function"==typeof n?n(v):v.checkKeys(n)):"string"==typeof t&&t in u.keyboard.keyaction?u.keyboard.keyaction[t](v,this,e):v.navigateKeys(null,t,a)}))})}}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-previewkeyset.min.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-previewkeyset.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09d8df09a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-previewkeyset.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard previewKeyset v1.1.1 */ +!function(e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],e):"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e(require("jquery")):e(jQuery)}(function(d){"use strict";d.keyboard=d.keyboard||{},d.fn.previewKeyset=function(n){return this.each(function(){var e=d(this).data("keyboard"),t=e.namespace+"Preview";e&&(e.previewKeyset_options=d.extend({},{sets:["normal","shift","alt","alt-shift"]},n),e.extensionNamespace.push(t),e.previewKeyset=function(){var a=d.keyboard.css,r=e.previewKeyset_options.sets,s=e.$keyboard.find("."+a.keySet).filter('[name="'+r.join('"],[name="')+'"]');1<s.length&&s.eq(0).find("."+a.keyButton).not("."+a.keyAction).each(function(){var e,t,n={},i=r.length,o=s.find('button[data-pos="'+d(this).attr("data-pos")+'"]');for(e=0;e<i;e++)t=o.eq(e).parent().attr("name"),0<=d.inArray(t,r)&&(n["data-"+t]=o.eq(e).find("."+a.keyText).text());o.attr(n)})},e.options.alwaysOpen&&e.isVisible()?e.previewKeyset():e.$el.unbind(,function(){e.previewKeyset()}))})}}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-scramble.min.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-scramble.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29bd8f0604 --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-scramble.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard Scramble Extension v1.8.0 */ +!function(e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],e):"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e(require("jquery")):e(jQuery)}(function(f){"use strict";f.keyboard=f.keyboard||{},f.fn.addScramble=function(e){var a={targetKeys:/[a-z\d]/i,byRow:!0,byKeySet:!1,randomizeOnce:!0,randomizeInput:!1,init:null,sameForAll:!1};return this.each(function(){var b,c=f(this).data("keyboard"),t=c.namespace+"Scramble",o=c.options;c&&!c.scramble_options&&(b=c.scramble_options=f.extend({},a,e),c.extensionNamespace.push(t),b.orig_create=o.create,c.scramble_setup=function(e){var t,o,a,n,r,i,u,y,d,s,l;if(t=e.find("."+f.keyboard.css.keySet),e.length){for(b.byKeySet&&(t=t.eq(0)),o=0;o<t.length;o++)if(a=t.eq(o),u=0,l=[],d=[],y=[],s=[],a.children("button, span, br").each(function(){"BR"===this.tagName?(b.byRow?(l.push(this),d.push(!1),s[u]=l,y[u]=d,l=[],d=[]):(s[u]=this,y[u]=!1),u++):(i=!(1!==(i=f(this).attr("data-value")||"").length||!b.targetKeys.test(i))&&i,b.byRow?(l.push(this),d.push(i)):(s[u]=this,y[u]=i,u++))}),a.find("."+f.keyboard.css.endRow).remove(),b.byRow)for(r=0;r<s.length;r++)for(l=c.shuffle(s[r],y[r]),n=0;n<l.length;n++)a.append(l[n]);else for(l=c.shuffle(s,y),n=0;n<l.length;n++)a.append(l[n]);return b.byKeySet&&(e=c.realign(e)),e}},c.getRandomUInt=function(e){var t=window.crypto||window.msCrypto;if(void 0===t)return Math.floor(Math.random()*e);var o=new Uint32Array(1);return t.getRandomValues(o),o[0]%e},c.shuffle=function(e,t){for(var o,a,n=e.length;0<n;)a=c.getRandomUInt(n),!1===t[n-1]&&n--,!1!==t[n-1]&&!1!==t[a]&&(o=e[--n],e[n]=e[a],e[a]=o);return e},c.realign=function(e){var o,a,n,r=e.find("."+f.keyboard.css.keySet),t=r.eq(0);return r=r.filter(":gt(0)"),t.children().each(function(e,t){a="BR"===t.tagName,n=f(t).attr("data-pos"),r.each(function(e,t){o=a?"br:first":'button[data-pos="'+n+'"]',f(t).find(o).appendTo(t)})}),e},c.setScrambleLayout=function(){if(!/^scrambled/.test(o.layout)){c.orig_layout=o.layout;var e=e||"scrambled"+Math.round(1e4*Math.random());o.layout=b.sameForAll?e:"scrambled"+Math.round(1e4*Math.random())}},o.create=function(){var e=o.layout;f.keyboard.builtLayouts[e]={mappedKeys:{},acceptedKeys:[],$keyboard:null},c.layout=o.layout=c.orig_layout,c.buildKeyboard(c.layout,!0),c.layout=o.layout=e,f.keyboard.builtLayouts[e]=f.extend(!0,{},f.keyboard.builtLayouts[c.orig_layout]),b.randomizeOnce&&(f.keyboard.builtLayouts[e].$keyboard=c.scramble_setup(f.keyboard.builtLayouts[c.orig_layout].$keyboard.clone())),c.$keyboard=f.keyboard.builtLayouts[e].$keyboard,b.randomizeInput?c.$el.unbind(,function(e,t){b.targetKeys.test(t.last.key)&&(t.$keyboard.find("."+o.css.buttonHover).removeClass(o.css.buttonHover),t.$keyboard=t.scramble_setup(t.$keyboard),f(document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY)).trigger("mouseenter"))}):b.randomizeOnce||c.$el.unbind(,function(e,t){t.$keyboard=t.scramble_setup(t.$keyboard)}),"function"==typeof b.orig_create&&b.orig_create(c)},c.setScrambleLayout(),o.alwaysOpen&&c.$keyboard.length?setTimeout(function(){var e=f.keyboard.builtLayouts;c.$keyboard=c.scramble_setup(c.$keyboard),c.setScrambleLayout(),void 0===e[o.layout]&&(e[o.layout]={mappedKeys:f.extend({},e[c.layout].mappedKeys),acceptedKeys:f.extend([],e[c.layout].acceptedKeys),$keyboard:c.$keyboard.clone()}),"function"==typeof b.init&&b.init(c)},0):"function"==typeof b.init&&b.init(c))})}}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-typing.min.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-typing.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1438409159 --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.extension-typing.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard Typing Simulator v1.12.0 */ +!function(e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],e):"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e(require("jquery")):e(jQuery)}(function(p){p.fn.addTyping=function(e){var t={showTyping:!0,lockTypeIn:!1,delay:250,hoverDelay:250},f=p.keyboard;return this.each(function(){var g,l=p(this).data("keyboard");l&&(g=l.typing_options=p.extend({},t,e),l.typing_keymap={" ":"space",'"':"34","'":"39"," ":"space","\b":"bksp","{b}":"bksp","{d}":"del","{l}":"left","{r}":"right","\n":"enter","\r":"enter","{e}":"enter","\t":"tab","{t}":"tab"},l.typing_xref={8:"bksp",9:"tab",13:"enter",32:"space",37:"left",39:"right",46:"del"},l.typing_event=!1,l.typing_namespace=l.namespace+"typing",l.extensionNamespace.push(l.typing_namespace),g.savedLockInput=l.options.lockInput,l.typing_setup_reset=function(){var,t=l.typing_namespace,n=[e.kbHidden,e.kbInactive,""].join(t+" ");l.$el.unbind(t).bind(n,function(){l.typing_reset()}),l.unbindButton(t).bindButton("mousedown"+t,function(){l.typing_reset()})},l.typing_setup=function(){var e=l.typing_namespace;l.typing_setup_reset(),l.$el.bind(,function(){l.typing_setup()}),l.$preview.unbind(e).bind("keyup"+e,function(e){return!(g.init&&g.lockTypeIn||!g.showTyping)&&(37<=e.which&&e.which<=40?void 0:(16===e.which&&(l.shiftActive=!1),18===e.which&&(l.altActive=!1),16===e.which||18===e.which?(l.showSet(),void setTimeout(function(){l.$preview&&l.$preview.focus()},200)):void 0))}).bind("keydown"+e,function(e){if(g.init&&g.lockTypeIn||!g.showTyping)return!1;e.temp=!1,16===e.which&&(e.temp=!l.shiftActive,l.shiftActive=!0),18===e.which&&(e.temp=!l.altActive,l.altActive=!0),e.temp&&(l.showSet(),l.$preview.focus()),l.typing_event=!0,l.typing_xref[e.which]&&l.typing_findKey("",e)}).bind("keypress"+e,function(e){if(g.init&&g.lockTypeIn)return!1;l.typing_event&&!l.options.lockInput&&(l.typing_reset(),l.typing_event=!0,l.typing_findKey("",e))})},l.typing_reset=function(){l.typing_event=g.init=!1,g.text="",g.len=g.current=0,l.options.lockInput=g.savedLockInput},l.typeIn=function(e,t,n,i){if(!l.isVisible())return clearTimeout(l.typing_timer),void l.typing_reset();if(l.typing_event){if(void 0===e)return l.typing_event=!1,void(l.options.lockInput=g.savedLockInput)}else!0!==g.init&&(g.init=!0,l.options.lockInput=g.lockTypeIn,g.text=e||g.text||"",g.len=g.text.length,g.delay=t||g.delay,g.current=0,n&&(g.callback=n)),"{"===(e=g.text.substring(g.current,++g.current))&&"}"===g.text.substring(g.current+1,g.current+2)&&(e+=g.text.substring(g.current,g.current+=2)),l.typing_findKey(e,i)},l.typing_findKey=function(e,t){var n,i,p,y,s,o,r,a,c=f.css,u=f.builtLayouts[l.layout].mappedKeys;if(l.isOpen&&l.$keyboard.length)if(o=l.$keyboard.find("."+c.keySet),y=e in l.typing_keymap?l.typing_keymap[e]:e,n="."+c.keyButton+'[data-action="'+y+'"]',l.typing_event&&t&&(n="keypress"!==t.type&&l.typing_xref.hasOwnProperty(t.keyCode||t.which)?"."+c.keyPrefix+l.processName(l.typing_xref[t.keyCode||t.which]):(i=String.fromCharCode(t.charCode||t.which),u.hasOwnProperty(i)?"."+c.keyButton+'[data-value="'+u[i].replace(/"/g,'\\"')+'"]':"."+c.keyPrefix+l.processName(i))),(s=o.filter(":visible").find(n)).length?l.typing_simulateKey(s,e,t):(a=(s=l.typing_event?o.find(n):(p=e in l.typing_keymap?l.typing_keymap[e]:l.processName(e),o.find("."+c.keyPrefix+p))).closest("."+c.keySet)).attr("name")?(g.showTyping&&(r=a.attr("name"),l.shiftActive=/shift/.test(r),l.altActive=/alt/.test(r),l.metaActive=l.last.keyset[2]=!!/\bmeta/.test(r)&&r.match(/meta[\w-]+/)[0],l.showSet(l.metaActive)),l.typing_simulateKey(s,e,t)):l.typing_event||(e in l.typing_keymap&&l.typing_keymap[e]in f.keyaction?f.keyaction[l.typing_keymap[e]](l,s,t):l.insertText(e),l.checkCombos(),l.$el.trigger(,[l,l.el])),g.current<=g.len&&0!==g.len){if(!l.isVisible())return;l.typing_timer=setTimeout(function(){l.typeIn()},g.delay)}else{if(0!==g.len)return l.typing_reset(),void("function"==typeof g.callback&&(l.typing_timer=setTimeout(function(){"function"==typeof g.callback&&g.callback(l)},g.delay)));l.typing_reset()}},l.typing_simulateKey=function(e,t,n){var i=e.length;l.isVisible()&&(g.showTyping&&i&&(e.filter(":visible").trigger("mouseenter"+l.namespace),g.showTyping&&i&&setTimeout(function(){e.trigger("mouseleave"+l.namespace)},Math.min(g.hoverDelay,g.delay))),l.typing_event||setTimeout(function(){t in l.typing_keymap&&l.typing_keymap[t]in f.keyaction?((n=n||p.Event("keypress")).target=e,f.keyaction[l.typing_keymap[t]](l,e,n)):l.insertText(t),l.checkCombos(),l.$el.trigger(,[l,l.el])},g.delay/3))},g.showTyping&&l.options.alwaysOpen&&l.isVisible()?l.typing_setup():l.$el.unbind(,function(){g.showTyping?l.typing_setup():l.typing_setup_reset()}))})}}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1fbefe7ee --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.js @@ -0,0 +1,3573 @@ +/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard v1.29.1 *//* +Author: Jeremy Satterfield +Maintained: Rob Garrison (Mottie on github) +Licensed under the MIT License + +An on-screen virtual keyboard embedded within the browser window which +will popup when a specified entry field is focused. The user can then +type and preview their input before Accepting or Canceling. + +This plugin adds default class names to match jQuery UI theme styling. +Bootstrap & custom themes may also be applied - See + + +Requires: + jQuery v1.4.3+ + Caret plugin (included) +Optional: + jQuery UI (position utility only) & CSS theme + jQuery mousewheel + +Setup/Usage: + Please refer to + +----------------------------------------- +Caret code modified from jquery.caret.1.02.js +Licensed under the MIT License: + +----------------------------------------- +*/ +/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ +/*global require:false, define:false, module:false */ +;(function (factory) { + if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { + define(['jquery'], factory); + } else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { + module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); + } else { + factory(jQuery); + } +}(function ($) { + 'use strict'; + var $keyboard = $.keyboard = function (el, options) { + var o, base = this; + + base.version = '1.29.1'; + + // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element + base.$el = $(el); + base.el = el; + + // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object + base.$'keyboard', base); + + base.init = function () { + base.initialized = false; + var k, position, tmp, + kbcss = $keyboard.css, + kbevents = $; + base.settings = options || {}; + // shallow copy position to prevent performance issues; see #357 + if (options && options.position) { + position = $.extend({}, options.position); + options.position = null; + } + base.options = o = $.extend(true, {}, $keyboard.defaultOptions, options); + if (position) { + o.position = position; + options.position = position; + } + + // keyboard is active (not destroyed); + = true; + // unique keyboard namespace + base.namespace = '.keyboard' + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2); + // extension namespaces added here (to unbind listeners on base.$el upon destroy) + base.extensionNamespace = []; + // Shift and Alt key toggles, sets is true if a layout has more than one keyset + // used for mousewheel message + base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = base.sets = base.capsLock = false; + // Class names of the basic key set - meta keysets are handled by the keyname + base.rows = ['', '-shift', '-alt', '-alt-shift']; + + base.inPlaceholder = base.$el.attr('placeholder') || ''; + // html 5 placeholder/watermark + base.watermark = $keyboard.watermark && base.inPlaceholder !== ''; + // convert mouse repeater rate (characters per second) into a time in milliseconds. + base.repeatTime = 1000 / (o.repeatRate || 20); + // delay in ms to prevent mousedown & touchstart from both firing events at the same time + o.preventDoubleEventTime = o.preventDoubleEventTime || 100; + // flag indication that a keyboard is open + base.isOpen = false; + // is mousewheel plugin loaded? + base.wheel = typeof $.fn.mousewheel === 'function'; + // special character in regex that need to be escaped + base.escapeRegex = /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g; + base.isTextArea = base.el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea'; + base.isInput = base.el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input'; + // detect contenteditable + base.isContentEditable = !base.isTextArea && + !base.isInput && + base.el.isContentEditable; + + // keyCode of keys always allowed to be typed + k = $keyboard.keyCodes; + // base.alwaysAllowed = [20,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,45,46]; + base.alwaysAllowed = [ + k.capsLock, + k.pageUp, + k.pageDown, + k.end, + k.home, + k.left, + k.up, + k.right, + k.down, + k.insert, + k.delete + ]; + base.$keyboard = []; + // keyboard enabled; set to false on destroy + base.enabled = true; + + base.checkCaret = (o.lockInput || $keyboard.checkCaretSupport()); + + // disable problematic usePreview for contenteditable + if (base.isContentEditable) { + o.usePreview = false; + } + + base.last = { + start: 0, + end: 0, + key: '', + val: '', + preVal: '', + layout: '', + virtual: true, + keyset: [false, false, false], // [shift, alt, meta] + wheel_$Keys: [], + wheelIndex: 0, + wheelLayers: [] + }; + // used when building the keyboard - [keyset element, row, index] + base.temp = ['', 0, 0]; + + // Callbacks + $.each([ + kbevents.kbInit, + kbevents.kbBeforeVisible, + kbevents.kbVisible, + kbevents.kbHidden, + kbevents.inputCanceled, + kbevents.inputAccepted, + kbevents.kbBeforeClose, + kbevents.inputRestricted + ], function (i, callback) { + if (typeof o[callback] === 'function') { + // bind callback functions within options to triggered events + base.$el.bind(callback + base.namespace + 'callbacks', o[callback]); + } + }); + + // Close with esc key & clicking outside + if (o.alwaysOpen) { + o.stayOpen = true; + } + + tmp = $(document); + if (base.el.ownerDocument !== document) { + tmp = tmp.add(base.el.ownerDocument); + } + + var bindings = 'keyup checkkeyboard mousedown touchstart '; + if (o.closeByClickEvent) { + bindings += 'click '; + } + // debounce bindings... see #542 + tmp.bind(bindings.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' '), function(e) { + clearTimeout(base.timer3); + base.timer3 = setTimeout(function() { + base.checkClose(e); + }, 1); + }); + + // Display keyboard on focus + base.$el + .addClass(kbcss.input + ' ' + o.css.input) + .attr({ + 'aria-haspopup': 'true', + 'role': 'textbox' + }); + + // set lockInput if the element is readonly; or make the element readonly if lockInput is set + if (o.lockInput || base.el.readOnly) { + o.lockInput = true; + base.$el + .addClass(kbcss.locked) + .attr({ + 'readonly': 'readonly' + }); + } + // add disabled/readonly class - dynamically updated on reveal + if (base.isUnavailable()) { + base.$el.addClass(kbcss.noKeyboard); + } + if (o.openOn) { + base.bindFocus(); + } + + // Add placeholder if not supported by the browser + if ( + !base.watermark && + base.getValue(base.$el) === '' && + base.inPlaceholder !== '' && + base.$el.attr('placeholder') !== '' + ) { + // css watermark style (darker text) + base.$el.addClass(kbcss.placeholder); + base.setValue(base.inPlaceholder, base.$el); + } + + base.$el.trigger(kbevents.kbInit, [base, base.el]); + + // initialized with keyboard open + if (o.alwaysOpen) { + base.reveal(); + } + base.initialized = true; + }; + + base.toggle = function () { + if (!base.hasKeyboard()) { return; } + var $toggle = base.$keyboard.find('.' + $keyboard.css.keyToggle), + locked = !base.enabled; + // prevent physical keyboard from working + base.preview.readonly = locked || base.options.lockInput; + // disable all buttons + base.$keyboard + .toggleClass($keyboard.css.keyDisabled, locked) + .find('.' + $keyboard.css.keyButton) + .not($toggle) + .attr('aria-disabled', locked) + .each(function() { + this.disabled = locked; + }); + $toggle.toggleClass($keyboard.css.keyDisabled, locked); + // stop auto typing + if (locked && base.typing_options) { + base.typing_options.text = ''; + } + // allow chaining + return base; + }; + + base.setCurrent = function () { + var kbcss = $keyboard.css, + // close any "isCurrent" keyboard (just in case they are always open) + $current = $('.' + kbcss.isCurrent), + kb = $'keyboard'); + // close keyboard, if not self + if (!$.isEmptyObject(kb) && kb.el !== base.el) { + kb.close(kb.options.autoAccept ? 'true' : false); + } + $current.removeClass(kbcss.isCurrent); + // ui-keyboard-has-focus is applied in case multiple keyboards have + // alwaysOpen = true and are stacked + $('.' + kbcss.hasFocus).removeClass(kbcss.hasFocus); + + base.$el.addClass(kbcss.isCurrent); + base.$keyboard.addClass(kbcss.hasFocus); + base.isCurrent(true); + base.isOpen = true; + }; + + base.isUnavailable = function() { + return ( + base.$':disabled') || ( + !base.options.activeOnReadonly && + base.$el.attr('readonly') && + !base.$el.hasClass($keyboard.css.locked) + ) + ); + }; + + base.isCurrent = function (set) { + var cur = $keyboard.currentKeyboard || false; + if (set) { + cur = $keyboard.currentKeyboard = base.el; + } else if (set === false && cur === base.el) { + cur = $keyboard.currentKeyboard = ''; + } + return cur === base.el; + }; + + base.hasKeyboard = function () { + return base.$keyboard && base.$keyboard.length > 0; + }; + + base.isVisible = function () { + return base.hasKeyboard() ? base.$':visible') : false; + }; + + base.setFocus = function () { + var $el = base.$preview || base.$el; + if (!o.noFocus) { + $el.focus(); + } + if (base.isContentEditable) { + $keyboard.setEditableCaret($el, base.last.start, base.last.end); + } else { + $keyboard.caret($el, base.last); + } + }; + + base.focusOn = function () { + if (!base && { + // keyboard was destroyed + return; + } + if (!base.isVisible()) { + clearTimeout(base.timer); + base.reveal(); + } else { + // keyboard already open, make it the current keyboard + base.setCurrent(); + } + }; + + // add redraw method to make API more clear + base.redraw = function (layout) { + if (layout) { + // allow updating the layout by calling redraw + base.options.layout = layout; + } + // update keyboard after a layout change + if (base.$keyboard.length) { + + base.last.preVal = '' + base.last.val; + base.saveLastChange(); + base.setValue(base.last.val, base.$el); + + base.removeKeyboard(); + base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false; + } + base.isOpen = o.alwaysOpen; + base.reveal(true); + return base; + }; + + base.reveal = function (redraw) { + var temp, + alreadyOpen = base.isOpen, + kbcss = $keyboard.css; + base.opening = !alreadyOpen; + // remove all 'extra' keyboards by calling close function + $('.' + kbcss.keyboard).not('.' + kbcss.alwaysOpen).each(function(){ + var kb = $(this).data('keyboard'); + if (!$.isEmptyObject(kb)) { + // this closes previous keyboard when clicking another input - see #515 + kb.close(kb.options.autoAccept ? 'true' : false); + } + }); + + // Don't open if disabled + if (base.isUnavailable()) { + return; + } + base.$el.removeClass(kbcss.noKeyboard); + + // Unbind focus to prevent recursion - openOn may be empty if keyboard is opened externally + if (o.openOn) { + base.$el.unbind($.trim((o.openOn + ' ').split(/\s+/).join(base.namespace + ' '))); + } + + // build keyboard if it doesn't exist; or attach keyboard if it was removed, but not cleared + if (!base.$keyboard || base.$keyboard && + (!base.$keyboard.length || $.contains(base.el.ownerDocument.body, base.$keyboard[0]))) { + base.startup(); + } + + // clear watermark + if (!base.watermark && base.getValue() === base.inPlaceholder) { + base.$el.removeClass(kbcss.placeholder); + base.setValue('', base.$el); + } + // save starting content, in case we cancel + base.originalContent = base.isContentEditable ? + base.$el.html() : + base.getValue(base.$el); + if (base.el !== base.preview && !base.isContentEditable) { + base.setValue(base.originalContent); + } + + // disable/enable accept button + if (o.acceptValid && o.checkValidOnInit) { + base.checkValid(); + } + + if (o.resetDefault) { + base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false; + } + base.showSet(); + + // beforeVisible event + if (!base.isVisible()) { + base.$el.trigger($, [base, base.el]); + } + if ( + base.initialized || + o.initialFocus || + ( !o.initialFocus && base.$el.hasClass($keyboard.css.initialFocus) ) + ) { + base.setCurrent(); + } + // update keyboard - enabled or disabled? + base.toggle(); + + // show keyboard + base.$; + + // adjust keyboard preview window width - save width so IE won't keep expanding (fix issue #6) + if (o.usePreview && $keyboard.msie) { + if (typeof base.width === 'undefined') { + base.$preview.hide(); // preview is 100% browser width in IE7, so hide the damn thing + base.width = Math.ceil(base.$keyboard.width()); // set input width to match the widest keyboard row + base.$; + } + base.$preview.width(base.width); + } + + base.reposition(); + + base.checkDecimal(); + + // get preview area line height + // add roughly 4px to get line height from font height, works well for font-sizes from 14-36px + // needed for textareas + base.lineHeight = parseInt(base.$preview.css('lineHeight'), 10) || + parseInt(base.$preview.css('font-size'), 10) + 4; + + if (o.caretToEnd) { + temp = base.isContentEditable ? $keyboard.getEditableLength(base.el) : base.originalContent.length; + base.saveCaret(temp, temp); + } + + // IE caret haxx0rs + if ($keyboard.allie) { + // sometimes end = 0 while start is > 0 + if (base.last.end === 0 && base.last.start > 0) { + base.last.end = base.last.start; + } + // IE will have start -1, end of 0 when not focused (see demo: + if (base.last.start < 0) { + // ensure caret is at the end of the text (needed for IE) + base.last.start = base.last.end = base.originalContent.length; + } + } + + if (alreadyOpen || redraw) { + // restore caret position (userClosed) + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last); + base.opening = false; + return base; + } + + // opening keyboard flag; delay allows switching between keyboards without immediately closing + // the keyboard + base.timer2 = setTimeout(function () { + var undef; + base.opening = false; + // Number inputs don't support selectionStart and selectionEnd + // Number/email inputs don't support selectionStart and selectionEnd + if (!/(number|email)/i.test(base.el.type) && !o.caretToEnd) { + // caret position is always 0,0 in webkit; and nothing is focused at this point... odd + // save caret position in the input to transfer it to the preview + // inside delay to get correct caret position + base.saveCaret(undef, undef, base.$el); + } + if (o.initialFocus || base.$el.hasClass($keyboard.css.initialFocus)) { + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last); + } + // save event time for keyboards with stayOpen: true + base.last.eventTime = new Date().getTime(); + base.$el.trigger($, [base, base.el]); + base.timer = setTimeout(function () { + // get updated caret information after visible event - fixes #331 + if (base) { // Check if base exists, this is a case when destroy is called, before timers fire + base.saveCaret(); + } + }, 200); + }, 10); + // return base to allow chaining in typing extension + return base; + }; + + base.updateLanguage = function () { + // change language if layout is named something like 'french-azerty-1' + var layouts = $keyboard.layouts, + lang = o.language || layouts[o.layout] && layouts[o.layout].lang && + layouts[o.layout].lang || [o.language || 'en'], + kblang = $keyboard.language; + + // some languages include a dash, e.g. 'en-gb' or 'fr-ca' + // allow o.language to be a string or array... + // array is for future expansion where a layout can be set for multiple languages + lang = ( === '[object Array]' ? lang[0] : lang); + base.language = lang; + lang = lang.split('-')[0]; + + // set keyboard language + o.display = $.extend(true, {}, + kblang.en.display, + kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].display || {}, + base.settings.display + ); + o.combos = $.extend(true, {}, + kblang.en.combos, + kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].combos || {}, + base.settings.combos + ); + o.wheelMessage = kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].wheelMessage || kblang.en.wheelMessage; + // rtl can be in the layout or in the language definition; defaults to false + o.rtl = layouts[o.layout] && layouts[o.layout].rtl || kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].rtl || false; + + // save default regex (in case loading another layout changes it) + if (kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].comboRegex) { + base.regex = kblang[lang].comboRegex; + } + // determine if US '.' or European ',' system being used + base.decimal = /^\./.test(o.display.dec); + base.$el + .toggleClass('rtl', o.rtl) + .css('direction', o.rtl ? 'rtl' : ''); + }; + + base.startup = function () { + var kbcss = $keyboard.css; + // ensure base.$preview is defined; but don't overwrite it if keyboard is always visible + if (!((o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed) && base.$preview)) { + base.makePreview(); + } + if (!base.hasKeyboard()) { + // custom layout - create a unique layout name based on the hash + if (o.layout === 'custom') { + o.layoutHash = 'custom' + base.customHash(); + } + base.layout = o.layout === 'custom' ? o.layoutHash : o.layout; + base.last.layout = base.layout; + + base.updateLanguage(); + if (typeof $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout] === 'undefined') { + if (typeof o.create === 'function') { + // create must call buildKeyboard() function; or create it's own keyboard + base.$keyboard = o.create(base); + } else if (!base.$keyboard.length) { + base.buildKeyboard(base.layout, true); + } + } + base.$keyboard = $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].$keyboard.clone(); + base.$'keyboard', base); + if (( || '') !== '') { + // add ID to keyboard for styling purposes + base.$keyboard.attr('id', + $keyboard.css.idSuffix); + } + + base.makePreview(); + } + + // Add layout and laguage data-attibutes + base.$keyboard + .attr('data-' + kbcss.keyboard + '-layout', o.layout) + .attr('data-' + kbcss.keyboard + '-language', base.language); + + base.$decBtn = base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keyPrefix + 'dec'); + // add enter to allowed keys; fixes #190 + if (o.enterNavigation || base.isTextArea) { + base.alwaysAllowed.push($keyboard.keyCodes.enter); + } + + base.bindKeyboard(); + + base.$keyboard.appendTo(o.appendLocally ? base.$el.parent() : o.appendTo || 'body'); + + base.bindKeys(); + + // reposition keyboard on window resize + if (o.reposition && $.ui && $.ui.position && o.appendTo === 'body') { + $(window).bind('resize' + base.namespace, function () { + base.reposition(); + }); + } + + }; + + base.reposition = function () { + base.position = $.isEmptyObject(o.position) ? false : o.position; + // position after keyboard is visible (required for UI position utility) + // and appropriately sized + if ($.ui && $.ui.position && base.position) { + base.position.of = + // get single target position + base.position.of || + // OR target stored in element data (multiple targets) + base.$'keyboardPosition') || + // OR default @ element + base.$el; + base.position.collision = base.position.collision || 'flipfit flipfit'; + = o.usePreview ? : o.position.at2; + if (base.isVisible()) { + base.$keyboard.position(base.position); + } + } + // make chainable + return base; + }; + + base.makePreview = function () { + if (o.usePreview) { + var indx, attrs, attr, removedAttr, + kbcss = $keyboard.css; + base.$preview = base.$el.clone(false) + .data('keyboard', base) + .removeClass(kbcss.placeholder + ' ' + kbcss.input) + .addClass(kbcss.preview + ' ' + o.css.input) + .attr('tabindex', '-1') + .show(); // for hidden inputs + base.preview = base.$preview[0]; + + // Switch the number input field to text so the caret positioning will work again + if (base.preview.type === 'number') { + base.preview.type = 'text'; + } + + // remove extraneous attributes. + removedAttr = /^(data-|id|aria-haspopup)/i; + attrs = base.$preview.get(0).attributes; + for (indx = attrs.length - 1; indx >= 0; indx--) { + attr = attrs[indx] && attrs[indx].name; + if (removedAttr.test(attr)) { + // remove data-attributes - see #351 + base.preview.removeAttribute(attr); + } + } + // build preview container and append preview display + $('<div />') + .addClass(kbcss.wrapper) + .append(base.$preview) + .prependTo(base.$keyboard); + } else { + base.$preview = base.$el; + base.preview = base.el; + } + }; + + // Added in v1.26.8 to allow chaining of the caret function, e.g. + // keyboard.reveal().caret(4,5).insertText('test').caret('end'); + base.caret = function(param1, param2) { + var result = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, param1, param2), + wasSetCaret = result instanceof $; + // Caret was set, save last position & make chainable + if (wasSetCaret) { + base.saveCaret(result.start, result.end); + return base; + } + // return caret position if using .caret() + return result; + }; + + base.saveCaret = function (start, end, $el) { + if (base.isCurrent()) { + var p; + if (typeof start === 'undefined') { + // grab & save current caret position + p = $keyboard.caret($el || base.$preview); + } else { + p = $keyboard.caret($el || base.$preview, start, end); + } + base.last.start = typeof start === 'undefined' ? p.start : start; + base.last.end = typeof end === 'undefined' ? p.end : end; + } + }; + + base.saveLastChange = function (val) { + base.last.val = val || base.getValue(base.$preview || base.$el); + if (base.isContentEditable) { + base.last.elms = base.el.cloneNode(true); + } + }; + + base.setScroll = function () { + // Set scroll so caret & current text is in view + // needed for virtual keyboard typing, NOT manual typing - fixes #23 + if (!base.isContentEditable && base.last.virtual) { + + var scrollWidth, clientWidth, adjustment, direction, + value = base.last.val.substring(0, Math.max(base.last.start, base.last.end)); + + if (!base.$previewCopy) { + // clone preview + base.$previewCopy = base.$preview.clone() + .removeAttr('id') // fixes #334 + .css({ + position: 'absolute', + left: 0, + zIndex: -10, + visibility: 'hidden' + }) + .addClass($keyboard.css.inputClone); + // prevent submitting content on form submission + base.$previewCopy[0].disabled = true; + if (!base.isTextArea) { + // make input zero-width because we need an accurate scrollWidth + base.$previewCopy.css({ + 'white-space': 'pre', + 'width': 0 + }); + } + if (o.usePreview) { + // add clone inside of preview wrapper + base.$preview.after(base.$previewCopy); + } else { + // just slap that thing in there somewhere + base.$keyboard.prepend(base.$previewCopy); + } + } + + if (base.isTextArea) { + // need the textarea scrollHeight, so set the clone textarea height to be the line height + base.$previewCopy + .height(base.lineHeight) + .val(value); + // set scrollTop for Textarea + base.preview.scrollTop = base.lineHeight * + (Math.floor(base.$previewCopy[0].scrollHeight / base.lineHeight) - 1); + } else { + // add non-breaking spaces + base.$previewCopy.val(value.replace(/\s/g, '\xa0')); + + // if scrollAdjustment option is set to "c" or "center" then center the caret + adjustment = /c/i.test(o.scrollAdjustment) ? base.preview.clientWidth / 2 : o.scrollAdjustment; + scrollWidth = base.$previewCopy[0].scrollWidth - 1; + + // set initial state as moving right + if (typeof base.last.scrollWidth === 'undefined') { + base.last.scrollWidth = scrollWidth; + base.last.direction = true; + } + // if direction = true; we're scrolling to the right + direction = base.last.scrollWidth === scrollWidth ? + base.last.direction : + base.last.scrollWidth < scrollWidth; + clientWidth = base.preview.clientWidth - adjustment; + + // set scrollLeft for inputs; try to mimic the inherit caret positioning + scrolling: + // hug right while scrolling right... + if (direction) { + if (scrollWidth < clientWidth) { + base.preview.scrollLeft = 0; + } else { + base.preview.scrollLeft = scrollWidth - clientWidth; + } + } else { + // hug left while scrolling left... + if (scrollWidth >= base.preview.scrollWidth - clientWidth) { + base.preview.scrollLeft = base.preview.scrollWidth - adjustment; + } else if (scrollWidth - adjustment > 0) { + base.preview.scrollLeft = scrollWidth - adjustment; + } else { + base.preview.scrollLeft = 0; + } + } + + base.last.scrollWidth = scrollWidth; + base.last.direction = direction; + } + } + }; + + base.bindFocus = function () { + if (o.openOn) { + // make sure keyboard isn't destroyed + // Check if base exists, this is a case when destroy is called, before timers have fired + if (base && { + base.$el.bind(o.openOn + base.namespace, function () { + base.focusOn(); + }); + // remove focus from element (needed for IE since blur doesn't seem to work) + if ($(':focus')[0] === base.el) { + base.$el.blur(); + } + } + } + }; + + base.bindKeyboard = function () { + var evt, + keyCodes = $keyboard.keyCodes, + layout = $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout], + namespace = base.namespace + 'keybindings'; + base.$preview + .unbind(base.namespace) + .bind('click' + namespace + ' touchstart' + namespace, function () { + if (o.alwaysOpen && !base.isCurrent()) { + base.reveal(); + } + // update last caret position after user click, use at least 150ms or it doesn't work in IE + base.timer2 = setTimeout(function () { + if (base){ + base.saveCaret(); + } + }, 150); + + }) + .bind('keypress' + namespace, function (e) { + if (o.lockInput) { + return false; + } + if (!base.isCurrent()) { + return; + } + + var k = e.charCode || e.which, + // capsLock can only be checked while typing a-z + k1 = k >= keyCodes.A && k <= keyCodes.Z, + k2 = k >= keyCodes.a && k <= keyCodes.z, + str = base.last.key = String.fromCharCode(k); + // check, that keypress wasn't rise by functional key + // space is first typing symbol in UTF8 table + if (k < { //see #549 + return; + } + base.last.virtual = false; + base.last.event = e; + base.last.$key = []; // not a virtual keyboard key + if (base.checkCaret) { + base.saveCaret(); + } + + // update capsLock + if (k !== keyCodes.capsLock && (k1 || k2)) { + base.capsLock = (k1 && !e.shiftKey) || (k2 && e.shiftKey); + // if shifted keyset not visible, then show it + if (base.capsLock && !base.shiftActive) { + base.shiftActive = true; + base.showSet(); + } + } + + // restrict input - keyCode in keypress special keys: + // see + if (o.restrictInput) { + // allow navigation keys to work - Chrome doesn't fire a keypress event (8 = bksp) + if ((e.which === keyCodes.backSpace || e.which === 0) && + $.inArray(e.keyCode, base.alwaysAllowed)) { + return; + } + // quick key check + if ($.inArray(str, layout.acceptedKeys) === -1) { + e.preventDefault(); + // copy event object in case e.preventDefault() breaks when changing the type + evt = $.extend({}, e); + evt.type = $; + base.$el.trigger(evt, [base, base.el]); + } + } else if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && + (e.which === keyCodes.A || e.which === keyCodes.C || e.which === keyCodes.V || + (e.which >= keyCodes.X && e.which <= keyCodes.Z))) { + // Allow select all (ctrl-a), copy (ctrl-c), paste (ctrl-v) & cut (ctrl-x) & + // redo (ctrl-y)& undo (ctrl-z); meta key for mac + return; + } + // Mapped Keys - allows typing on a regular keyboard and the mapped key is entered + // Set up a key in the layout as follows: 'm(a):label'; m = key to map, (a) = actual keyboard key + // to map to (optional), ':label' = title/tooltip (optional) + // example: \u0391 or \u0391(A) or \u0391:alpha or \u0391(A):alpha + if (layout.hasMappedKeys && layout.mappedKeys.hasOwnProperty(str)) { + base.last.key = layout.mappedKeys[str]; + base.insertText(base.last.key); + e.preventDefault(); + } + if (typeof o.beforeInsert === 'function') { + base.insertText(base.last.key); + e.preventDefault(); + } + base.checkMaxLength(); + + }) + .bind('keyup' + namespace, function (e) { + if (!base.isCurrent()) { return; } + base.last.virtual = false; + switch (e.which) { + // Insert tab key + case + // Added a flag to prevent from tabbing into an input, keyboard opening, then adding the tab + // to the keyboard preview area on keyup. Sadly it still happens if you don't release the tab + // key immediately because keydown event auto-repeats + if ( && !o.lockInput) { + base.shiftActive = e.shiftKey; + // when switching inputs, the tab keyaction returns false + var notSwitching = $; + = false; + if (!notSwitching) { + return false; + } + } else { + e.preventDefault(); + } + break; + + // Escape will hide the keyboard + case keyCodes.escape: + if (!o.ignoreEsc) { + base.close(o.autoAccept && o.autoAcceptOnEsc ? 'true' : false); + } + return false; + } + + // throttle the check combo function because fast typers will have an incorrectly positioned caret + clearTimeout(base.throttled); + base.throttled = setTimeout(function () { + // fix error in OSX? see issue #102 + if (base && base.isVisible()) { + base.checkCombos(); + } + }, 100); + + base.checkMaxLength(); + + base.last.preVal = '' + base.last.val; + base.saveLastChange(); + + // don't alter "e" or the "keyup" event never finishes processing; fixes #552 + var event = $.Event( $ ); + // base.last.key may be empty string (shift, enter, tab, etc) when keyboard is first visible + // use e.key instead, if browser supports it + event.action = base.last.key; + base.$el.trigger(event, [base, base.el]); + + // change callback is no longer bound to the input element as the callback could be + // called during an external change event with all the necessary parameters (issue #157) + if (typeof o.change === 'function') { + event.type = $; + o.change(event, base, base.el); + return false; + } + if (o.acceptValid && o.autoAcceptOnValid) { + if ( + typeof o.validate === 'function' && + o.validate(base, base.getValue(base.$preview)) + ) { + base.$preview.blur(); + base.accept(); + } + } + }) + .bind('keydown' + namespace, function (e) { + base.last.keyPress = e.which; + // ensure alwaysOpen keyboards are made active + if (o.alwaysOpen && !base.isCurrent()) { + base.reveal(); + } + // prevent tab key from leaving the preview window + if (e.which === { + // allow tab to pass through - tab to next input/shift-tab for prev + = true; + return false; + } + if (o.lockInput || e.timeStamp === base.last.timeStamp) { + return !o.lockInput; + } + + base.last.timeStamp = e.timeStamp; // fixes #659 + base.last.virtual = false; + switch (e.which) { + + case keyCodes.backSpace: + $keyboard.keyaction.bksp(base, null, e); + e.preventDefault(); + break; + + case keyCodes.enter: + $keyboard.keyaction.enter(base, null, e); + break; + + // Show capsLock + case keyCodes.capsLock: + base.shiftActive = base.capsLock = !base.capsLock; + base.showSet(); + break; + + case keyCodes.V: + // prevent ctrl-v/cmd-v + if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { + if (o.preventPaste) { + e.preventDefault(); + return; + } + base.checkCombos(); // check pasted content + } + break; + } + }) + .bind('mouseup touchend '.split(' ').join(namespace + ' '), function () { + base.last.virtual = true; + base.saveCaret(); + }); + + // prevent keyboard event bubbling + base.$keyboard.bind('mousedown click touchstart '.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' '), function (e) { + e.stopPropagation(); + if (!base.isCurrent()) { + base.reveal(); + $(base.el.ownerDocument).trigger('checkkeyboard' + base.namespace); + } + base.setFocus(); + }); + + // If preventing paste, block context menu (right click) + if (o.preventPaste) { + base.$preview.bind('contextmenu' + base.namespace, function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + }); + base.$el.bind('contextmenu' + base.namespace, function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + }); + } + + }; + + base.bindButton = function(events, handler) { + var button = '.' + $keyboard.css.keyButton, + callback = function(e) { + e.stopPropagation(); + // save closest keyboard wrapper/input to check in checkClose function + e.$target = $(this).closest('.' + $keyboard.css.keyboard + ', .' + $keyboard.css.input); +, e); + }; + if ($.fn.on) { + // jQuery v1.7+ + base.$keyboard.on(events, button, callback); + } else if ($.fn.delegate) { + // jQuery v1.4.2 - 3.0.0 + base.$keyboard.delegate(button, events, callback); + } + return base; + }; + + base.unbindButton = function(namespace) { + if ($ { + // jQuery v1.7+ + base.$; + } else if ($.fn.undelegate) { + // jQuery v1.4.2 - 3.0.0 (namespace only added in v1.6) + base.$keyboard.undelegate('.' + $keyboard.css.keyButton, namespace); + } + return base; + }; + + base.bindKeys = function () { + var kbcss = $keyboard.css; + base + .unbindButton(base.namespace + ' ' + base.namespace + 'kb') + // Change hover class and tooltip - moved this touchstart before option.keyBinding touchstart + // to prevent mousewheel lag/duplication - Fixes #379 & #411 + .bindButton('mouseenter mouseleave touchstart '.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' '), function (e) { + if ((o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed) && e.type !== 'mouseleave' && !base.isCurrent()) { + base.reveal(); + base.setFocus(); + } + if (!base.isCurrent() || this.disabled) { + return; + } + var $keys, txt, + last = base.last, + $this = $(this), + type = e.type; + + if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) { + $keys = base.getLayers($this); + txt = ($keys.length ? $ () { + return $(this).attr('data-value') || ''; + }) + .get() : '') || [$this.text()]; + last.wheel_$Keys = $keys; + last.wheelLayers = txt; + last.wheelIndex = $.inArray($this.attr('data-value'), txt); + } + + if ((type === 'mouseenter' || type === 'touchstart') && base.el.type !== 'password' && + !$this.hasClass(o.css.buttonDisabled)) { + $this.addClass(o.css.buttonHover); + if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) { + $this.attr('title', function (i, t) { + // show mouse wheel message + return (base.wheel && t === '' && base.sets && txt.length > 1 && type !== 'touchstart') ? + o.wheelMessage : t; + }); + } + } + if (type === 'mouseleave') { + // needed or IE flickers really bad + $this.removeClass((base.el.type === 'password') ? '' : o.css.buttonHover); + if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) { + last.wheelIndex = 0; + last.wheelLayers = []; + last.wheel_$Keys = []; + $this + .attr('title', function (i, t) { + return (t === o.wheelMessage) ? '' : t; + }) + .html($this.attr('data-html')); // restore original button text + } + } + }) + // keyBinding = 'mousedown touchstart' by default + .bindButton(o.keyBinding.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' ') + base.namespace + ' ' + + $, function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + // prevent errors when external triggers attempt to 'type' - see issue #158 + if (!base.$':visible') || this.disabled) { + return false; + } + var action, + last = base.last, + $key = $(this), + // prevent mousedown & touchstart from both firing events at the same time - see #184 + timer = new Date().getTime(); + + if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) { + // get keys from other layers/keysets (shift, alt, meta, etc) that line up by data-position + // target mousewheel selected key + $key = last.wheel_$Keys.length && last.wheelIndex > -1 ? last.wheel_$Keys.eq(last.wheelIndex) : $key; + } + action = $key.attr('data-action'); + if (timer - (last.eventTime || 0) < o.preventDoubleEventTime) { + return; + } + last.eventTime = timer; + last.event = e; + last.virtual = true; + last.$key = $key; + last.key = $key.attr('data-value'); + last.keyPress = ''; + // Start caret in IE when not focused (happens with each virtual keyboard button click + base.setFocus(); + if (/^meta/.test(action)) { + action = 'meta'; + } + // keyaction is added as a string, override original action & text + if (action === last.key && typeof $keyboard.keyaction[action] === 'string') { + last.key = action = $keyboard.keyaction[action]; + } else if (action in $keyboard.keyaction && typeof $keyboard.keyaction[action] === 'function') { + // stop processing if action returns false (close & cancel) + if ($keyboard.keyaction[action](base, this, e) === false) { + return false; + } + action = null; // prevent inserting action name + } + // stop processing if keyboard closed and keyaction did not return false - see #536 + if (!base.hasKeyboard()) { + return false; + } + if (typeof action !== 'undefined' && action !== null) { + last.key = $(this).hasClass(kbcss.keyAction) ? action : last.key; + base.insertText(last.key); + if (!base.capsLock && !o.stickyShift && !e.shiftKey) { + base.shiftActive = false; + base.showSet($key.attr('data-name')); + } + } + // set caret if caret moved by action function; also, attempt to fix issue #131 + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, last); + base.checkCombos(); + e = $.extend({}, e, $.Event($; + = base.el; + e.action = last.key; + base.$el.trigger(e, [base, base.el]); + last.preVal = '' + last.val; + base.saveLastChange(); + + if (typeof o.change === 'function') { + e.type = $; + o.change(e, base, base.el); + // return false to prevent reopening keyboard if base.accept() was called + return false; + } + + }) + // using 'kb' namespace for mouse repeat functionality to keep it separate + // I need to trigger a 'repeater.keyboard' to make it work + .bindButton('mouseup' + base.namespace + ' ' + 'mouseleave touchend touchmove touchcancel '.split(' ') + .join(base.namespace + 'kb '), function (e) { + base.last.virtual = true; + var offset, + $this = $(this); + if (e.type === 'touchmove') { + // if moving within the same key, don't stop repeating + offset = $this.offset(); + offset.right = offset.left + $this.outerWidth(); + offset.bottom = + $this.outerHeight(); + if (e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX >= offset.left && + e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX < offset.right && + e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY >= && + e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY < offset.bottom) { + return true; + } + } else if (/(mouseleave|touchend|touchcancel)/i.test(e.type)) { + $this.removeClass(o.css.buttonHover); // needed for touch devices + } else { + if (!o.noFocus && base.isCurrent() && base.isVisible()) { + base.$preview.focus(); + } + if (base.checkCaret) { + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last); + } + } + base.mouseRepeat = [false, '']; + clearTimeout(base.repeater); // make sure key repeat stops! + if (o.acceptValid && o.autoAcceptOnValid) { + if ( + typeof o.validate === 'function' && + o.validate(base, base.getValue()) + ) { + base.$preview.blur(); + base.accept(); + } + } + return false; + }) + // prevent form submits when keyboard is bound locally - issue #64 + .bindButton('click' + base.namespace, function () { + return false; + }) + // Allow mousewheel to scroll through other keysets of the same (non-action) key + .bindButton('mousewheel' + base.namespace, base.throttleEvent(function (e, delta) { + var $btn = $(this); + // no mouse repeat for action keys (shift, ctrl, alt, meta, etc) + if (!$btn || $btn.hasClass(kbcss.keyAction) || base.last.wheel_$Keys[0] !== this) { + return; + } + if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) { + // deltaY used by newer versions of mousewheel plugin + delta = delta || e.deltaY; + var n, + txt = base.last.wheelLayers || []; + if (txt.length > 1) { + n = base.last.wheelIndex + (delta > 0 ? -1 : 1); + if (n > txt.length - 1) { + n = 0; + } + if (n < 0) { + n = txt.length - 1; + } + } else { + n = 0; + } + base.last.wheelIndex = n; + $btn.html(txt[n]); + return false; + } + }, 30)) + .bindButton('mousedown touchstart '.split(' ').join(base.namespace + 'kb '), function () { + var $btn = $(this); + // no mouse repeat for action keys (shift, ctrl, alt, meta, etc) + if ( + !$btn || ( + $btn.hasClass(kbcss.keyAction) && + // mouse repeated action key exceptions + !$'.' + kbcss.keyPrefix + ('tab bksp space enter'.split(' ').join(',.' + kbcss.keyPrefix))) + ) + ) { + return; + } + if (o.repeatRate !== 0) { + // save the key, make sure we are repeating the right one (fast typers) + base.mouseRepeat = [true, $btn]; + setTimeout(function () { + // don't repeat keys if it is disabled - see #431 + if (base && base.mouseRepeat[0] && base.mouseRepeat[1] === $btn && !$btn[0].disabled) { + base.repeatKey($btn); + } + }, o.repeatDelay); + } + return false; + }); + }; + + // No call on tailing event + base.throttleEvent = function(cb, time) { + var interm; + return function() { + if (!interm) { + cb.apply(this, arguments); + interm = true; + setTimeout(function() { + interm = false; + }, time); + } + }; + }; + + base.execCommand = function(cmd, str) { + base.el.ownerDocument.execCommand(cmd, false, str); + base.el.normalize(); + if (o.reposition) { + base.reposition(); + } + }; + + base.getValue = function ($el) { + $el = $el || base.$preview; + return $el[base.isContentEditable ? 'text' : 'val'](); + }; + + base.setValue = function (txt, $el) { + $el = $el || base.$preview; + if (base.isContentEditable) { + if (txt !== $el.text()) { + $keyboard.replaceContent($el, txt); + base.saveCaret(); + } + } else { + $el.val(txt); + } + return base; + }; + + // Insert text at caret/selection - thanks to Derek Wickwire for fixing this up! + base.insertText = function (txt) { + if (!base.$preview) { return base; } + if (typeof o.beforeInsert === 'function') { + txt = o.beforeInsert(base.last.event, base, base.el, txt); + } + if (typeof txt === 'undefined' || txt === false) { + base.last.key = ''; + return base; + } + if (base.isContentEditable) { + return base.insertContentEditable(txt); + } + var t, + bksp = false, + isBksp = txt === '\b', + // use base.$preview.val() instead of base.preview.value (val.length includes carriage returns in IE). + val = base.getValue(), + pos = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview), + len = val.length; // save original content length + + // silly IE caret hacks... it should work correctly, but navigating using arrow keys in a textarea + // is still difficult + // in IE, pos.end can be zero after input loses focus + if (pos.end < pos.start) { + pos.end = pos.start; + } + if (pos.start > len) { + pos.end = pos.start = len; + } + + if (base.isTextArea) { + // This makes sure the caret moves to the next line after clicking on enter (manual typing works fine) + if ($keyboard.msie && val.substring(pos.start, pos.start + 1) === '\n') { + pos.start += 1; + pos.end += 1; + } + } + + t = pos.start; + if (txt === '{d}') { + txt = ''; + pos.end += 1; + } + + if (isBksp) { + txt = ''; + bksp = isBksp && t === pos.end && t > 0; + } + val = val.substring(0, t - (bksp ? 1 : 0)) + txt + val.substring(pos.end); + t += bksp ? -1 : txt.length; + + base.setValue(val); + base.saveCaret(t, t); // save caret in case of bksp + base.setScroll(); + // see #506.. allow chaining of insertText + return base; + }; + + base.insertContentEditable = function (txt) { + base.$preview.focus(); + base.execCommand('insertText', txt); + base.saveCaret(); + return base; + }; + + // check max length + base.checkMaxLength = function () { + if (!base.$preview) { return; } + var start, caret, + val = base.getValue(), + len = base.isContentEditable ? $keyboard.getEditableLength(base.el) : val.length; + if (o.maxLength !== false && len > o.maxLength) { + start = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview).start; + caret = Math.min(start, o.maxLength); + + // prevent inserting new characters when maxed #289 + if (!o.maxInsert) { + val = base.last.val; + caret = start - 1; // move caret back one + } + base.setValue(val.substring(0, o.maxLength)); + // restore caret on change, otherwise it ends up at the end. + base.saveCaret(caret, caret); + } + if (base.$decBtn.length) { + base.checkDecimal(); + } + // allow chaining + return base; + }; + + // mousedown repeater + base.repeatKey = function (key) { + key.trigger($; + if (base.mouseRepeat[0]) { + base.repeater = setTimeout(function () { + if (base){ + base.repeatKey(key); + } + }, base.repeatTime); + } + }; + + base.getKeySet = function () { + var sets = []; + if (base.altActive) { + sets.push('alt'); + } + if (base.shiftActive) { + sets.push('shift'); + } + if (base.metaActive) { + // base.metaActive contains the string name of the + // current meta keyset + sets.push(base.metaActive); + } + return sets.length ? sets.join('+') : 'normal'; + }; + + // make it easier to switch keysets via API + // showKeySet('shift+alt+meta1') + base.showKeySet = function (str) { + if (typeof str === 'string') { + base.last.keyset = [base.shiftActive, base.altActive, base.metaActive]; + base.shiftActive = /shift/i.test(str); + base.altActive = /alt/i.test(str); + if (/\bmeta/.test(str)) { + base.metaActive = true; + base.showSet(str.match(/\bmeta[\w-]+/i)[0]); + } else { + base.metaActive = false; + base.showSet(); + } + } else { + base.showSet(str); + } + // allow chaining + return base; + }; + + base.showSet = function (name) { + if (!base.hasKeyboard()) { return; } + o = base.options; // refresh options + var kbcss = $keyboard.css, + prefix = '.' + kbcss.keyPrefix, + active = o.css.buttonActive, + key = '', + toShow = (base.shiftActive ? 1 : 0) + (base.altActive ? 2 : 0); + if (!base.shiftActive) { + base.capsLock = false; + } + // check meta key set + if (base.metaActive) { + // remove "-shift" and "-alt" from meta name if it exists + if (base.shiftActive) { + name = (name || '').replace('-shift', ''); + } + if (base.altActive) { + name = (name || '').replace('-alt', ''); + } + // the name attribute contains the meta set name 'meta99' + key = (/^meta/i.test(name)) ? name : ''; + // save active meta keyset name + if (key === '') { + key = (base.metaActive === true) ? '' : base.metaActive; + } else { + base.metaActive = key; + } + // if meta keyset doesn't have a shift or alt keyset, then show just the meta key set + if ((!o.stickyShift && base.last.keyset[2] !== base.metaActive) || + ((base.shiftActive || base.altActive) && + !base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keySet + '-' + key + base.rows[toShow]).length)) { + base.shiftActive = base.altActive = false; + } + } else if (!o.stickyShift && base.last.keyset[2] !== base.metaActive && base.shiftActive) { + // switching from meta key set back to default, reset shift & alt if using stickyShift + base.shiftActive = base.altActive = false; + } + toShow = (base.shiftActive ? 1 : 0) + (base.altActive ? 2 : 0); + key = (toShow === 0 && !base.metaActive) ? '-normal' : (key === '') ? '' : '-' + key; + if (!base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keySet + key + base.rows[toShow]).length) { + // keyset doesn't exist, so restore last keyset settings + base.shiftActive = base.last.keyset[0]; + base.altActive = base.last.keyset[1]; + base.metaActive = base.last.keyset[2]; + return; + } + base.$keyboard + .find(prefix + 'alt,' + prefix + 'shift,.' + kbcss.keyAction + '[class*=meta]') + .removeClass(active) + .end() + .find(prefix + 'alt') + .toggleClass(active, base.altActive) + .end() + .find(prefix + 'shift') + .toggleClass(active, base.shiftActive) + .end() + .find(prefix + 'lock') + .toggleClass(active, base.capsLock) + .end() + .find('.' + kbcss.keySet) + .hide() + .end() + .find('.' + (kbcss.keyAction + prefix + key).replace('--', '-')) + .addClass(active); + + // show keyset using inline-block ( extender layout will then line up ) + base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keySet + key + base.rows[toShow])[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; + if (base.metaActive) { + base.$keyboard.find(prefix + base.metaActive) + // base.metaActive contains the string "meta#" or false + // without the !== false, jQuery UI tries to transition the classes + .toggleClass(active, base.metaActive !== false); + } + base.last.keyset = [base.shiftActive, base.altActive, base.metaActive]; + base.$el.trigger($, [base, base.el]); + if (o.reposition) { + base.reposition(); + } + }; + + // check for key combos (dead keys) + base.checkCombos = function () { + // return val for close function + if ( !( + base.isVisible() || ( + base.hasKeyboard() && + base.$keyboard.hasClass( $keyboard.css.hasFocus ) + ) + ) ) { + return base.getValue(base.$preview || base.$el); + } + var r, t, t2, repl, + // use base.$preview.val() instead of base.preview.value + // (val.length includes carriage returns in IE). + val = base.getValue(), + pos = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview), + layout = $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout], + max = base.isContentEditable ? $keyboard.getEditableLength(base.el) : val.length, + // save original content length + len = max; + // return if val is empty; fixes #352 + if (val === '') { + // check valid on empty string - see #429 + if (o.acceptValid) { + base.checkValid(); + } + return val; + } + + // silly IE caret hacks... it should work correctly, but navigating using arrow keys in a textarea + // is still difficult + // in IE, pos.end can be zero after input loses focus + if (pos.end < pos.start) { + pos.end = pos.start; + } + if (pos.start > len) { + pos.end = pos.start = len; + } + // This makes sure the caret moves to the next line after clicking on enter (manual typing works fine) + if ($keyboard.msie && val.substring(pos.start, pos.start + 1) === '\n') { + pos.start += 1; + pos.end += 1; + } + + if (o.useCombos) { + // keep 'a' and 'o' in the regex for ae and oe ligature (æ,œ) + // thanks to KennyTM: + // original regex /([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/mig moved to $.keyboard.comboRegex + if ($keyboard.msie) { + // old IE may not have the caret positioned correctly, so just check the whole thing + val = val.replace(base.regex, function (s, accent, letter) { + return (o.combos.hasOwnProperty(accent)) ? o.combos[accent][letter] || s : s; + }); + // prevent combo replace error, in case the keyboard closes - see issue #116 + } else if (base.$preview.length) { + // Modern browsers - check for combos from last two characters left of the caret + t = pos.start - (pos.start - 2 >= 0 ? 2 : 0); + // target last two characters + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, t, pos.end); + // do combo replace + t = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview); + repl = function (txt) { + return (txt || '').replace(base.regex, function (s, accent, letter) { + return (o.combos.hasOwnProperty(accent)) ? o.combos[accent][letter] || s : s; + }); + }; + t2 = repl(t.text); + // add combo back + // prevent error if caret doesn't return a function + if (t && t.replaceStr && t2 !== t.text) { + if (base.isContentEditable) { + $keyboard.replaceContent(el, repl); + } else { + base.setValue(t.replaceStr(t2)); + } + } + val = base.getValue(); + } + } + + // check input restrictions - in case content was pasted + if (o.restrictInput && val !== '') { + t = layout.acceptedKeys.length; + + r = layout.acceptedKeysRegex; + if (!r) { + t2 = $.map(layout.acceptedKeys, function (v) { + // escape any special characters + return v.replace(base.escapeRegex, '\\$&'); + }); + if (base.alwaysAllowed.indexOf($keyboard.keyCodes.enter) > -1) { + t2.push('\\n'); // Fixes #686 + } + r = layout.acceptedKeysRegex = new RegExp('(' + t2.join('|') + ')', 'g'); + } + // only save matching keys + t2 = val.match(r); + if (t2) { + val = t2.join(''); + } else { + // no valid characters + val = ''; + len = 0; + } + } + + // save changes, then reposition caret + pos.start += max - len; + pos.end += max - len; + + base.setValue(val); + base.saveCaret(pos.start, pos.end); + // set scroll to keep caret in view + base.setScroll(); + base.checkMaxLength(); + + if (o.acceptValid) { + base.checkValid(); + } + return val; // return text, used for keyboard closing section + }; + + // Toggle accept button classes, if validating + base.checkValid = function () { + var kbcss = $keyboard.css, + $accept = base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keyPrefix + 'accept'), + valid = true; + if (typeof o.validate === 'function') { + valid = o.validate(base, base.getValue(), false); + } + // toggle accept button classes; defined in the css + $accept + .toggleClass(kbcss.inputInvalid, !valid) + .toggleClass(kbcss.inputValid, valid) + // update title to indicate that the entry is valid or invalid + .attr('title', $accept.attr('data-title') + ' (' + o.display[valid ? 'valid' : 'invalid'] + ')'); + }; + + // Decimal button for num pad - only allow one (not used by default) + base.checkDecimal = function () { + // Check US '.' or European ',' format + if ((base.decimal && /\./g.test(base.preview.value)) || + (!base.decimal && /\,/g.test(base.preview.value))) { + base.$decBtn + .attr({ + 'disabled': 'disabled', + 'aria-disabled': 'true' + }) + .removeClass(o.css.buttonHover) + .addClass(o.css.buttonDisabled); + } else { + base.$decBtn + .removeAttr('disabled') + .attr({ + 'aria-disabled': 'false' + }) + .addClass(o.css.buttonDefault) + .removeClass(o.css.buttonDisabled); + } + }; + + // get other layer values for a specific key + base.getLayers = function ($el) { + var kbcss = $keyboard.css, + key = $el.attr('data-pos'), + $keys = $el.closest('.' + kbcss.keyboard) + .find('button[data-pos="' + key + '"]'); + return $keys.filter(function () { + return $(this) + .find('.' + kbcss.keyText) + .text() !== ''; + }) + .add($el); + }; + + // Go to next or prev inputs + // goToNext = true, then go to next input; if false go to prev + // isAccepted is from autoAccept option or true if user presses shift+enter + base.switchInput = function (goToNext, isAccepted) { + if (typeof o.switchInput === 'function') { + o.switchInput(base, goToNext, isAccepted); + } else { + // base.$keyboard may be an empty array - see #275 (apod42) + if (base.$keyboard.length) { + base.$keyboard.hide(); + } + var kb, + stopped = false, + all = $('button, input, select, textarea, a, [contenteditable]') + .filter(':visible') + .not(':disabled'), + indx = all.index(base.$el) + (goToNext ? 1 : -1); + if (base.$keyboard.length) { + base.$; + } + if (indx > all.length - 1) { + stopped = o.stopAtEnd; + indx = 0; // go to first input + } + if (indx < 0) { + stopped = o.stopAtEnd; + indx = all.length - 1; // stop or go to last + } + if (!stopped) { + isAccepted = base.close(isAccepted); + if (!isAccepted) { + return; + } + kb = all.eq(indx).data('keyboard'); + if (kb && kb.options.openOn.length) { + kb.focusOn(); + } else { + all.eq(indx).focus(); + } + } + } + return false; + }; + + // Close the keyboard, if visible. Pass a status of true, if the content was accepted + // (for the event trigger). + base.close = function (accepted) { + if (base.isOpen && base.$keyboard.length) { + clearTimeout(base.throttled); + var kbcss = $keyboard.css, + kbevents = $, + val = accepted ? base.checkCombos() : base.originalContent; + // validate input if accepted + if (accepted && typeof o.validate === 'function' && !o.validate(base, val, true)) { + val = base.originalContent; + accepted = false; + if (o.cancelClose) { + return; + } + } + base.isCurrent(false); + base.isOpen = o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed; + if (base.isContentEditable && !accepted) { + // base.originalContent stores the HTML + base.$el.html(val); + } else { + base.setValue(val, base.$el); + } + base.$el + .removeClass(kbcss.isCurrent + ' ' + kbcss.inputAutoAccepted) + // add 'ui-keyboard-autoaccepted' to inputs - see issue #66 + .addClass((accepted || false) ? accepted === true ? '' : kbcss.inputAutoAccepted : '') + // trigger default change event - see issue #146 + .trigger(kbevents.inputChange); + // don't trigger an empty event - see issue #463 + if (!o.alwaysOpen) { + // don't trigger beforeClose if keyboard is always open + base.$el.trigger(kbevents.kbBeforeClose, [base, base.el, (accepted || false)]); + } + // save caret after updating value (fixes userClosed issue with changing focus) + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last); + + base.$el + .trigger(((accepted || false) ? kbevents.inputAccepted : kbevents.inputCanceled), [base, base.el]) + .trigger((o.alwaysOpen) ? kbevents.kbInactive : kbevents.kbHidden, [base, base.el]) + .blur(); + + // base is undefined if keyboard was destroyed - fixes #358 + if (base) { + // add close event time + base.last.eventTime = new Date().getTime(); + if (!(o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed && accepted === 'true') && base.$keyboard.length) { + // free up memory + base.removeKeyboard(); + // rebind input focus - delayed to fix IE issue #72 + base.timer = setTimeout(function () { + if (base) { + base.bindFocus(); + } + }, 200); + } + if (!base.watermark && base.el.value === '' && base.inPlaceholder !== '') { + base.$el.addClass(kbcss.placeholder); + base.setValue(base.inPlaceholder, base.$el); + } + } + } + return !!accepted; + }; + + base.accept = function () { + return base.close(true); + }; + + base.checkClose = function (e) { + if (base.opening) { + return; + } + var kbcss = $.keyboard.css, + $target = e.$target || $('.' + $keyboard.css.keyboard + ', .' + $keyboard.css.input); + if (!$target.length) { + $target = $(; + } + // needed for IE to allow switching between keyboards smoothly + if ($target.length && $target.hasClass(kbcss.keyboard)) { + var kb = $'keyboard'); + // only trigger on self + if ( + kb !== base && + !kb.$el.hasClass(kbcss.isCurrent) && + kb.options.openOn && + e.type === o.openOn + ) { + kb.focusOn(); + } + } else { + base.escClose(e, $target); + } + }; + + // callback functions called to check if the keyboard needs to be closed + // e.g. on escape or clicking outside the keyboard + base.escCloseCallback = { + // keep keyboard open if alwaysOpen or stayOpen is true - fixes mutliple + // always open keyboards or single stay open keyboard + keepOpen: function() { + return !base.isOpen; + } + }; + + base.escClose = function (e, $el) { + if (!base.isOpen) { + return; + } + if (e && e.type === 'keyup') { + return (e.which === $keyboard.keyCodes.escape && !o.ignoreEsc) ? + base.close(o.autoAccept && o.autoAcceptOnEsc ? 'true' : false) : + ''; + } + var shouldStayOpen = false, + $target = $el.length && $el || $(; + $.each(base.escCloseCallback, function(i, callback) { + if (typeof callback === 'function') { + shouldStayOpen = shouldStayOpen || callback($target); + } + }); + if (shouldStayOpen) { + return; + } + // ignore autoaccept if using escape - good idea? + if (!base.isCurrent() && base.isOpen || base.isOpen && $target[0] !== base.el) { + // don't close if stayOpen is set; but close if a different keyboard is being opened + if ((o.stayOpen || o.userClosed) && !$target.hasClass($keyboard.css.input)) { + return; + } + // stop propogation in IE - an input getting focus doesn't open a keyboard if one is already open + if ($keyboard.allie) { + e.preventDefault(); + } + if (o.closeByClickEvent) { + // only close the keyboard if the user is clicking on an input or if they cause a click + // event (touchstart/mousedown will not force the close with this setting) + var name = $target[0] && $target[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(); + if (name === 'input' || name === 'textarea' || e.type === 'click') { + base.close(o.autoAccept ? 'true' : false); + } + } else { + // send 'true' instead of a true (boolean), the input won't get a 'ui-keyboard-autoaccepted' + // class name - see issue #66 + base.close(o.autoAccept ? 'true' : false); + } + } + }; + + // Build default button + base.keyBtn = $('<button />') + .attr({ + 'role': 'button', + 'type': 'button', + 'aria-disabled': 'false', + 'tabindex': '-1' + }) + .addClass($keyboard.css.keyButton); + + // convert key names into a class name + base.processName = function (name) { + var index, n, + process = (name || '').replace(/[^a-z0-9-_]/gi, ''), + len = process.length, + newName = []; + if (len > 1 && name === process) { + // return name if basic text + return name; + } + // return character code sequence + len = name.length; + if (len) { + for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { + n = name[index]; + // keep '-' and '_'... so for dash, we get two dashes in a row + newName.push(/[a-z0-9-_]/i.test(n) ? + (/[-_]/.test(n) && index !== 0 ? '' : n) : + (index === 0 ? '' : '-') + n.charCodeAt(0) + ); + } + return newName.join(''); + } + return name; + }; + + base.processKeys = function (name) { + var tmp, + // Don't split colons followed by //, e.g. https://; Fixes #555 + parts = name.split(/:(?!\/\/)/), + htmlIndex = name.indexOf('</'), + colonIndex = name.indexOf(':', name.indexOf('<')), + data = { + name: null, + map: '', + title: '' + }; + if (htmlIndex > -1 && (colonIndex < 0 || colonIndex > htmlIndex)) { + // html includes colons; see #701 + = name; + return data; + } + /* map defined keys + format 'key(A):Label_for_key_(ignore_parentheses_here)' + 'key' = key that is seen (can any character(s); but it might need to be escaped using '\' + or entered as unicode '\u####' + '(A)' = the actual key on the real keyboard to remap + ':Label_for_key' ends up in the title/tooltip + Examples: + '\u0391(A):alpha', 'x(y):this_(might)_cause_problems + or edge cases of ':(x)', 'x(:)', 'x(()' or 'x())' + Enhancement (if I can get alt keys to work): + A mapped key will include the mod key, e.g. 'x(alt-x)' or 'x(alt-shift-x)' + */ + if (/\(.+\)/.test(parts[0]) || /^:\(.+\)/.test(name) || /\([(:)]\)/.test(name)) { + // edge cases 'x(:)', 'x(()' or 'x())' + if (/\([(:)]\)/.test(name)) { + tmp = parts[0].match(/([^(]+)\((.+)\)/); + if (tmp && tmp.length) { + = tmp[1]; + = tmp[2]; + data.title = parts.length > 1 ? parts.slice(1).join(':') : ''; + } else { + // edge cases 'x(:)', ':(x)' or ':(:)' + = name.match(/([^(]+)/)[0]; + if ( === ':') { + // ':(:):test' => parts = [ '', '(', ')', 'title' ] need to slice 1 + parts = parts.slice(1); + } + if (tmp === null) { + // 'x(:):test' => parts = [ 'x(', ')', 'title' ] need to slice 2 + = ':'; + parts = parts.slice(2); + } + data.title = parts.length ? parts.join(':') : ''; + } + } else { + // example: \u0391(A):alpha; extract 'A' from '(A)' + = name.match(/\(([^()]+?)\)/)[1]; + // remove '(A)', left with '\u0391:alpha' + name = name.replace(/\(([^()]+)\)/, ''); + tmp = name.split(':'); + // get '\u0391' from '\u0391:alpha' + if (tmp[0] === '') { + = ':'; + parts = parts.slice(1); + } else { + = tmp[0]; + } + data.title = parts.length > 1 ? parts.slice(1).join(':') : ''; + } + } else { + // find key label + // corner case of '::;' reduced to ':;', split as ['', ';'] + if (name !== '' && parts[0] === '') { + = ':'; + parts = parts.slice(1); + } else { + = parts[0]; + } + data.title = parts.length > 1 ? parts.slice(1).join(':') : ''; + } + data.title = $.trim(data.title).replace(/_/g, ' '); + return data; + }; + + // Add key function + // keyName = the name of the function called in $.keyboard.keyaction when the button is clicked + // name = name added to key, or cross-referenced in the display options + // base.temp[0] = keyset to attach the new button + // regKey = true when it is not an action key + base.addKey = function (keyName, action, regKey) { + var keyClass, tmp, keys, + data = {}, + txt = base.processKeys(regKey ? keyName : action), + kbcss = $keyboard.css; + + if (!regKey && o.display[]) { + keys = base.processKeys(o.display[]); + // action contained in "keyName" (e.g. keyName = "accept", + // action = "a" (use checkmark instead of text)) + keys.action = base.processKeys(keyName).name; + } else { + // when regKey is true, keyName is the same as action + keys = txt; + keys.action =; + } + + = base.processName(; + if ( !== '') { + if ( !== '') { + $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].mappedKeys[] =; + $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].acceptedKeys.push(; + } else if (regKey) { + $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].acceptedKeys.push(; + } + } + + if (regKey) { + keyClass = === '' ? '' : kbcss.keyPrefix +; + } else { + // Action keys will have the 'ui-keyboard-actionkey' class + keyClass = kbcss.keyAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyPrefix + keys.action; + } + // '\u2190'.length = 1 because the unicode is converted, so if more than one character, + // add the wide class + keyClass += ( > 2 ? ' ' + kbcss.keyWide : '') + ' ' + o.css.buttonDefault; + + data.html = '<span class="' + kbcss.keyText + '">' + + // this prevents HTML from being added to the key +[\u00A0-\u9999]/gim, function (i) { + return '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; + }) + + '</span>'; + + data.$key = base.keyBtn + .clone() + .attr({ + 'data-value': regKey ? : keys.action, // value + 'data-name': keys.action, + 'data-pos': base.temp[1] + ',' + base.temp[2], + 'data-action': keys.action, + 'data-html': data.html + }) + // add 'ui-keyboard-' + for all keys + // (e.g. 'Bksp' will have 'ui-keyboard-bskp' class) + // any non-alphanumeric characters will be replaced with + // their decimal unicode value + // (e.g. '~' is a regular key, class = 'ui-keyboard-126' + // (126 is the unicode decimal value - same as ~) + // See + .addClass(keyClass) + .html(data.html) + .appendTo(base.temp[0]); + + if ( { + data.$key.attr('data-mapped',; + } + if (keys.title || txt.title) { + data.$key.attr({ + 'data-title': txt.title || keys.title, // used to allow adding content to title + 'title': txt.title || keys.title + }); + } + + if (typeof o.buildKey === 'function') { + data = o.buildKey(base, data); + // copy html back to attributes + tmp = data.$key.html(); + data.$key.attr('data-html', tmp); + } + return data.$key; + }; + + base.customHash = function (layout) { + /*jshint bitwise:false */ + var i, array, hash, character, len, + arrays = [], + merged = []; + // pass layout to allow for testing + layout = typeof layout === 'undefined' ? o.customLayout : layout; + // get all layout arrays + for (array in layout) { + if (layout.hasOwnProperty(array)) { + arrays.push(layout[array]); + } + } + // flatten array + merged = merged.concat.apply(merged, arrays).join(' '); + // produce hash name - + hash = 0; + len = merged.length; + if (len === 0) { + return hash; + } + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + character = merged.charCodeAt(i); + hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + character; + hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer + } + return hash; + }; + + base.buildKeyboard = function (name, internal) { + // o.display is empty when this is called from the scramble extension (when alwaysOpen:true) + if ($.isEmptyObject(o.display)) { + // set keyboard language + base.updateLanguage(); + } + var index, row, $row, currentSet, + kbcss = $keyboard.css, + sets = 0, + layout = $keyboard.builtLayouts[name || base.layout || o.layout] = { + mappedKeys: {}, + acceptedKeys: [] + }, + acceptedKeys = layout.acceptedKeys = o.restrictInclude ? + ('' + o.restrictInclude).split(/\s+/) || [] : + [], + // using $layout temporarily to hold keyboard popup classnames + $layout = kbcss.keyboard + ' ' + o.css.popup + ' ' + o.css.container + + (o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed ? ' ' + kbcss.alwaysOpen : ''), + + container = $('<div />') + .addClass($layout) + .attr({ + 'role': 'textbox' + }) + .hide(); + + // allow adding "{space}" as an accepted key - Fixes #627 + index = $.inArray('{space}', acceptedKeys); + if (index > -1) { + acceptedKeys[index] = ' '; + } + + // verify layout or setup custom keyboard + if ((internal && o.layout === 'custom') || !$keyboard.layouts.hasOwnProperty(o.layout)) { + o.layout = 'custom'; + $layout = $keyboard.layouts.custom = o.customLayout || { + 'normal': ['{cancel}'] + }; + } else { + $layout = $keyboard.layouts[internal ? o.layout : name || base.layout || o.layout]; + } + + // Main keyboard building loop + $.each($layout, function (set, keySet) { + // skip layout name & lang settings + if (set !== '' && !/^(name|lang|rtl)$/i.test(set)) { + // keep backwards compatibility for change from default to normal naming + if (set === 'default') { + set = 'normal'; + } + sets++; + $row = $('<div />') + .attr('name', set) // added for typing extension + .addClass(kbcss.keySet + ' ' + kbcss.keySet + '-' + set) + .appendTo(container) + .toggle(set === 'normal'); + + for (row = 0; row < keySet.length; row++) { + // remove extra spaces before spliting (regex probably could be improved) + currentSet = $.trim(keySet[row]).replace(/\{(\.?)[\s+]?:[\s+]?(\.?)\}/g, '{$1:$2}'); + base.buildRow($row, row, currentSet.split(/\s+/), acceptedKeys); + $row.find('.' + kbcss.keyButton + ',.' + kbcss.keySpacer) + .filter(':last') + .after('<br class="' + kbcss.endRow + '"/>'); + } + } + }); + + if (sets > 1) { + base.sets = true; + } + layout.hasMappedKeys = !($.isEmptyObject(layout.mappedKeys)); + layout.$keyboard = container; + return container; + }; + + base.buildRow = function ($row, row, keys, acceptedKeys) { + var t, txt, key, isAction, action, margin, + kbcss = $keyboard.css; + for (key = 0; key < keys.length; key++) { + // used by addKey function + base.temp = [$row, row, key]; + isAction = false; + + // ignore empty keys + if (keys[key].length === 0) { + continue; + } + + // process here if it's an action key + if (/^\{\S+\}$/.test(keys[key])) { + action = keys[key].match(/^\{(\S+)\}$/)[1]; + // add active class if there are double exclamation points in the name + if (/\!\!/.test(action)) { + action = action.replace('!!', ''); + isAction = true; + } + + // add empty space + if (/^sp:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?$/i.test(action)) { + // not perfect globalization, but allows you to use {sp:1,1em}, {sp:1.2em} or {sp:15px} + margin = parseFloat(action + .replace(/,/, '.') + .match(/^sp:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?$/i)[1] || 0 + ); + $('<span class="' + kbcss.keyText + '"></span>') + // previously {sp:1} would add 1em margin to each side of a 0 width span + // now Firefox doesn't seem to render 0px dimensions, so now we set the + // 1em margin x 2 for the width + .width((action.match(/px/i) ? margin + 'px' : (margin * 2) + 'em')) + .addClass(kbcss.keySpacer) + .appendTo($row); + } + + // add empty button + if (/^empty(:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?)?$/i.test(action)) { + margin = (/:/.test(action)) ? parseFloat(action + .replace(/,/, '.') + .match(/^empty:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?$/i)[1] || 0 + ) : ''; + base + .addKey('', ' ', true) + .addClass(o.css.buttonDisabled + ' ' + o.css.buttonEmpty) + .attr('aria-disabled', true) + .width(margin ? (action.match('px') ? margin + 'px' : (margin * 2) + 'em') : ''); + continue; + } + + // meta keys + if (/^meta[\w-]+\:?(\w+)?/i.test(action)) { + base + .addKey(action.split(':')[0], action) + .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive); + continue; + } + + // switch needed for action keys with multiple names/shortcuts or + // default will catch all others + txt = action.split(':'); + switch (txt[0].toLowerCase()) { + + case 'a': + case 'accept': + base + .addKey('accept', action) + .addClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction); + break; + + case 'alt': + case 'altgr': + base + .addKey('alt', action) + .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive); + break; + + case 'b': + case 'bksp': + base.addKey('bksp', action); + break; + + case 'c': + case 'cancel': + base + .addKey('cancel', action) + .addClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction); + break; + + // toggle combo/diacritic key + /*jshint -W083 */ + case 'combo': + base + .addKey('combo', action) + .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive) + .attr('title', function (indx, title) { + // add combo key state to title + return title + ' ' + o.display[o.useCombos ? 'active' : 'disabled']; + }) + .toggleClass(o.css.buttonActive, o.useCombos); + break; + + // Decimal - unique decimal point (num pad layout) + case 'dec': + acceptedKeys.push((base.decimal) ? '.' : ','); + base.addKey('dec', action); + break; + + case 'e': + case 'enter': + base + .addKey('enter', action) + .addClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction); + break; + + case 'lock': + base + .addKey('lock', action) + .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive); + break; + + case 's': + case 'shift': + base + .addKey('shift', action) + .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive); + break; + + // Change sign (for num pad layout) + case 'sign': + acceptedKeys.push('-'); + base.addKey('sign', action); + break; + + case 'space': + acceptedKeys.push(' '); + base.addKey('space', action); + break; + + case 't': + case 'tab': + base.addKey('tab', action); + break; + + default: + if ($keyboard.keyaction.hasOwnProperty(txt[0])) { + base + .addKey(txt[0], action) + .toggleClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction, isAction); + } + + } + + } else { + + // regular button (not an action key) + t = keys[key]; + base.addKey(t, t, true); + } + } + }; + + base.removeBindings = function (namespace) { + $(document).unbind(namespace); + if (base.el.ownerDocument !== document) { + $(base.el.ownerDocument).unbind(namespace); + } + $(window).unbind(namespace); + base.$el.unbind(namespace); + }; + + base.removeKeyboard = function () { + base.$decBtn = []; + // base.$preview === base.$el when o.usePreview is false - fixes #442 + if (o.usePreview) { + base.$preview.removeData('keyboard'); + } + base.$preview.unbind(base.namespace + 'keybindings'); + base.preview = null; + base.$preview = null; + base.$previewCopy = null; + base.$keyboard.removeData('keyboard'); + base.$keyboard.remove(); + base.$keyboard = []; + base.isOpen = false; + base.isCurrent(false); + }; + + base.destroy = function (callback) { + var index, + kbcss = $keyboard.css, + len = base.extensionNamespace.length, + tmp = [ + kbcss.input, + kbcss.locked, + kbcss.placeholder, + kbcss.noKeyboard, + kbcss.alwaysOpen, + o.css.input, + kbcss.isCurrent + ].join(' '); + clearTimeout(base.timer); + clearTimeout(base.timer2); + clearTimeout(base.timer3); + if (base.$keyboard.length) { + base.removeKeyboard(); + } + if (base.options.openOn) { + base.removeBindings(base.options.openOn); + } + base.removeBindings(base.namespace); + base.removeBindings(base.namespace + 'callbacks'); + for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { + base.removeBindings(base.extensionNamespace[index]); + } + = false; + + base.$el + .removeClass(tmp) + .removeAttr('aria-haspopup') + .removeAttr('role') + .removeData('keyboard'); + base = null; + + if (typeof callback === 'function') { + callback(); + } + }; + + // Run initializer + base.init(); + + }; // end $.keyboard definition + + // event.which & ASCII values + $keyboard.keyCodes = { + backSpace: 8, + tab: 9, + enter: 13, + capsLock: 20, + escape: 27, + space: 32, + pageUp: 33, + pageDown: 34, + end: 35, + home: 36, + left: 37, + up: 38, + right: 39, + down: 40, + insert: 45, + delete: 46, + // event.which keyCodes (uppercase letters) + A: 65, + Z: 90, + V: 86, + C: 67, + X: 88, + + // ASCII lowercase a & z + a: 97, + z: 122 + }; + + $keyboard.css = { + // keyboard id suffix + idSuffix: '_keyboard', + // class name to set initial focus + initialFocus: 'keyboard-init-focus', + // element class names + input: 'ui-keyboard-input', + inputClone: 'ui-keyboard-preview-clone', + wrapper: 'ui-keyboard-preview-wrapper', + preview: 'ui-keyboard-preview', + keyboard: 'ui-keyboard', + keySet: 'ui-keyboard-keyset', + keyButton: 'ui-keyboard-button', + keyWide: 'ui-keyboard-widekey', + keyPrefix: 'ui-keyboard-', + keyText: 'ui-keyboard-text', // span with button text + keyHasActive: 'ui-keyboard-hasactivestate', + keyAction: 'ui-keyboard-actionkey', + keySpacer: 'ui-keyboard-spacer', // empty keys + keyToggle: 'ui-keyboard-toggle', + keyDisabled: 'ui-keyboard-disabled', + // Class for BRs with a div wrapper inside of contenteditable + divWrapperCE: 'ui-keyboard-div-wrapper', + // states + locked: 'ui-keyboard-lockedinput', + alwaysOpen: 'ui-keyboard-always-open', + noKeyboard: 'ui-keyboard-nokeyboard', + placeholder: 'ui-keyboard-placeholder', + hasFocus: 'ui-keyboard-has-focus', + isCurrent: 'ui-keyboard-input-current', + // validation & autoaccept + inputValid: 'ui-keyboard-valid-input', + inputInvalid: 'ui-keyboard-invalid-input', + inputAutoAccepted: 'ui-keyboard-autoaccepted', + endRow: 'ui-keyboard-button-endrow' // class added to <br> + }; + + $ = { + // keyboard events + kbChange: 'keyboardChange', + kbBeforeClose: 'beforeClose', + kbBeforeVisible: 'beforeVisible', + kbVisible: 'visible', + kbInit: 'initialized', + kbInactive: 'inactive', + kbHidden: 'hidden', + kbRepeater: 'repeater', + kbKeysetChange: 'keysetChange', + // input events + inputAccepted: 'accepted', + inputCanceled: 'canceled', + inputChange: 'change', + inputRestricted: 'restricted' + }; + + // Action key function list + $keyboard.keyaction = { + accept: function (base) { + base.close(true); // same as base.accept(); + return false; // return false prevents further processing + }, + alt: function (base) { + base.altActive = !base.altActive; + base.showSet(); + }, + bksp: function (base) { + if (base.isContentEditable) { + base.execCommand('delete'); + // save new caret position + base.saveCaret(); + } else { + // the script looks for the '\b' string and initiates a backspace + base.insertText('\b'); + } + }, + cancel: function (base) { + base.close(); + return false; // return false prevents further processing + }, + clear: function (base) { + base.$preview[base.isContentEditable ? 'text' : 'val'](''); + if (base.$decBtn.length) { + base.checkDecimal(); + } + }, + combo: function (base) { + var o = base.options, + c = !o.useCombos, + $combo = base.$keyboard.find('.' + $keyboard.css.keyPrefix + 'combo'); + o.useCombos = c; + $combo + .toggleClass(o.css.buttonActive, c) + // update combo key state + .attr('title', $combo.attr('data-title') + ' (' + o.display[c ? 'active' : 'disabled'] + ')'); + if (c) { + base.checkCombos(); + } + return false; + }, + dec: function (base) { + base.insertText((base.decimal) ? '.' : ','); + }, + del: function (base) { + if (base.isContentEditable) { + base.execCommand('forwardDelete'); + } else { + // the script looks for the '{d}' string and initiates a delete + base.insertText('{d}'); + } + }, + // resets to base keyset (deprecated because "default" is a reserved word) + 'default': function (base) { + base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false; + base.showSet(); + }, + // el is the pressed key (button) object; it is null when the real keyboard enter is pressed + enter: function (base, el, e) { + var o = base.options; + // shift+enter in textareas + if (e.shiftKey) { + // textarea, input & contenteditable - enterMod + shift + enter = accept, + // then go to prev; base.switchInput(goToNext, autoAccept) + // textarea & input - shift + enter = accept (no navigation) + return (o.enterNavigation) ? base.switchInput(!e[o.enterMod], true) : base.close(true); + } + // input only - enterMod + enter to navigate + if (o.enterNavigation && (!base.isTextArea || e[o.enterMod])) { + return base.switchInput(!e[o.enterMod], o.autoAccept ? 'true' : false); + } + // pressing virtual enter button inside of a textarea - add a carriage return + // is span when clicking on text and button at other times + if (base.isTextArea && $('button').length) { + // IE8 fix (space + \n) - fixes #71 thanks Blookie! + base.insertText(($keyboard.msie ? ' ' : '') + '\n'); + } + if (base.isContentEditable && !o.enterNavigation) { + base.execCommand('insertHTML', '<div><br class="' + $keyboard.css.divWrapperCE + '"></div>'); + // Using backspace on wrapped BRs will now shift the textnode inside of the wrapped BR + // Although not ideal, the caret is moved after the block - see the wiki page for + // more details: + // move caret after a delay to allow rendering of HTML + setTimeout(function() { + $keyboard.keyaction.right(base); + base.saveCaret(); + }, 0); + } + }, + // caps lock key + lock: function (base) { + base.last.keyset[0] = base.shiftActive = base.capsLock = !base.capsLock; + base.showSet(); + }, + left: function (base) { + var p = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview); + if (p.start - 1 >= 0) { + // move both start and end of caret (prevents text selection) & save caret position + base.last.start = base.last.end = p.start - 1; + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last); + base.setScroll(); + } + }, + meta: function (base, el) { + var $el = $(el); + base.metaActive = !$el.hasClass(base.options.css.buttonActive); + base.showSet($el.attr('data-name')); + }, + next: function (base) { + base.switchInput(true, base.options.autoAccept); + return false; + }, + // same as 'default' - resets to base keyset + normal: function (base) { + base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false; + base.showSet(); + }, + prev: function (base) { + base.switchInput(false, base.options.autoAccept); + return false; + }, + right: function (base) { + var p = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview), + len = base.isContentEditable ? $keyboard.getEditableLength(base.el) : base.getValue().length; + if (p.end + 1 <= len) { + // move both start and end of caret to end position + // (prevents text selection) && save caret position + base.last.start = base.last.end = p.end + 1; + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last); + base.setScroll(); + } + }, + shift: function (base) { + base.last.keyset[0] = base.shiftActive = !base.shiftActive; + base.showSet(); + }, + sign: function (base) { + if (/^[+-]?\d*\.?\d*$/.test(base.getValue())) { + var caret, + p = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview), + val = base.getValue(), + len = base.isContentEditable ? $keyboard.getEditableLength(base.el) : val.length; + base.setValue(val * -1); + caret = len - val.length; + base.last.start = p.start + caret; + base.last.end = p.end + caret; + $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last); + base.setScroll(); + } + }, + space: function (base) { + base.insertText(' '); + }, + tab: function (base) { + var o = base.options; + if (!base.isTextArea) { + if (o.tabNavigation) { + return base.switchInput(!base.shiftActive, true); + } else if (base.isInput) { + // ignore tab key in input + return false; + } + } + base.insertText('\t'); + }, + toggle: function (base) { + base.enabled = !base.enabled; + base.toggle(); + }, + // *** Special action keys: NBSP & zero-width characters *** + // Non-breaking space + NBSP: '\u00a0', + // zero width space + ZWSP: '\u200b', + // Zero width non-joiner + ZWNJ: '\u200c', + // Zero width joiner + ZWJ: '\u200d', + // Left-to-right Mark + LRM: '\u200e', + // Right-to-left Mark + RLM: '\u200f' + }; + + // Default keyboard layouts + $keyboard.builtLayouts = {}; + $keyboard.layouts = { + 'alpha': { + 'normal': [ + '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}', + '{tab} a b c d e f g h i j [ ] \\', + 'k l m n o p q r s ; \' {enter}', + '{shift} t u v w x y z , . / {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ], + 'shift': [ + '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}', + '{tab} A B C D E F G H I J { } |', + 'K L M N O P Q R S : " {enter}', + '{shift} T U V W X Y Z < > ? {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ] + }, + 'qwerty': { + 'normal': [ + '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}', + '{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\', + 'a s d f g h j k l ; \' {enter}', + '{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ], + 'shift': [ + '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}', + '{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |', + 'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}', + '{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ] + }, + 'international': { + 'normal': [ + '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}', + '{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\', + 'a s d f g h j k l ; \' {enter}', + '{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}', + '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}' + ], + 'shift': [ + '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}', + '{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |', + 'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}', + '{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}', + '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}' + ], + 'alt': [ + '~ \u00a1 \u00b2 \u00b3 \u00a4 \u20ac \u00bc \u00bd \u00be \u2018 \u2019 \u00a5 \u00d7 {bksp}', + '{tab} \u00e4 \u00e5 \u00e9 \u00ae \u00fe \u00fc \u00fa \u00ed \u00f3 \u00f6 \u00ab \u00bb \u00ac', + '\u00e1 \u00df \u00f0 f g h j k \u00f8 \u00b6 \u00b4 {enter}', + '{shift} \u00e6 x \u00a9 v b \u00f1 \u00b5 \u00e7 > \u00bf {shift}', + '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}' + ], + 'alt-shift': [ + '~ \u00b9 \u00b2 \u00b3 \u00a3 \u20ac \u00bc \u00bd \u00be \u2018 \u2019 \u00a5 \u00f7 {bksp}', + '{tab} \u00c4 \u00c5 \u00c9 \u00ae \u00de \u00dc \u00da \u00cd \u00d3 \u00d6 \u00ab \u00bb \u00a6', + '\u00c4 \u00a7 \u00d0 F G H J K \u00d8 \u00b0 \u00a8 {enter}', + '{shift} \u00c6 X \u00a2 V B \u00d1 \u00b5 \u00c7 . \u00bf {shift}', + '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}' + ] + }, + 'colemak': { + 'normal': [ + '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}', + '{tab} q w f p g j l u y ; [ ] \\', + '{bksp} a r s t d h n e i o \' {enter}', + '{shift} z x c v b k m , . / {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ], + 'shift': [ + '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}', + '{tab} Q W F P G J L U Y : { } |', + '{bksp} A R S T D H N E I O " {enter}', + '{shift} Z X C V B K M < > ? {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ] + }, + 'dvorak': { + 'normal': [ + '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 [ ] {bksp}', + '{tab} \' , . p y f g c r l / = \\', + 'a o e u i d h t n s - {enter}', + '{shift} ; q j k x b m w v z {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ], + 'shift': [ + '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } {bksp}', + '{tab} " < > P Y F G C R L ? + |', + 'A O E U I D H T N S _ {enter}', + '{shift} : Q J K X B M W V Z {shift}', + '{accept} {space} {cancel}' + ] + }, + 'num': { + 'normal': [ + '= ( ) {b}', + '{clear} / * -', + '7 8 9 +', + '4 5 6 {sign}', + '1 2 3 %', + '0 {dec} {a} {c}' + ] + } + }; + + $keyboard.language = { + en: { + display: { + // check mark - same action as accept + 'a': '\u2714:Accept (Shift+Enter)', + 'accept': 'Accept:Accept (Shift+Enter)', + // other alternatives \u2311 + 'alt': 'Alt:\u2325 AltGr', + // Left arrow (same as ←) + 'b': '\u232b:Backspace', + 'bksp': 'Bksp:Backspace', + // big X, close - same action as cancel + 'c': '\u2716:Cancel (Esc)', + 'cancel': 'Cancel:Cancel (Esc)', + // clear num pad + 'clear': 'C:Clear', + 'combo': '\u00f6:Toggle Combo Keys', + // decimal point for num pad (optional), change '.' to ',' for European format + 'dec': '.:Decimal', + // down, then left arrow - enter symbol + 'e': '\u23ce:Enter', + 'empty': '\u00a0', + 'enter': 'Enter:Enter \u23ce', + // left arrow (move caret) + 'left': '\u2190', + // caps lock + 'lock': 'Lock:\u21ea Caps Lock', + 'next': 'Next \u21e8', + 'prev': '\u21e6 Prev', + // right arrow (move caret) + 'right': '\u2192', + // thick hollow up arrow + 's': '\u21e7:Shift', + 'shift': 'Shift:Shift', + // +/- sign for num pad + 'sign': '\u00b1:Change Sign', + 'space': '\u00a0:Space', + // right arrow to bar (used since this virtual keyboard works with one directional tabs) + 't': '\u21e5:Tab', + // \u21b9 is the true tab symbol (left & right arrows) + 'tab': '\u21e5 Tab:Tab', + // replaced by an image + 'toggle': ' ', + + // added to titles of keys + // accept key status when acceptValid:true + 'valid': 'valid', + 'invalid': 'invalid', + // combo key states + 'active': 'active', + 'disabled': 'disabled' + }, + + // Message added to the key title while hovering, if the mousewheel plugin exists + wheelMessage: 'Use mousewheel to see other keys', + + comboRegex: /([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/mig, + combos: { + // grave + '`': { a: '\u00e0', A: '\u00c0', e: '\u00e8', E: '\u00c8', i: '\u00ec', I: '\u00cc', o: '\u00f2', + O: '\u00d2', u: '\u00f9', U: '\u00d9', y: '\u1ef3', Y: '\u1ef2' }, + // acute & cedilla + "'": { a: '\u00e1', A: '\u00c1', e: '\u00e9', E: '\u00c9', i: '\u00ed', I: '\u00cd', o: '\u00f3', + O: '\u00d3', u: '\u00fa', U: '\u00da', y: '\u00fd', Y: '\u00dd' }, + // umlaut/trema + '"': { a: '\u00e4', A: '\u00c4', e: '\u00eb', E: '\u00cb', i: '\u00ef', I: '\u00cf', o: '\u00f6', + O: '\u00d6', u: '\u00fc', U: '\u00dc', y: '\u00ff', Y: '\u0178' }, + // circumflex + '^': { a: '\u00e2', A: '\u00c2', e: '\u00ea', E: '\u00ca', i: '\u00ee', I: '\u00ce', o: '\u00f4', + O: '\u00d4', u: '\u00fb', U: '\u00db', y: '\u0177', Y: '\u0176' }, + // tilde + '~': { a: '\u00e3', A: '\u00c3', e: '\u1ebd', E: '\u1ebc', i: '\u0129', I: '\u0128', o: '\u00f5', + O: '\u00d5', u: '\u0169', U: '\u0168', y: '\u1ef9', Y: '\u1ef8', n: '\u00f1', N: '\u00d1' } + } + } + }; + + $keyboard.defaultOptions = { + // set this to ISO 639-1 language code to override language set by the layout + // + // language defaults to 'en' if not found + language: null, + rtl: false, + + // *** choose layout & positioning *** + layout: 'qwerty', + customLayout: null, + + position: { + // optional - null (attach to input/textarea) or a jQuery object (attach elsewhere) + of: null, + my: 'center top', + at: 'center top', + // used when 'usePreview' is false (centers the keyboard at the bottom of the input/textarea) + at2: 'center bottom' + }, + + // allow jQuery position utility to reposition the keyboard on window resize + reposition: true, + + // preview added above keyboard if true, original input/textarea used if false + usePreview: true, + + // if true, the keyboard will always be visible + alwaysOpen: false, + + // give the preview initial focus when the keyboard becomes visible + initialFocus: true, + + // avoid changing the focus (hardware keyboard probably won't work) + noFocus: false, + + // if true, keyboard will remain open even if the input loses focus, but closes on escape + // or when another keyboard opens. + stayOpen: false, + + // Prevents the keyboard from closing when the user clicks or presses outside the keyboard + // the `autoAccept` option must also be set to true when this option is true or changes are lost + userClosed: false, + + // if true, keyboard will not close if you press escape. + ignoreEsc: false, + + // if true, keyboard will only closed on click event instead of mousedown and touchstart + closeByClickEvent: false, + + css: { + // input & preview + input: 'ui-widget-content ui-corner-all', + // keyboard container + container: 'ui-widget-content ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix', + // keyboard container extra class (same as container, but separate) + popup: '', + // default state + buttonDefault: 'ui-state-default ui-corner-all', + // hovered button + buttonHover: 'ui-state-hover', + // Action keys (e.g. Accept, Cancel, Tab, etc); this replaces 'actionClass' option + buttonAction: 'ui-state-active', + // Active keys (e.g. shift down, meta keyset active, combo keys active) + buttonActive: 'ui-state-active', + // used when disabling the decimal button {dec} when a decimal exists in the input area + buttonDisabled: 'ui-state-disabled', + buttonEmpty: 'ui-keyboard-empty' + }, + + // *** Useability *** + // Auto-accept content when clicking outside the keyboard (popup will close) + autoAccept: false, + // Auto-accept content even if the user presses escape (only works if `autoAccept` is `true`) + autoAcceptOnEsc: false, + + // Prevents direct input in the preview window when true + lockInput: false, + + // Prevent keys not in the displayed keyboard from being typed in + restrictInput: false, + // Additional allowed characters while restrictInput is true + restrictInclude: '', // e.g. 'a b foo \ud83d\ude38' + + // Check input against validate function, if valid the accept button gets a class name of + // 'ui-keyboard-valid-input'. If invalid, the accept button gets a class name of + // 'ui-keyboard-invalid-input' + acceptValid: false, + // Auto-accept when input is valid; requires `acceptValid` set `true` & validate callback + autoAcceptOnValid: false, + // Check validation on keyboard initialization. If false, the "Accept" key state (color) + // will not change to show if the content is valid, or not + checkValidOnInit: true, + + // if acceptValid is true & the validate function returns a false, this option will cancel + // a keyboard close only after the accept button is pressed + cancelClose: true, + + // tab to go to next, shift-tab for previous (default behavior) + tabNavigation: false, + + // enter for next input; shift+enter accepts content & goes to next + // shift + 'enterMod' + enter ('enterMod' is the alt as set below) will accept content and go + // to previous in a textarea + enterNavigation: false, + // mod key options: 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey', 'altKey', 'metaKey' (MAC only) + enterMod: 'altKey', // alt-enter to go to previous; shift-alt-enter to accept & go to previous + + // if true, the next button will stop on the last keyboard input/textarea; prev button stops at first + // if false, the next button will wrap to target the first input/textarea; prev will go to the last + stopAtEnd: true, + + // Set this to append the keyboard after the input/textarea (appended to the input/textarea parent). + // This option works best when the input container doesn't have a set width & when the 'tabNavigation' + // option is true. + appendLocally: false, + // When appendLocally is false, the keyboard will be appended to this object + appendTo: 'body', + + // Wrap all <br>s inside of a contenteditable in a div; without wrapping, the caret + // position will not be accurate + wrapBRs: true, + + // If false, the shift key will remain active until the next key is (mouse) clicked on; if true it will + // stay active until pressed again + stickyShift: true, + + // Prevent pasting content into the area + preventPaste: false, + + // caret placed at the end of any text when keyboard becomes visible + caretToEnd: false, + + // caret stays this many pixels from the edge of the input while scrolling left/right; + // use "c" or "center" to center the caret while scrolling + scrollAdjustment: 10, + + // Set the max number of characters allowed in the input, setting it to false disables this option + maxLength: false, + // allow inserting characters @ caret when maxLength is set + maxInsert: true, + + // Mouse repeat delay - when clicking/touching a virtual keyboard key, after this delay the key will + // start repeating + repeatDelay: 500, + + // Mouse repeat rate - after the repeatDelay, this is the rate (characters per second) at which the + // key is repeated Added to simulate holding down a real keyboard key and having it repeat. I haven't + // calculated the upper limit of this rate, but it is limited to how fast the javascript can process + // the keys. And for me, in Firefox, it's around 20. + repeatRate: 20, + + // resets the keyboard to the default keyset when visible + resetDefault: true, + + // Event (namespaced) on the input to reveal the keyboard. To disable it, just set it to ''. + openOn: 'focus', + + // enable the keyboard on readonly inputs + activeOnReadonly: false, + + // Event (namepaced) for when the character is added to the input (clicking on the keyboard) + keyBinding: 'mousedown touchstart', + + // enable/disable mousewheel functionality + // enabling still depends on the mousewheel plugin + useWheel: true, + + // combos (emulate dead keys : + // if user inputs `a the script converts it to à, ^o becomes ô, etc. + useCombos: true, + + /* + // *** Methods *** + // commenting these out to reduce the size of the minified version + // Callbacks - attach a function to any of these callbacks as desired + initialized : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + beforeVisible : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + visible : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + beforeInsert : function(e, keyboard, el, textToAdd) { return textToAdd; }, + change : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + beforeClose : function(e, keyboard, el, accepted) {}, + accepted : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + canceled : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + restricted : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + hidden : function(e, keyboard, el) {}, + // called instead of base.switchInput + switchInput : function(keyboard, goToNext, isAccepted) {}, + // used if you want to create a custom layout or modify the built-in keyboard + create : function(keyboard) { return keyboard.buildKeyboard(); }, + + // build key callback + buildKey : function( keyboard, data ) { + / * + data = { + // READ ONLY + isAction : [boolean] true if key is an action key + name : [string] key class name suffix ( prefix = 'ui-keyboard-' ); + may include decimal ascii value of character + value : [string] text inserted (non-action keys) + title : [string] title attribute of key + action : [string] keyaction name + html : [string] HTML of the key; it includes a <span> wrapping the text + // use to modify key HTML + $key : [object] jQuery selector of key which is already appended to keyboard + } + * / + return data; + }, + */ + + // this callback is called, if the acceptValid is true, and just before the 'beforeClose' to check + // the value if the value is valid, return true and the keyboard will continue as it should + // (close if not always open, etc). If the value is not valid, return false and clear the keyboard + // value ( like this "keyboard.$preview.val('');" ), if desired. The validate function is called after + // each input, the 'isClosing' value will be false; when the accept button is clicked, + // 'isClosing' is true + validate: function (/* keyboard, value, isClosing */) { + return true; + } + + }; + + // for checking combos + $keyboard.comboRegex = /([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/mig; + + // store current keyboard element; used by base.isCurrent() + $keyboard.currentKeyboard = ''; + + $('<!--[if lte IE 8]><script>jQuery("body").addClass("oldie");</script><![endif]--><!--[if IE]>' + + '<script>jQuery("body").addClass("ie");</script><![endif]-->') + .appendTo('body') + .remove(); + $keyboard.msie = $('body').hasClass('oldie'); // Old IE flag, used for caret positioning + $keyboard.allie = $('body').hasClass('ie'); + + $keyboard.watermark = (typeof (document.createElement('input').placeholder) !== 'undefined'); + + $keyboard.checkCaretSupport = function () { + if (typeof $keyboard.checkCaret !== 'boolean') { + // Check if caret position is saved when input is hidden or loses focus + // (*cough* all versions of IE and I think Opera has/had an issue as well + var $temp = $('<div style="height:0px;width:0px;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;top:0;left:-100px;">' + + '<input type="text" value="testing"/></div>').prependTo('body'); // stop page scrolling + $keyboard.caret($temp.find('input'), 3, 3); + // Also save caret position of the input if it is locked + $keyboard.checkCaret = $keyboard.caret($temp.find('input').hide().show()).start !== 3; + $temp.remove(); + } + return $keyboard.checkCaret; + }; + + $keyboard.caret = function($el, param1, param2) { + if (!$el || !$el.length || $':hidden') || $el.css('visibility') === 'hidden') { + return {}; + } + var start, end, txt, pos, + kb = $ 'keyboard' ), + noFocus = kb && kb.options.noFocus, + formEl = /(textarea|input)/i.test($el[0].nodeName); + if (!noFocus) { $el.focus(); } + // set caret position + if (typeof param1 !== 'undefined') { + // allow setting caret using ( $el, { start: x, end: y } ) + if (typeof param1 === 'object' && 'start' in param1 && 'end' in param1) { + start = param1.start; + end = param1.end; + } else if (typeof param2 === 'undefined') { + param2 = param1; // set caret using start position + } + // set caret using ( $el, start, end ); + if (typeof param1 === 'number' && typeof param2 === 'number') { + start = param1; + end = param2; + } else if ( param1 === 'start' ) { + start = end = 0; + } else if ( typeof param1 === 'string' ) { + // unknown string setting, move caret to end + start = end = 'end'; + } + + // *** SET CARET POSITION *** + // modify the line below to adapt to other caret plugins + return formEl ? + $el.caret( start, end, noFocus ) : + $keyboard.setEditableCaret( $el, start, end ); + } + // *** GET CARET POSITION *** + // modify the line below to adapt to other caret plugins + if (formEl) { + // modify the line below to adapt to other caret plugins + pos = $el.caret(); + } else { + // contenteditable + pos = $keyboard.getEditableCaret($el[0]); + } + start = pos.start; + end = pos.end; + + // *** utilities *** + txt = formEl && $el[0].value || $el.text() || ''; + return { + start : start, + end : end, + // return selected text + text : txt.substring( start, end ), + // return a replace selected string method + replaceStr : function( str ) { + return txt.substring( 0, start ) + str + txt.substring( end, txt.length ); + } + }; + }; + + $keyboard.isTextNode = function(el) { + return el && el.nodeType === 3; + }; + + $keyboard.isBlock = function(el, node) { + var win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView; + if ( + node && node.nodeType === 1 && node !== el && + win.getComputedStyle(node).display === 'block' + ) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + }; + + // Wrap all BR's inside of contenteditable + $keyboard.wrapBRs = function(container) { + var $el = $(container).find('br:not(.' + $keyboard.css.divWrapperCE + ')'); + if ($el.length) { + $.each($el, function(i, el) { + var len = el.parentNode.childNodes.length; + if ( + // wrap BRs if not solo child + len !== 1 || + // Or if BR is wrapped by a span + len === 1 && !$keyboard.isBlock(container, el.parentNode) + ) { + $(el).addClass($keyboard.css.divWrapperCE).wrap('<div>'); + } + }); + } + }; + + $keyboard.getEditableCaret = function(container) { + container = $(container)[0]; + if (!container.isContentEditable) { return {}; } + var end, text, + options = ($(container).data('keyboard') || {}).options, + doc = container.ownerDocument, + range = doc.getSelection().getRangeAt(0), + result = pathToNode(range.startContainer, range.startOffset), + start = result.position; + if (options.wrapBRs !== false) { + $keyboard.wrapBRs(container); + } + function pathToNode(endNode, offset) { + var node, adjust, + txt = '', + done = false, + position = 0, + nodes = $.makeArray(container.childNodes); + + function checkBlock(val) { + if (val) { + position += val; + txt += options && options.replaceCR || '\n'; + } + } + + while (!done && nodes.length) { + node = nodes.shift(); + if (node === endNode) { + done = true; + } + + // Add one if previous sibling was a block node (div, p, etc) + adjust = $keyboard.isBlock(container, node.previousSibling); + checkBlock(adjust); + + if ($keyboard.isTextNode(node)) { + position += done ? offset : node.length; + txt += node.textContent; + if (done) { + return {position: position, text: txt}; + } + } else if (!done && node.childNodes) { + nodes = $.makeArray(node.childNodes).concat(nodes); + } + // Add one if we're inside a block node (div, p, etc) + // and previous sibling was a text node + adjust = $keyboard.isTextNode(node.previousSibling) && $keyboard.isBlock(container, node); + checkBlock(adjust); + } + return {position: position, text: txt}; + } + // check of start and end are the same + if (range.endContainer === range.startContainer && range.endOffset === range.startOffset) { + end = start; + text = ''; + } else { + result = pathToNode(range.endContainer, range.endOffset); + end = result.position; + text = result.text.substring(start, end); + } + return { + start: start, + end: end, + text: text + }; + }; + + $keyboard.getEditableLength = function(container) { + var result = $keyboard.setEditableCaret(container, 'getMax'); + // if not a number, the container is not a contenteditable element + return typeof result === 'number' ? result : null; + }; + + $keyboard.setEditableCaret = function(container, start, end) { + container = $(container)[0]; + if (!container.isContentEditable) { return {}; } + var doc = container.ownerDocument, + range = doc.createRange(), + sel = doc.getSelection(), + options = ($(container).data('keyboard') || {}).options, + s = start, + e = end, + text = '', + result = findNode(start === 'getMax' ? 'end' : start); + function findNode(offset) { + if (offset === 'end') { + // Set some value > content length; but return max + offset = container.innerHTML.length; + } else if (offset < 0) { + offset = 0; + } + var node, check, + txt = '', + done = false, + position = 0, + last = 0, + max = 0, + nodes = $.makeArray(container.childNodes); + function updateText(val) { + txt += val ? options && options.replaceCR || '\n' : ''; + return val > 0; + } + function checkDone(adj) { + var val = position + adj; + last = max; + max += adj; + if (offset - val >= 0) { + position = val; + return offset - position <= 0; + } + return offset - val <= 0; + } + while (!done && nodes.length) { + node = nodes.shift(); + // Add one if the previous sibling was a block node (div, p, etc) + check = $keyboard.isBlock(container, node.previousSibling); + if (updateText(check) && checkDone(check)) { + done = true; + } + // Add one if we're inside a block node (div, p, etc) + check = $keyboard.isTextNode(node.previousSibling) && $keyboard.isBlock(container, node); + if (updateText(check) && checkDone(check)) { + done = true; + } + if ($keyboard.isTextNode(node)) { + txt += node.textContent; + if (checkDone(node.length)) { + check = offset - position === 0 && position - last >= 1 ? node.length : offset - position; + return { + node: node, + offset: check, + position: offset, + text: txt + }; + } + } else if (!done && node.childNodes) { + nodes = $.makeArray(node.childNodes).concat(nodes); + } + } + return nodes.length ? + {node: node, offset: offset - position, position: offset, text: txt} : + // Offset is larger than content, return max + {node: node, offset: node && node.length || 0, position: max, text: txt}; + } + if (result.node) { + s = result.position; // Adjust if start > content length + if (start === 'getMax') { + return s; + } + range.setStart(result.node, result.offset); + // Only find end if > start and is defined... this allows passing + // setEditableCaret(el, 'end') or setEditableCaret(el, 10, 'end'); + if (typeof end !== 'undefined' && end !== start) { + result = findNode(end); + } + if (result.node) { + e = result.position; // Adjust if end > content length + range.setEnd(result.node, result.offset); + text = s === e ? '' : result.text.substring(s, e); + } + sel.removeAllRanges(); + sel.addRange(range); + } + return { + start: s, + end: e, + text: text + }; + }; + + $keyboard.replaceContent = function (el, param) { + el = $(el)[0]; + var node, i, str, + type = typeof param, + caret = $keyboard.getEditableCaret(el).start, + charIndex = 0, + nodeStack = [el]; + while ((node = nodeStack.pop())) { + if ($keyboard.isTextNode(node)) { + if (type === 'function') { + if (caret >= charIndex && caret <= charIndex + node.length) { + node.textContent = param(node.textContent); + } + } else if (type === 'string') { + // maybe not the best method, but it works for simple changes + str = param.substring(charIndex, charIndex + node.length); + if (str !== node.textContent) { + node.textContent = str; + } + } + charIndex += node.length; + } else if (node && node.childNodes) { + i = node.childNodes.length; + while (i--) { + nodeStack.push(node.childNodes[i]); + } + } + } + i = $keyboard.getEditableCaret(el); + $keyboard.setEditableCaret(el, i.start, i.start); + }; + + $.fn.keyboard = function (options) { + return this.each(function () { + if (!$(this).data('keyboard')) { + /*jshint nonew:false */ + (new $.keyboard(this, options)); + } + }); + }; + + $.fn.getkeyboard = function () { + return'keyboard'); + }; + + /* Copyright (c) 2010 C. F., Wong (<a href="">Cloudgen Examplet Store</a>) + * Licensed under the MIT License: + * + * Highly modified from the original + */ + + $.fn.caret = function (start, end, noFocus) { + if ( + typeof this[0] === 'undefined' || +':hidden') || + this.css('visibility') === 'hidden' || + !/(INPUT|TEXTAREA)/i.test(this[0].nodeName) + ) { + return this; + } + var selRange, range, stored_range, txt, val, + $el = this, + el = $el[0], + selection = el.ownerDocument.selection, + sTop = el.scrollTop, + ss = false, + supportCaret = true; + try { + ss = 'selectionStart' in el; + } catch (err) { + supportCaret = false; + } + if (supportCaret && typeof start !== 'undefined') { + if (!/(email|number)/i.test(el.type)) { + if (ss) { + el.selectionStart = start; + el.selectionEnd = end; + } else { + selRange = el.createTextRange(); + selRange.collapse(true); + selRange.moveStart('character', start); + selRange.moveEnd('character', end - start); +; + } + } + // must be visible or IE8 crashes; IE9 in compatibility mode works fine - issue #56 + if (!noFocus && ($':visible') || $el.css('visibility') !== 'hidden')) { + el.focus(); + } + el.scrollTop = sTop; + return this; + } + if (/(email|number)/i.test(el.type)) { + // fix suggested by raduanastase ( + start = end = $el.val().length; + } else if (ss) { + start = el.selectionStart; + end = el.selectionEnd; + } else if (selection) { + if (el.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'TEXTAREA') { + val = $el.val(); + range = selection.createRange(); + stored_range = range.duplicate(); + stored_range.moveToElementText(el); + stored_range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range); + // thanks to the awesome comments in the rangy plugin + start = stored_range.text.replace(/\r/g, '\n').length; + end = start + range.text.replace(/\r/g, '\n').length; + } else { + val = $el.val().replace(/\r/g, '\n'); + range = selection.createRange().duplicate(); + range.moveEnd('character', val.length); + start = (range.text === '' ? val.length : val.lastIndexOf(range.text)); + range = selection.createRange().duplicate(); + range.moveStart('character', -val.length); + end = range.text.length; + } + } else { + // caret positioning not supported + start = end = (el.value || '').length; + } + txt = (el.value || ''); + return { + start: start, + end: end, + text: txt.substring(start, end), + replace: function (str) { + return txt.substring(0, start) + str + txt.substring(end, txt.length); + } + }; + }; + + return $keyboard; + +})); diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.min.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ba1717885 --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard v1.29.1 */ +!function(e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],e):"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e(require("jquery")):e(jQuery)}(function(y){"use strict";var b=y.keyboard=function(c,o){var p,h=this;h.version="1.29.1",h.$el=y(c),h.el=c,h.$"keyboard",h),h.init=function(){h.initialized=!1;var e,t,a,i=b.css,;h.settings=o||{},o&&o.position&&(t=y.extend({},o.position),o.position=null),h.options=p=y.extend(!0,{},b.defaultOptions,o),t&&(p.position=t,o.position=t),!0,h.namespace=".keyboard"+Math.random().toString(16).slice(2),h.extensionNamespace=[],h.shiftActive=h.altActive=h.metaActive=h.sets=h.capsLock=!1,h.rows=["","-shift","-alt","-alt-shift"],h.inPlaceholder=h.$el.attr("placeholder")||"",h.watermark=b.watermark&&""!==h.inPlaceholder,h.repeatTime=1e3/(p.repeatRate||20),p.preventDoubleEventTime=p.preventDoubleEventTime||100,h.isOpen=!1,h.wheel="function"==typeof y.fn.mousewheel,h.escapeRegex=/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,h.isTextArea="textarea"===h.el.nodeName.toLowerCase(),h.isInput="input"===h.el.nodeName.toLowerCase(),h.isContentEditable=!h.isTextArea&&!h.isInput&&h.el.isContentEditable,e=b.keyCodes,h.alwaysAllowed=[e.capsLock,e.pageUp,e.pageDown,e.end,e.home,e.left,e.up,e.right,e.down,e.insert,e.delete],h.$keyboard=[],h.enabled=!0,h.checkCaret=p.lockInput||b.checkCaretSupport(),h.isContentEditable&&(p.usePreview=!1),h.last={start:0,end:0,key:"",val:"",preVal:"",layout:"",virtual:!0,keyset:[!1,!1,!1],wheel_$Keys:[],wheelIndex:0,wheelLayers:[]},h.temp=["",0,0],y.each([n.kbInit,n.kbBeforeVisible,n.kbVisible,n.kbHidden,n.inputCanceled,n.inputAccepted,n.kbBeforeClose,n.inputRestricted],function(e,t){"function"==typeof p[t]&&h.$el.bind(t+h.namespace+"callbacks",p[t])}),p.alwaysOpen&&(p.stayOpen=!0),a=y(document),h.el.ownerDocument!==document&&(a=a.add(h.el.ownerDocument));var s="keyup checkkeyboard mousedown touchstart 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h.preview.readonly=t||h.options.lockInput,h.$keyboard.toggleClass(b.css.keyDisabled,t).find("."+b.css.keyButton).not(e).attr("aria-disabled",t).each(function(){this.disabled=t}),e.toggleClass(b.css.keyDisabled,t),t&&h.typing_options&&(h.typing_options.text=""),h}},h.setCurrent=function(){var e=b.css,t=y("."+e.isCurrent),"keyboard");y.isEmptyObject(a)||a.el===h.el||a.close(!!a.options.autoAccept&&"true"),t.removeClass(e.isCurrent),y("."+e.hasFocus).removeClass(e.hasFocus),h.$el.addClass(e.isCurrent),h.$keyboard.addClass(e.hasFocus),h.isCurrent(!0),h.isOpen=!0},h.isUnavailable=function(){return h.$":disabled")||!h.options.activeOnReadonly&&h.$el.attr("readonly")&&!h.$el.hasClass(b.css.locked)},h.isCurrent=function(e){var t=b.currentKeyboard||!1;return e?t=b.currentKeyboard=h.el:!1===e&&t===h.el&&(t=b.currentKeyboard=""),t===h.el},h.hasKeyboard=function(){return h.$keyboard&&0<h.$keyboard.length},h.isVisible=function(){return!!h.hasKeyboard()&&h.$":visible")},h.setFocus=function(){var e=h.$preview||h.$el;p.noFocus||e.focus(),h.isContentEditable?b.setEditableCaret(e,h.last.start,h.last.end):b.caret(e,h.last)},h.focusOn=function(){!h&&||(h.isVisible()?h.setCurrent():(clearTimeout(h.timer),h.reveal()))},h.redraw=function(e){return e&&(h.options.layout=e),h.$keyboard.length&&(h.last.preVal=""+h.last.val,h.saveLastChange(),h.setValue(h.last.val,h.$el),h.removeKeyboard(),h.shiftActive=h.altActive=h.metaActive=!1),h.isOpen=p.alwaysOpen,h.reveal(!0),h},h.reveal=function(e){var t,a=h.isOpen,i=b.css;if(h.opening=!a,y("."+i.keyboard).not("."+i.alwaysOpen).each(function(){var e=y(this).data("keyboard");y.isEmptyObject(e)||e.close(!!e.options.autoAccept&&"true")}),!h.isUnavailable())return h.$el.removeClass(i.noKeyboard),p.openOn&&h.$el.unbind(y.trim((p.openOn+" ").split(/\s+/).join(h.namespace+" 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0===h.width&&(h.$preview.hide(),h.width=Math.ceil(h.$keyboard.width()),h.$,h.$preview.width(h.width)),h.reposition(),h.checkDecimal(),h.lineHeight=parseInt(h.$preview.css("lineHeight"),10)||parseInt(h.$preview.css("font-size"),10)+4,p.caretToEnd&&(t=h.isContentEditable?b.getEditableLength(h.el):h.originalContent.length,h.saveCaret(t,t)),b.allie&&(0===h.last.end&&0<h.last.start&&(h.last.end=h.last.start),h.last.start<0&&(h.last.start=h.last.end=h.originalContent.length)),a||e?(b.caret(h.$preview,h.last),h.opening=!1):h.timer2=setTimeout(function(){var e;h.opening=!1,/(number|email)/i.test(h.el.type)||p.caretToEnd||h.saveCaret(e,e,h.$el),(p.initialFocus||h.$el.hasClass(b.css.initialFocus))&&b.caret(h.$preview,h.last),h.last.eventTime=(new Date).getTime(),h.$el.trigger(,[h,h.el]),h.timer=setTimeout(function(){h&&h.saveCaret()},200)},10),h},h.updateLanguage=function(){var e=b.layouts,t=p.language||e[p.layout]&&e[p.layout].lang&&e[p.layout].lang||[p.language||"en"],a=b.language;t="[object Array]"[0]:t,t=(h.language=t).split("-")[0],p.display=y.extend(!0,{},a.en.display,a[t]&&a[t].display||{},h.settings.display),p.combos=y.extend(!0,{},a.en.combos,a[t]&&a[t].combos||{},h.settings.combos),p.wheelMessage=a[t]&&a[t].wheelMessage||a.en.wheelMessage,p.rtl=e[p.layout]&&e[p.layout].rtl||a[t]&&a[t].rtl||!1,a[t]&&a[t].comboRegex&&(h.regex=a[t].comboRegex),h.decimal=/^\./.test(p.display.dec),h.$el.toggleClass("rtl",p.rtl).css("direction",p.rtl?"rtl":"")},h.startup=function(){var e=b.css;(p.alwaysOpen||p.userClosed)&&h.$preview||h.makePreview(),h.hasKeyboard()||("custom"===p.layout&&(p.layoutHash="custom"+h.customHash()),h.layout="custom"===p.layout?p.layoutHash:p.layout,h.last.layout=h.layout,h.updateLanguage(),void 0===b.builtLayouts[h.layout]&&("function"==typeof p.create?h.$keyboard=p.create(h):h.$keyboard.length||h.buildKeyboard(h.layout,!0)),h.$keyboard=b.builtLayouts[h.layout].$keyboard.clone(),h.$"keyboard",h),""!==(||"")&&h.$keyboard.attr("id",,h.makePreview()),h.$keyboard.attr("data-"+e.keyboard+"-layout",p.layout).attr("data-"+e.keyboard+"-language",h.language),h.$decBtn=h.$keyboard.find("."+e.keyPrefix+"dec"),(p.enterNavigation||h.isTextArea)&&h.alwaysAllowed.push(b.keyCodes.enter),h.bindKeyboard(),h.$keyboard.appendTo(p.appendLocally?h.$el.parent():p.appendTo||"body"),h.bindKeys(),p.reposition&&y.ui&&y.ui.position&&"body"===p.appendTo&&y(window).bind("resize"+h.namespace,function(){h.reposition()})},h.reposition=function(){return h.position=!y.isEmptyObject(p.position)&&p.position,y.ui&&y.ui.position&&h.position&&(h.position.of=h.position.of||h.$"keyboardPosition")||h.$el,h.position.collision=h.position.collision||"flipfit flipfit",,h.isVisible()&&h.$keyboard.position(h.position)),h},h.makePreview=function(){if(p.usePreview){var e,t,a,i,n=b.css;for(h.$preview=h.$el.clone(!1).data("keyboard",h).removeClass(n.placeholder+" "+n.input).addClass(n.preview+" "+p.css.input).attr("tabindex","-1").show(),h.preview=h.$preview[0],"number"===h.preview.type&&(h.preview.type="text"),i=/^(data-|id|aria-haspopup)/i,e=(t=h.$preview.get(0).attributes).length-1;0<=e;e--)a=t[e]&&t[e].name,i.test(a)&&h.preview.removeAttribute(a);y("<div />").addClass(n.wrapper).append(h.$preview).prependTo(h.$keyboard)}else h.$preview=h.$el,h.preview=h.el},h.caret=function(e,t){var a=b.caret(h.$preview,e,t);return a instanceof y?(h.saveCaret(a.start,a.end),h):a},h.saveCaret=function(e,t,a){var i;h.isCurrent()&&(i=void 0===e?b.caret(a||h.$preview):b.caret(a||h.$preview,e,t),h.last.start=void 0===e?i.start:e,h.last.end=void 0===t?i.end:t)},h.saveLastChange=function(e){h.last.val=e||h.getValue(h.$preview||h.$el),h.isContentEditable&&(h.last.elms=h.el.cloneNode(!0))},h.setScroll=function(){if(!h.isContentEditable&&h.last.virtual){var e,t,a,i,n=h.last.val.substring(0,Math.max(h.last.start,h.last.end));h.$previewCopy||(h.$previewCopy=h.$preview.clone().removeAttr("id").css({position:"absolute",left:0,zIndex:-10,visibility:"hidden"}).addClass(b.css.inputClone),h.$previewCopy[0].disabled=!0,h.isTextArea||h.$previewCopy.css({"white-space":"pre",width:0}),p.usePreview?h.$preview.after(h.$previewCopy):h.$keyboard.prepend(h.$previewCopy)),h.isTextArea?(h.$previewCopy.height(h.lineHeight).val(n),h.preview.scrollTop=h.lineHeight*(Math.floor(h.$previewCopy[0].scrollHeight/h.lineHeight)-1)):(h.$previewCopy.val(n.replace(/\s/g," ")),a=/c/i.test(p.scrollAdjustment)?h.preview.clientWidth/2:p.scrollAdjustment,e=h.$previewCopy[0].scrollWidth-1,void 0===h.last.scrollWidth&&(h.last.scrollWidth=e,h.last.direction=!0),i=h.last.scrollWidth===e?h.last.direction:h.last.scrollWidth<e,t=h.preview.clientWidth-a,i?h.preview.scrollLeft=e<t?0:e-t:e>=h.preview.scrollWidth-t?h.preview.scrollLeft=h.preview.scrollWidth-a:h.preview.scrollLeft=0<e-a?e-a:0,h.last.scrollWidth=e,h.last.direction=i)}},h.bindFocus=function(){p.openOn&&h&&$el.bind(p.openOn+h.namespace,function(){h.focusOn()}),y(":focus")[0]===h.el&&h.$el.blur())},h.bindKeyboard=function(){var s,o=b.keyCodes,r=b.builtLayouts[h.layout],e=h.namespace+"keybindings";h.$preview.unbind(h.namespace).bind("click"+e+" touchstart"+e,function(){p.alwaysOpen&&!h.isCurrent()&&h.reveal(),h.timer2=setTimeout(function(){h&&h.saveCaret()},150)}).bind("keypress"+e,function(e){if(p.lockInput)return!1;if(h.isCurrent()){var t=e.charCode||e.which,a=t>=o.A&&t<=o.Z,i=t>=o.a&&t<=o.z,n=h.last.key=String.fromCharCode(t);if(!(t<{if(h.last.virtual=!1,h.last.event=e,h.last.$key=[],h.checkCaret&&h.saveCaret(),t!==o.capsLock&&(a||i)&&(h.capsLock=a&&!e.shiftKey||i&&e.shiftKey,h.capsLock&&!h.shiftActive&&(h.shiftActive=!0,h.showSet())),p.restrictInput){if((e.which===o.backSpace||0===e.which)&&y.inArray(e.keyCode,h.alwaysAllowed))return;-1===y.inArray(n,r.acceptedKeys)&&(e.preventDefault(),(s=y.extend({},e)),h.$el.trigger(s,[h,h.el]))}else if((e.ctrlKey||e.metaKey)&&(e.which===o.A||e.which===o.C||e.which===o.V||e.which>=o.X&&e.which<=o.Z))return;r.hasMappedKeys&&r.mappedKeys.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(h.last.key=r.mappedKeys[n],h.insertText(h.last.key),e.preventDefault()),"function"==typeof p.beforeInsert&&(h.insertText(h.last.key),e.preventDefault()),h.checkMaxLength()}}}).bind("keyup"+e,function(e){if(h.isCurrent()){switch(h.last.virtual=!1,e.which){case!p.lockInput){h.shiftActive=e.shiftKey;var;if(!1,!t)return!1}else e.preventDefault();break;case o.escape:return p.ignoreEsc||h.close(!(!p.autoAccept||!p.autoAcceptOnEsc)&&"true"),!1}clearTimeout(h.throttled),h.throttled=setTimeout(function(){h&&h.isVisible()&&h.checkCombos()},100),h.checkMaxLength(),h.last.preVal=""+h.last.val,h.saveLastChange();var a=y.Event(;if(a.action=h.last.key,h.$el.trigger(a,[h,h.el]),"function"==typeof p.change)return,p.change(a,h,h.el),!1;p.acceptValid&&p.autoAcceptOnValid&&"function"==typeof p.validate&&p.validate(h,h.getValue(h.$preview))&&(h.$preview.blur(),h.accept())}}).bind("keydown"+e,function(e){if(h.last.keyPress=e.which,p.alwaysOpen&&!h.isCurrent()&&h.reveal(),!(!0);if(p.lockInput||e.timeStamp===h.last.timeStamp)return!p.lockInput;switch(h.last.timeStamp=e.timeStamp,h.last.virtual=!1,e.which){case o.backSpace:b.keyaction.bksp(h,null,e),e.preventDefault();break;case o.enter:b.keyaction.enter(h,null,e);break;case o.capsLock:h.shiftActive=h.capsLock=!h.capsLock,h.showSet();break;case 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tjera",comboRegex:/([`\'~\^\"ao\/])([a-z])/gim,combos:{"/":{d:"đ",D:"Đ",l:"ł",L:"Ł"}}};jQuery.keyboard.language.syr={language:"ܣܘܪܝܰܬ (Syriac)",display:{a:"✔:ܚܶܦܳܕ݂ܐ (ܙܰܘܥܶܐ + ܥܒܰܪܬܐ)",accept:"ܚܶܦܳܕ݂ܐ:(ܙܰܘܥܶܐ + ܥܒܰܪܬܐ)",alt:"AltGr:ܒܶܕܳܠܐ ܓܪܰܦܝܟ ܕܥܰܪܬܐ",b:"←:ܙܪܰܥܠܐ ܕܝ ܕܥܰܪܬܐ",bksp:"← Back:ܙܪܰܥܠܐ ܕܝ ܕܥܰܪܬܐ",c:"✖:ܥܪܰܩܬܐ",cancel:"Esc:ܥܪܰܩܬܐ",clear:"C:ܠܚܳܝܐ",combo:"ö:ܙܪܰܥܠܐ ܡܝܬ݂ܐ",dec:",:ܢܘܩܙܐ ܕܪܰܩܡܶܐ (ܐܷܢܓܠܝܫܳܝܐ\\ܐܰܡܶܪܝܟܳܝܐ)",e:"↵:ܥܒܳܪܐ",enter:"↵ Enter:ܥܒܳܪܐ",lock:"⇩:ܐܷܬ݂ܘܳܬ݂ܶܐ ܙܰܘܥܶܐ ",s:"⇧:ܙܰܘܥܶܐ",shift:"⇧ Shift:ܙܰܘܥܶܐ",sign:"±:ܒܶܕܳܠܐ ܦ݁ܳܣܝܬܝܦ Space ܢܶܓܰܬܝܦ",space:"\\u0020:ܕܘܟܬ݂ܐ ܟ݂ܠܝܬ݂ܐ",t:"⇥:ܙܪܰܥܠܐ ܕܷܟܠܳܝܐ ܗܳܪܝܙܳܢܳܝܐ",tab:"⇥ Tab:ܙܪܰܥܠܐ ܕܷܟܠܳܝܐ ܗܳܪܝܙܳܢܳܝܐ"},wheelMessage:"Mausrad benutzen, um weitere Tasten zu sehen",rtl:!0}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/layouts/all.min.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/keyboard/layouts/all.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51b4f29907 --- /dev/null +++ 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" № % : , . ; ( ) _ + {bksp}',"{tab} Й Ц У К Е Н Г Ш Щ З Х Ъ Ё","Ф Ы В А П Р О Л Д Ж Э {enter}","{shift} Я Ч С М И Т Ь Б Ю ? {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["] ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) – » {bksp}","{tab} ј џ ќ ® † њ ѓ ѕ ў ‘ “ ъ ё","ƒ ы ћ ÷ © } ° љ ∆ … э {enter}","{shift} ђ ≈ ≠ µ и ™ ~ ≤ ≥ “ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],"alt-shift":["[ | \" £ € ∞ ¬ ¶ √ ' ` — « {bksp}","{tab} Ј Џ Ќ ® † Њ Ѓ Ѕ Ў ’ ” Ъ Ё ","ƒ Ы Ћ ÷ © { • Љ ∆ … Э {enter}","{shift} Ђ ≈ ≠ µ И ™ ~ < > „ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]},jQuery.keyboard.layouts["sr-Cyrl"]={name:"Serbian Cyrillic (sr-Cyrl)",lang:["sr"],default:["` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ' + {bksp}","{tab} љ њ е р т з у и о п ш ђ ж"," а с д ф г х ј к л ч ћ {enter}","{shift} < ѕ џ ц в б н м , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:['~ ! 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" # $ % & / ( ) = ? * {bksp}',"{tab} Љ Њ Е Р Т З У И О П Ш Ђ Ж","А С Д Ф Г Х Ј К Л Ч Ћ {enter}","{shift} > Ѕ Џ Ц В Б Н М ; : / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["{empty} {empty} {empty} ^ {empty} ° {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {bksp}","{tab} \\ | € {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty}","{empty} {empty} {empty} [ ] {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} {enter}","{shift} {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} @ { } § < > {empty} {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]};jQuery.keyboard.layouts["ms-Belarusian"]={name:"ms-Belarusian",lang:["be"],normal:["ё 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}","{tab} й ц у к е н г ш ў з х ' \\","ф ы в а п р о л д ж э {enter}","{shift} \\ я ч с м і т ь б ю / {shift}","{accept} {space} {cancel}"],shift:['Ё ! 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" # $ % & / ( ) = ? * {bksp}',"{tab} Љ Њ Е Р Т З У И О П Ш Ђ Ж"," А С Д Ф Г Х Ј К Л Ч Ћ {enter}","{shift} Ѕ Џ Ц В Б Н М ; : _ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["` † ° € „ ™ ∞ £ Ґ ¶ • – = {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] ‘",' a s d f g h j k l ; " {enter}',"{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],"alt-shift":["~ ! @ # “ % ^ & * ( ) — + {bksp}","{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } ’"," A S D F G H J K L : ” {enter}","{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]},jQuery.keyboard.layouts["sr-mac"]={name:"Serbian Latin for Mac (sr)",lang:["sr"],default:["< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 / + {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t z u i o p š đ ž"," a s d f g h j k l č ć {enter}","{shift} y x c v b n m , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:["> ! \" # $ % & ' ( ) = ? * {bksp}","{tab} Q W E R T Z U I O P Š Đ Ž"," A S D F G H J K L Č Ć {enter}","{shift} Y X C V B N M ; : _ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["` ¡ ™ £ ¢ ∞ § ¶ • ª º - ≠ {bksp}","{tab} œ ∑ ´ ® † — ¨ ^ ø π [ ] ","å ß ∂ ƒ © ̏ ∆ ̑ ¬ … ^ {enter}","{shift} Ω ≈ ç √ ∫ ~ µ ≤ ≥ ÷ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],"alt-shift":["~ ⁄ @ ‹ › € ı – ° · ‚ _ ± {bksp}","{tab} Œ „ ‰ “ ‘ ” ’ É Ø ∏ { } |","Å Í Î Ï Ì Ó Ô Ò æ Æ {enter}","{shift} « » Ç ◊ Ñ ˆ ¯ È ˇ ¿ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]};jQuery.keyboard.layouts["spanish-qwerty"]={name:"spanish-qwerty",lang:["es"],normal:["| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ' ¿ {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p ́ +","a s d f g h j k l ñ { } {enter}","{shift} < z x c v b n m , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:['° ! " # $ % & / ( ) = ? ¡ {bksp}',"{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P ̈ *","A S D F G H J K L Ñ [ ] {enter}","{shift} > Z X C V B N M ; : _ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["¬ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 \\ ¿ {bksp}","{tab} @ w e r t y u i o p ́ ̃","a s d f g h j k l ñ ̂ ̀ {enter}","{shift} < z x c v b n m , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],"alt-shift":['° ! " # $ % & / ( ) = ? ¡ {bksp}',"{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P ̈ *","A S D F G H J K L Ñ [ ] {enter}","{shift} > Z X C V B N M ; : _ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]},jQuery.keyboard.layouts["spanish-qwerty-sp"]={name:"spanish-qwerty-sp",lang:["es"],normal:["º 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ' ¡ {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p ̀ +","a s d f g h j k l ñ ́ ç {enter}","{shift} < z x c v b n m , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:['ª ! " · $ % & / ( ) = ? ¿ {bksp}',"{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P ^ *","A S D F G H J K L Ñ ̈ Ç {enter}","{shift} > Z X C V B N M ; : _ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["\\ | @ # 4 5 ¬ 7 8 9 0 ' ¡ {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ]","a s d f g h j k l ñ { } {enter}","{shift} | z x c v b n m , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],"alt-shift":['ª ! " · $ % & / ( ) = ? ¿ {bksp}',"{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]","A S D F G H J K L Ñ { } {enter}","{shift} > Z X C V B N M ; : _ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]};jQuery.keyboard.layouts["swedish-qwerty"]={name:"swedish-qwerty",lang:["sv"],normal:["§ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + ́ {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p å ̈","a s d f g h j k l ö ä ' {enter}","{shift} < z x c v b n m , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:['½ ! " # ¤ % & / ( ) = ? ̀ {bksp}',"{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P Å ̂","A S D F G H J K L Ö Ä * {enter}","{shift} > Z X C V B N M ; : _ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["§ 1 @ £ $ 5 6 { [ ] } \\ ́ {bksp}","{tab} q w € r t y u i o p å ̃","a s d f g h j k l ö ä ' {enter}","{shift} | z x c v b n µ , . - {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]},jQuery.keyboard.layouts["swedish-dvorak"]={name:"swedish-qwerty",lang:["sv"],normal:["§ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + ́ {bksp}","{tab} ö å ä p y f g c r l q ¨","a o e u i d h t n s - < {enter}","{shift} ' , . j k x b m w v z {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:['½ ! " # ¤ % & / ( ) = ? ` {bksp}',"{tab} Ö Å Ä P Y F G C R L Q ^","A O E U I D H T N S _ > {enter}","{shift} * ; : J K X B M W V Z {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["§ 1 @ £ $ 5 6 { [ ] } \\ ´ {bksp}","{tab} ö å ä p y f g c r l q ~","a o e u i d h t n s - | {enter}","{shift} ' , . j k x b m w v z {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]};jQuery.keyboard.layouts.syriac={name:"syriac-surayt",lang:["syr"],normal:[" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}","{tab} ܔ ܨ ܖ ܩ ܦ ܜ ܥ ܗ ܞ ܚ ܓ ܕ ܆","ܫ ܣ ܝ ܒ ܠ ܐ ܬ ܢ ܡ ܟ ܛ {enter}","{shift} ܆ ] [ ܤ ܪ ܧ ܀ . ܘ ܙ / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:["̮ ! ̊ ̥ ݉ ♰ ♱ ܊ » ) ( « + {bksp}","{tab} ܰ ܳ ܶ ܺ ܽ ݀ ݁ ̈ ̄ ̇ ̃ ݊ :","ܱ ܴ ܷ ܻ ܾ ܑ ـ ̤ ̱ ̣ ̰ {enter}","{shift} : ܲ ܵ ܸ ܼ ܿ ܹ ݂ ، ؛ / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["ّ ܁ ܂ ܃ ܄ ܅ ܈ ܉ ܋ ܌ ܍ ┌ ┐ {bksp}","{tab} َ ً ُ ٌ ٓ ٔ ݇ ݃ ݅ ̭ {empty} {empty} {empty}","ِ ٍ {empty} ء ٕ ٰ ݈ ݄ ݆ {empty} {empty} {enter}","{shift} {empty} {empty} ْ {empty} {ZWJ} {ZWNJ} {LRM} {RLM} {empty} {empty} {empty} {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]},jQuery.keyboard.layouts["syriac-phonetic"]={name:"syriac-surayt-phonetic",lang:["syr"],normal:[" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}","{tab} ܩ ܘ ܖ ܪ ܬ ܝ ܜ ܥ ܧ ܦ ] [ ܆","ܐ ܣ ܕ ܔ ܓ ܗ ܛ ܟ ܠ ܚ ܞ {enter}","{shift} ܆ ܙ ܨ ܤ ܫ ܒ ܢ ܡ ܀ . / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:["̮ ! ̊ ̥ ݉ ♰ ♱ ܊ » ) ( « + {bksp}","{tab} ܰ ܳ ܶ ܺ ܽ ݀ ݁ ̈ ̄ ̇ ̃ ݊ :","ܱ ܴ ܷ ܻ ܾ ܑ ـ ̤ ̱ ̣ ̰ {enter}","{shift} : ܲ ܵ ܸ ܼ ܿ ܹ ݂ ، ؛ / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["ّ ܁ ܂ ܃ ܄ ܅ ܈ ܉ ܋ ܌ ܍ ┌ ┐ {bksp}","{tab} َ ً ُ ٌ ٓ ٔ ݇ ݃ ݅ ̭ {empty} {empty} {empty}","ِ ٍ {empty} ء ٕ ٰ ݈ ݄ ݆ {empty} {empty} {enter}","{shift} {empty} {empty} ْ {empty} {ZWJ} {ZWNJ} {LRM} {RLM} {empty} {empty} {empty} {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]},jQuery.keyboard.layouts["syriac-latin"]={name:"syriac-surayt-latin",lang:["syr"],normal:["' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ḏ ḥ ḍ ṣ š {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p ṭ ṯ","a s d f g h j k l ë ä ġ {enter}","{shift} X z x c v b n m ž č . {shift}","{accept} {space} {cancel}"],shift:['8 9 0 ! " % ? Ḏ Ḥ Ḍ Ṣ Š {bksp}',"{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P Ṭ Ṯ","A S D F G H J K L Ë Ä Ġ {enter}","{shift} {empty} Z X C V B N M Ž Č , {shift}","{accept} {space} {cancel}"]};jQuery.keyboard.layouts["tamil-tamil99-mod"]={name:"tamil-tamil99-mod",lang:["ta"],normal:["ா ி ீ ு ூ ெ ே ை ொ ோ ௌ ஃ {bksp}","{tab} ஆ ஈ ஊ ஐ ஏ ள ற ன ட ண ச ஞ ","அ இ உ ் எ க ப ம த ந ய {enter}","{shift} ஔ ஓ ஒ வ ங ல ர , . ழ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:["` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}","{tab} ஸ ஷ ஜ ஹ ஶ்ரீ க்ஷ [ ] { } ","௹ ௺ ௸ ஃ \" : ; ' {enter}","{shift} ௳ ௴ ௵ ௶ ௷ / / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\","a s d f g h j k l ; ' {enter}","{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],"alt-shift":["~ | @ # $ % ¬ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}","{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P ! ¦ ¢",'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}',"{shift} Z X C V B N M { } ? {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]};jQuery.keyboard.layouts["thai-qwerty"]={name:"thai-qwerty",lang:["th"],normal:["_ ๅ / - ภ ถ ุ ึ ค ฅ จ ข ช {bksp}","{tab} ๆ ไ ำ พ ะ ั ี ร น ย บ ล ฃ ","ฟ ห ก ด เ ้ ่ า ส ว ง {enter}","{shift} ผ ป แ อ ิ ื ท ม ใ ฝ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:["% + ๑ ๒ ๓ ๔ ู ฿ ๕ ๖ ๗ ๘ ๙ {bksp}",'{tab} ๐ " ฎ ฑ ธ ํ ๊ ณ ฯ ญ ฐ , ฅ',"ฤ ฆ ฏ โ ฌ ็ ๋ ษ ศ ซ . {enter}","{shift} ( ) ฉ ฮ ฺ ์ ? ฒ ฬ ฦ {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],alt:["` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}","{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\","a s d f g h j k l ; ' {enter}","{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],"alt-shift":["~ | @ # $ % ¬ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}","{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P ! ¦ ¢",'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}',"{shift} Z X C V B N M { } ? {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"]};jQuery.keyboard.layouts["turkish-q"]={name:"turkish-q",lang:["tr"],normal:['" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * - {bksp}',"{tab} q w e r t y u ı o p ğ ü","{lock} a s d f g h j k l ş i , {enter}","{shift} < z x c v b n m ö ç . {shift}","{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],shift:["é ! 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/koha/cateditor/marc-editor.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/koha/cateditor/marc-editor.js index af20307ca2..c6249e58c4 100644 --- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/koha/cateditor/marc-editor.js +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/koha/cateditor/marc-editor.js @@ -241,6 +241,11 @@ define( [ 'marc-record', 'koha-backend', 'preferences', 'text-marc', 'widget' ], cm.replaceRange( "‡", cur, null ); } + _editorKeys[toggle_keyboard] = function( cm ) { + let keyboard = $(cm.getInputField()).getkeyboard(); + keyboard.isVisible()?keyboard.close():keyboard.reveal(); + } + // The objects below are part of a field/subfield manipulation API, accessed through the base // editor object. // @@ -493,6 +498,79 @@ define( [ 'marc-record', 'koha-backend', 'preferences', 'text-marc', 'widget' ], } } ); + var inf =; + var self = this; + var kb = $(inf).keyboard({ + //keyBinding: "mousedown touchstart", + usePreview: false, + lockInput: false, + autoAccept: true, + autoAcceptOnEsc: true, + userClosed: true, + //alwaysOpen: true, + openOn : '', + position: { + of: $("#statusbar"), // optional - null (attach to input/textarea) or a jQuery object (attach elsewhere) + my: 'center top', + at: 'center bottom', + at2: 'center bottom' // used when "usePreview" is false (centers keyboard at bottom of the input/textarea) + }, + beforeInsert: function(evnt, keyboard, elem, txt) { + var position =; + if (txt === "\b") { +"delCharBefore"); + } + if (txt === "\b" && === 0 && position.line !== 0) { + elem.value = || ""; + txt = ""; + } + return txt; + }, + visible: function() { + $('#set-keyboard-layout').removeClass('hide'); + }, + hidden: function(e, keyboard, el, accepted) { + inf.focus(); + $('#set-keyboard-layout').addClass('hide'); + } + }).getkeyboard(); + + + Object.keys($.keyboard.layouts).forEach(function(layout) { + var div = $('#keyboard-layout .layouts').append('<div class="layout" data-layout="'+layout+'" data-name="'+($.keyboard.layouts[layout].name||layout)+'" >'+($.keyboard.layouts[layout].name||layout)+'</div>') + if(kb.layout == layout) { + div.addClass('active'); + } + }); + $('#keyboard-layout') + .on('', function() { + kb.close(); + $('#keyboard-layout .filter').focus(); + $('#set-keyboard-layout').removeClass('hide'); + }) + .on('', function() { + !kb.isVisible() && kb.reveal(); + }); + $('#keyboard-layout .layout').click(function(event) { + $('#keyboard-layout .layout').removeClass('active'); + $(this).addClass('active'); + var layout = $(this).data().layout; + kb.redraw(layout); + $('#keyboard-layout').modal('hide'); + $('#keyboard-layout .filter').val(''); + $('#keyboard-layout .layout').show(); + }); + $('#keyboard-layout .filter').keyup(function() { + var val = $(this).val(); + if(!val||!val.length) return $('#keyboard-layout .layout').show(); + var filter = new RegExp(val, 'i'); + $('#keyboard-layout .layout').hide(); + $('#keyboard-layout .layout').each(function() { + var name = $(this).data().name; + if(filter.test(name)) $(this).show(); + }) + }); + = this; 'beforeChange', editorBeforeChange ); diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/css/cateditor.css b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/css/cateditor.css index c2c0e05531..277a1b1aa6 100644 --- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/css/cateditor.css +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/css/cateditor.css @@ -461,4 +461,16 @@ body { border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0; margin-bottom: -32px; } +} + +#keyboard-layout .layouts { + column-count: 2; +} + +#keyboard-layout .layouts > div { + cursor: pointer; +} + +.ui-keyboard-accept { + display: none; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ index a5734ff619..da2201ce07 100644 --- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ [% USE Koha %] [% Asset.js("lib/codemirror/codemirror-compressed.js") | $raw %] [% Asset.js("lib/filesaver.js") | $raw %] +[% Asset.css("lib/keyboard/css/keyboard.min.css") | $raw %] +[% Asset.js("lib/keyboard/js/jquery.keyboard.js") | $raw %] +[% Asset.js("lib/keyboard/languages/all.min.js") | $raw %] +[% Asset.js("lib/keyboard/layouts/all.min.js") | $raw %] [% Asset.js("lib/koha/cateditor/marc-mode.js") | $raw %] [% Asset.js("lib/require.js") | $raw %] <script> diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ index e04e4e79c6..e735300fdf 100644 --- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ @@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ [%- CASE 'line_break' -%]<span>Insert line break</span> [%- CASE 'next_position' -%]<span>Move to next position</span> [%- CASE 'prev_position' -%]<span>Move to previous position</span> + [%- CASE 'toggle_keyboard' -%]<span>Toggle Keyboard</span> [%- END -%] [%- END -%] diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/ index d313fd982a..c72bc92bdb 100644 --- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/ +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/ @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ </div> <button class="btn btn-default" id="show-alerts" title="Previous alerts"><i class="fa fa-bell"></i> Alerts <span class="caret"></span></button> <button class="btn btn-default" id="show-shortcuts" title="Supported keyboard shortcuts"><i class="fa fa-keyboard-o"></i> Keyboard shortcuts <span class="caret"></span></button> + <button class="btn btn-default hide" id="set-keyboard-layout" data-target="#keyboard-layout" data-toggle="modal" title="Set virtual keyboard layout"><i class="fa fa-keyboard-o"></i> Keyboard layout </button> </div> [%# CodeMirror instance will be inserted here %] <div id="statusbar"> @@ -268,6 +269,25 @@ </div> </div> +<div id="keyboard-layout" class="modal fade" role="dialog"> + <div class="modal-dialog"> + <div class="modal-content"> + <div class="modal-header"> + <button type="button" class="closebtn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> + <h4 class="modal-title">Set virtual keyboard layout</h4> + </div> + <div class="modal-body"> + <div class="form-group"> + <label for="exampleInputEmail1">Filter layouts</label> + <input type="search" class="form-control filter"/> + </div> + <hr/> + <div class="layouts"></div> + </div> + </div> + </div> +</div> + <div id="shortcuts-contents" style="display: none"> [% IF ( CAN_user_parameters_manage_keyboard_shortcuts ) %] <a id="redefine_shortcuts" href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/">Redefine shortcuts</a> -- 2.22.0