Bugzilla – Attachment 96170 Details for
Bug 23533
Reindent patron entry form (memberentrygen.tt)
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Bug 23533: Reindent patron entry form (memberentrygen.tt)
Bug-23533-Reindent-patron-entry-form-memberentryge.patch (text/plain), 163.10 KB, created by
Owen Leonard
on 2019-12-10 17:45:10 UTC
Bug 23533: Reindent patron entry form (memberentrygen.tt)
MIME Type:
Owen Leonard
2019-12-10 17:45:10 UTC
163.10 KB
>From eafd9858d0254df5918d1383eac5a026785bae6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org> >Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 16:34:56 +0000 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 23533: Reindent patron entry form (memberentrygen.tt) > >This patch re-indents the template for patron entry/editing. It >makes only whitespace changes. It should have no effect on the behavior >of the page. > >To test, create or edit a patron. > >Test every aspect of the process. At each step the page should work >correctly. Including: > > - Adult patron > - Child patron > - Organizational patron > - Quick patron add > - Duplicate patron > - With mandatory fields > - With 'BorrowerUnwantedField's defined > - With ExtendedPatronAttributes enabled >--- > .../prog/en/modules/members/memberentrygen.tt | 2503 +++++++++++--------- > 1 file changed, 1338 insertions(+), 1165 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/members/memberentrygen.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/members/memberentrygen.tt >index 23a32e0785d..7735b19a3d4 100644 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/members/memberentrygen.tt >+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/members/memberentrygen.tt >@@ -6,1212 +6,1386 @@ > [% USE Branches %] > [% SET footerjs = 1 %] > [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] >-<title>Koha › Patrons › >- [% UNLESS blocking_error %] >- [% IF ( opadd ) %]Add >- [% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %]Duplicate >- [% ELSE %] Modify >- [% END %] patron >- [% IF (firstname) %][% firstname | html %] [% END %] >- [% IF (surname) %][% surname | html %] [% END %] >- ([%IF categoryname %][% categoryname | html %][% ELSE %][% IF ( I ) %]Organization[% END %][% IF ( A ) %]Adult[% END %][% IF ( C ) %]Child[% END %][% IF ( P ) %]Professional[% END %][% IF ( S ) %]Staff[% END %][% END %]) >- [% END %] >-</title> >-[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] >-</head> >- >-<body id="pat_memberentrygen" class="pat"> >-[% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] >-[% INCLUDE 'patron-search.inc' %] >- >-<div id="breadcrumbs"> >- <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> › <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/members-home.pl">Patrons</a> >- [% UNLESS blocking_error %] >- ›[% IF (firstname || surname ) %] <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% borrowernumber | uri %]">[% IF (firstname) %][% firstname | html %] [% END %][% IF (surname) %][% surname | html %] [% END %]</a> ›[% END %] >-<strong>[% IF ( opadd ) %]Add[% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %]Duplicate[% ELSE %] Modify[% END %] patron ([%IF ( categoryname ) %][% categoryname | html %][% ELSE %][% IF ( I ) %]Organization[% END %][% IF ( A ) %]Adult[% END %][% IF ( C ) %]Child[% END %][% IF ( P ) %]Professional[% END %][% IF ( S ) %]Staff[% END %][% END %])</strong> >- [% END %] >-</div> >- >-<div class="main container-fluid"> >- <div class="row"> >- [% IF ( opadd ) %] >- <div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-push-2"> >- [% END %] >- <main class="clearfix"> >- [% INCLUDE 'blocking_errors.inc' %] >- >- [% IF error_alert %] >- [% IF ( error_alert == "no_email" ) %] >- <div class="dialog alert">This member has no email</div> >- [% ELSE %] >- <div class="dialog alert">[% error_alert | html %]</div> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% IF info_alert %] >- <div class="dialog message">Email has been sent.</div> >- [% END %] >- >- [% INCLUDE 'noadd-warnings.inc' %] >- >- [% UNLESS ( no_add ) %] >- <h1>[% IF ( opadd ) %]Add[% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %]Duplicate[% ELSE %] Modify[% END %] patron [% IF (firstname) %][% firstname | html %] [% END %][% IF (surname) %][% surname | html %] [% END %]([%IF ( categoryname ) %][% categoryname | html %][% ELSE %][% IF ( I ) %]Organization[% END %][% IF ( A ) %]Adult[% END %][% IF ( C ) %]Child[% END %][% IF ( P ) %]Professional[% END %][% IF ( S ) %]Staff[% END %][% END %])</h1> >- >- [% IF quickadd && opadd && !check_member %] >- <a href="#" class="toggle_quick_add"><i class="fa fa-plus-square"></i> Show full form</a> >- <a href="#" class="toggle_quick_add" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-minus-square"></i> Show brief form</a> >- [% END %] >- >- [% IF ( check_member ) %] >- <div class="dialog alert"> >- <h3>Duplicate patron record?</h3> >- <p><a href="#" onclick="Dopop('moremember.pl?print=brief&borrowernumber=[% check_member | uri %]');return false;" ><i class="fa fa-window-restore"></i> View existing record</a></p> >- <button id="duplicate" type="submit" class="new"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> It is a duplicate. >- Edit existing record</button> >- >- <button type="submit" id="not-duplicate" class="new"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Not a duplicate. >- Save as new record</button> >- </div> >- [% END %] >- >- [% IF ( nok ) %] >- <div class="dialog alert"> >- <p>The following fields are wrong. Please fix them.</p> >- <ul> >- [% IF ( ERROR_login_exist ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_login_exist">Username/password already exists.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ERROR_cardnumber_already_exists %] >- <li id="ERROR_cardnumber">Cardnumber already in use.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ERROR_cardnumber_length %] >- <li id="ERROR_cardnumber">Cardnumber length is incorrect.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_age_limitations ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_age_limitations">Patron's age is incorrect for their category. >- Ages allowed are [% age_low | html %]-[% age_high | html %].</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_branch ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_branch">Library is invalid.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_dateofbirth ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_dateofbirth">Date of birth is invalid.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_dateenrolled ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_dateenrolled">Date of enrollment is invalid.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_dateexpiry ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_dateexpiry">Date of expiration is invalid.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_short ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_short_password">Password must be at least [% minPasswordLength | html %] characters long.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_weak ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_weak_password">Password must contain at least one digit, one lowercase and one uppercase.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_password_has_whitespaces ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_weak_password">Password must not contain leading or trailing whitespaces.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_password_mismatch ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_password_mismatch">Passwords do not match.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed ) %] >- <li id="ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed"><strong>[% ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed_description | html %]:</strong> Attribute value "[% ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed_value | html %]" is already in use by another patron record.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ERROR_bad_email %] >- <li id="ERROR_bad_email">The primary email is invalid.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ERROR_bad_email_secondary %] >- <li id="ERROR_bad_email_secondary">The secondary email is invalid.</li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ERROR_bad_email_alternative %] >- <li id="ERROR_bad_email_alternative">The alternative email is invalid.</li> >- [% END %] >- </ul> >- </div> >- [% END %] >- >- >-<div id="toolbar" class="btn-toolbar"> >-[% UNLESS ( check_member ) %] >- [% IF quickadd && opadd %] >- <button class="btn btn-default toggler" id="save_quick_add" name="save"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button> >- [% END %] >- <button class="btn btn-default toggler" id="saverecord" name="save" ><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button> >- [% IF opadd %] >- <a class="btn btn-default" href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/member.pl" class="toggler save_entryform"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <a class="btn btn-default" href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% borrowernumber | html %]"> >- [% END %] >- <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Cancel >- </a> >-[% END %] >-</div> >- >-<form name="form" id="entryform" action="/cgi-bin/koha/members/memberentry.pl" method="post" autocomplete="off" class="toggler" > >-[% UNLESS ( check_member ) %] >- <input type="hidden" name="nodouble" value="[% nodouble | html %]" /> >-[% END %] >-<!-- field always hidden in different form (1,2,3) --> >-<input type="hidden" name="BorrowerMandatoryField" value="[% BorrowerMandatoryField | html %]" /> >-<input type="hidden" name="category_type" value="[% category_type | html %]" /> >-<input type="hidden" name="updtype" value="[% updtype | html %]" /> >-<input type="hidden" name="destination" value="[% destination | html %]" /> >-<input type="hidden" name="check_member" value="[% check_member | html %]" /> >-<input type="hidden" name="borrowernumber" value="[% borrowernumber | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >-<input type="hidden" name="nodouble" value="[% nodouble | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >-<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="[% csrf_token | html %]" /> >-[% IF ( step ) %]<input type="hidden" name="step" value="[% step | html %]" />[% END %] >-[% IF ( opadd ) %]<input type="hidden" name="op" value="insert" /> >-[% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %] >-<input type="hidden" name="op" value="insert" /> >-[% ELSE %] >-<input type="hidden" name="op" value="save" /> >-[% IF step == 4 || step == 5 || step == 6 || step == 2 || step == 1 || step == 7 %] >-[%# Only put the cardnumber if we arent showing it in the form later %] >-[% IF cardnumber %] >-<input type="hidden" name="cardnumber" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" /> >-[% END %] >-[% END %] >-[% END %] >- >-[% IF ( step_1 ) %] >-[%UNLESS notitle && nosurname && nofirstname && nodateofbirth && noinitials && noothernames &&nosex %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_identity"> >- <legend id="identity_lgd">[% IF ( I ) %]Organization [% ELSE %]Patron [% END %]identity</legend> >- <ol> >- [% UNLESS ( I ) %] >- [% UNLESS notitle %] >- [% IF Koha.Preference('BorrowersTitles') %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorytitle ) %] >- <label for="btitle" class="required"> >+ <title>Koha › Patrons › >+ [% UNLESS blocking_error %] >+ [% IF ( opadd ) %] >+ Add patron >+ [% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ Duplicate patron > [% ELSE %] >- <label for="btitle"> >+ Modify patron > [% END %] >- Salutation: </label> >- <select id="btitle" name="title"> >- <option value=""></option> >- [% FOREACH t IN Koha.Preference('BorrowersTitles').split('\|') %] >- [% IF btitle == t %] >- <option value="[% t | html %]" selected="selected">[% t | html %]</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% t | html %]">[% t | html %]</option> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> >- [% IF ( mandatorytitle ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS nosurname %] >- <li> >- >- [% IF ( I ) %] >- <label for="surname" class="required"> >- Name: >- </label> >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( mandatorysurname ) %] >- <label for="surname" class="required"> >+ [% IF (firstname) %][% firstname | html %] [% END %] >+ [% IF (surname) %][% surname | html %] [% END %] >+ ([%IF categoryname %] >+ [% categoryname | html %] > [% ELSE %] >- <label for="surname"> >- [% END %] >- Surname: </label> >+ [% IF ( I ) %] Organization [% END %] >+ [% IF ( A ) %] Adult [% END %] >+ [% IF ( C ) %] Child [% END %] >+ [% IF ( P ) %] Professional [% END %] >+ [% IF ( S ) %] Staff [% END %] >+ [% END %]) > [% END %] >+ </title> >+ [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] >+</head> > >- [% IF ( uppercasesurnames ) %] >- <input style="text-transform:uppercase;" type="text" id="surname" name="surname" size="20" value="[% surname | html %]" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="text" id="surname" name="surname" size="20" value="[% surname | html %]" /> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( mandatorysurname ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS ( I ) %] >- [% UNLESS nofirstname %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryfirstname ) %] >- <label for="firstname" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="firstname"> >- [% END %] >- First name: </label> >- <input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" size="20" value="[% firstname | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatoryfirstname ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS nodateofbirth %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorydateofbirth ) %] >- <label for="dateofbirth" class="required"> >+<body id="pat_memberentrygen" class="pat"> >+ [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] >+ [% INCLUDE 'patron-search.inc' %] >+ >+ <div id="breadcrumbs"> >+ <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> › >+ <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/members-home.pl">Patrons</a> >+ [% UNLESS blocking_error %] >+ › >+ [% IF (firstname || surname ) %] >+ <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% borrowernumber | uri %]"> >+ [% IF (firstname) %][% firstname | html %] [% END %] >+ [% IF (surname) %][% surname | html %] [% END %] >+ </a> › >+ [% END %] >+ <strong> >+ [% IF ( opadd ) %] >+ Add patron >+ [% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ Duplicate patron > [% ELSE %] >- <label for="dateofbirth"> >+ Modify patron > [% END %] >- Date of birth: </label> >- >- <input type="text" id="dateofbirth" name="dateofbirth" size="20" onchange="write_age();" value="[% dateofbirth | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" class="datepicker" /> >- >- [% IF ( mandatorydateofbirth ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_dateofbirth ) %]<span class="required">(Error)</span>[% END %] >- <div class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS noinitials %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryinitials ) %] >- <label for="initials" class="required"> >+ ([%IF categoryname %] >+ [% categoryname | html %] > [% ELSE %] >- <label for="initials"> >- [% END %] >- Initials: </label> >- <input type="text" id="initials" name="initials" size="20" value="[% initials | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatoryinitials ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >+ [% IF ( I ) %] Organization [% END %] >+ [% IF ( A ) %] Adult [% END %] >+ [% IF ( C ) %] Child [% END %] >+ [% IF ( P ) %] Professional [% END %] >+ [% IF ( S ) %] Staff [% END %] >+ [% END %]) >+ </strong> > [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS noothernames %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryothernames ) %] >- <label for="othernames" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="othernames"> >- [% END %] >- Other name: </label> >- <input type="text" id="othernames" name="othernames" size="20" value="[% othernames | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >-[% IF ( mandatoryothernames ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- [% IF ( I ) %]<input type="hidden" name="sex" value="N" />[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS ( I ) %] >- [% UNLESS nosex %] >- <li class="radio"> >+ </div> > >- [% UNLESS ( opduplicate ) %] >- [% IF ( female ) %] >- <label for="sex-female"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-female" value="F" checked="checked" /> Female</label> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="sex-female"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-female" value="F" /> Female</label> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( male ) %] >- <label for="sex-male"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-male" value="M" checked="checked" /> Male</label> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="sex-male"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-male" value="M" /> Male</label> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( none ) %] >- <label for="sex-none"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-none" value="" checked="checked" /> None specified</label> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="sex-none"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-none" value="" /> None specified</label> >- [% END %] >+ <div class="main container-fluid"> >+ <div class="row"> >+ [% IF ( opadd ) %] >+ <div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2"> > [% ELSE %] >- <label for="sex-female">Female </label><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-female" value="F" /> >- <label for="sex-male">Male </label><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-male" value="M" /> >- <label for="sex-none">None specified </label><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-none" value="" checked="checked" /> >+ <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-push-2"> > [% END %] >+ <main class="clearfix"> >+ [% INCLUDE 'blocking_errors.inc' %] > >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >-[% END # hide fieldset %] >- >-[% IF show_guarantor || guarantor %] >- [% SET possible_relationships = Koha.Preference('borrowerRelationship') %] >- <span id="memberentry_guarantor_anchor"> >- <fieldset id="memberentry_guarantor" class="rows"> >- <legend>Guarantor information</legend> >- >- <span id="guarantor_relationships"> >- [% FOREACH r IN relationships %] >- <fieldset class="rows"> >- <ol> >- [% IF category_type == 'I' %] >- <li class="guarantor-details" data-borrowernumber="[% r.guarantor_id | $raw %]"> >- <span class="label">Organization #:</span> [% IF ( r.guarantor_id ) %] <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% r.guarantor_id | uri %]" target="blank">[% r.guarantor_id | html %]</a>[% END %] >- </li> >- >- <li> >- <label for="guarantor_surname">Organization name: </label> >- <span>[% r.guarantor.surname | html %]</span> >- </li> >+ [% IF error_alert %] >+ [% IF ( error_alert == "no_email" ) %] >+ <div class="dialog alert">This member has no email</div> > [% ELSE %] >- <li class="guarantor-details" data-borrowernumber="[% r.guarantor_id | $raw %]"> >- <span class="label">Patron #:</span> >- <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% r.guarantor_id | uri %]" target="blank">[% r.guarantor_id | html %]</a> >- </li> >- >- [% IF r.guarantor.surname %] >- <li> >- <label for="guarantor_surname">Surname: </label> >- <span>[% r.guarantor.surname | html %]</span> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- >- [% IF r.guarantor.firstname %] >- <li> >- <label for="guarantor_firstname">First name: </label> >- <span>[% r.guarantor.firstname | html %]</span> >- </li> >- [% END %] >+ <div class="dialog alert">[% error_alert | html %]</div> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF info_alert %] >+ <div class="dialog message">Email has been sent.</div> >+ [% END %] > >- <li> >- <label for="relationship">Relationship: </label> >- <span>[% r.relationship | html %]</span> >- </li> >+ [% INCLUDE 'noadd-warnings.inc' %] > >- <li> >- <label for="delete_guarantor-[% r.id | uri %]">Remove: </label> >- <input type="checkbox" id="delete_guarantor-[% r.id | uri %]" name="delete_guarantor" value="[% r.id | html %]" /> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- [% END # END relationships foreach %] >- </span> >- >- <fieldset class="rows guarantor" id="guarantor_template"> >- <ol> >- <li class="guarantor-details" data-borrowernumber="0"> >- <span class="label">Patron #:</span> >- <span class="new_guarantor_id_text"></span> >- <input type="hidden" class="new_guarantor_id" name="new_guarantor_id" value=""/> >- </li> >- >- <li> >- <label for="guarantor_surname">Surname: </label> >- <span class="new_guarantor_surname_text"></span> >- </li> >- >- <li> >- <label for="guarantor_firstname">First name: </label> >- <span class="new_guarantor_firstname_text"></span> >- </li> >- >- <li> >- <label for="guarantor_relationship">Relationship: </label> >- <select class="new_guarantor_relationship" name="new_guarantor_relationship"> >- [% FOREACH pr IN possible_relationships.split('\|') %] >- <option value="[% pr | html %]">[% pr | html %]</option> >- [% END %] >- </select> >- </li> >- >- <li> >- <label for="guarantor_cancel"> </label> >- <span><a href="#" class="guarantor_cancel">Remove</a></span> >- </li> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- >- <ol> >- <input type="hidden" id="guarantor_id" value="" /> >- <input name="guarantor_surname" id="guarantor_surname" type="hidden" /> >- <input name="guarantor_firstname" id="guarantor_firstname" type="hidden" /> >- >- <li> >- <a href="#" id="guarantor_search" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Search to add</a> >- </li> >- >- [% IF relationships && Koha.Preference('AllowStaffToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor') %] >- <li> >- <label for="privacy_guarantor_checkouts">Show checkouts to guarantors</label> >- <select name="privacy_guarantor_checkouts" id="privacy_guarantor_checkouts"> >- [% IF privacy_guarantor_checkouts %] >- <option value="0">No</option> >- <option value="1" selected>Yes</option> >+ [% UNLESS ( no_add ) %] >+ <h1> >+ [% IF ( opadd ) %] >+ Add patron >+ [% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ Duplicate patron > [% ELSE %] >- <option value="0" selected>No</option> >- <option value="1">Yes</option> >+ Modify patron > [% END %] >- </select> >- <div class="hint">Allow guarantors of this patron to view this patron's checkouts from the OPAC</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF relationships && Koha.Preference('AllowStaffToSetFinesVisibilityForGuarantor') %] >- <li> >- <label for="privacy_guarantor_fines">Show fines to guarantors</label> >- <select name="privacy_guarantor_fines" id="privacy_guarantor_fines"> >- [% IF privacy_guarantor_fines %] >- <option value="0">No</option> >- <option value="1" selected>Yes</option> >+ [% IF (firstname) %][% firstname | html %] [% END %] >+ [% IF (surname) %][% surname | html %] [% END %] >+ ([%IF categoryname %] >+ [% categoryname | html %] > [% ELSE %] >- <option value="0" selected>No</option> >- <option value="1">Yes</option> >- [% END %] >- </select> >- <div class="hint">Allow guarantors of this patron to view this patron's fines from the OPAC</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- </span> >-[% END %] >- >- >-[% UNLESS noaddress && noaddress2 && nocity && nostate && nozipcode && nocountry %] >- [% IF Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) %] >- [% INCLUDE "member-main-address-style-${ Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) }.inc" %] >- [% END %] >-[% END # nostreet && nocity etc group%] >+ [% IF ( I ) %] Organization [% END %] >+ [% IF ( A ) %] Adult [% END %] >+ [% IF ( C ) %] Child [% END %] >+ [% IF ( P ) %] Professional [% END %] >+ [% IF ( S ) %] Staff [% END %] >+ [% END %]) >+ </h1> >+ >+ [% IF quickadd && opadd && !check_member %] >+ <a href="#" class="toggle_quick_add"><i class="fa fa-plus-square"></i> Show full form</a> >+ <a href="#" class="toggle_quick_add" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-minus-square"></i> Show brief form</a> >+ [% END %] > >-[% UNLESS nophone && nophonepro && nomobile && noemail && noemailpro && nofax %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_contact"> >- <legend id="contact_lgd">Contact</legend><ol> >+ [% IF ( check_member ) %] >+ <div class="dialog alert"> >+ <h3>Duplicate patron record?</h3> >+ <p><a href="#" onclick="Dopop('moremember.pl?print=brief&borrowernumber=[% check_member | uri %]');return false;" ><i class="fa fa-window-restore"></i> View existing record</a></p> >+ <button id="duplicate" type="submit" class="new"> >+ <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> It is a duplicate. Edit existing record >+ </button> >+ <button type="submit" id="not-duplicate" class="new"> >+ <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Not a duplicate. Save as new record >+ </button> >+ </div> >+ [% END %] > >- [% UNLESS nocontactname %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorycontactname ) %] >- <label for="contactname" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="contactname"> >- [% END %] >- Guarantor surname: </label> >- <input type="text" id="contactname" name="contactname" value="[% contactname | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatorycontactname ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %]<div class="hint">Non-patron guarantor surname</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >+ [% IF ( nok ) %] >+ <div class="dialog alert"> >+ <p>The following fields are wrong. Please fix them.</p> >+ <ul> >+ [% IF ( ERROR_login_exist ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_login_exist">Username/password already exists.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ERROR_cardnumber_already_exists %] >+ <li id="ERROR_cardnumber">Cardnumber already in use.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ERROR_cardnumber_length %] >+ <li id="ERROR_cardnumber">Cardnumber length is incorrect.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_age_limitations ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_age_limitations">Patron's age is incorrect for their category. >+ Ages allowed are [% age_low | html %]-[% age_high | html %].</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_branch ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_branch">Library is invalid.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_dateofbirth ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_dateofbirth">Date of birth is invalid.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_dateenrolled ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_dateenrolled">Date of enrollment is invalid.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_dateexpiry ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_dateexpiry">Date of expiration is invalid.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_short ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_short_password">Password must be at least [% minPasswordLength | html %] characters long.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_weak ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_weak_password">Password must contain at least one digit, one lowercase and one uppercase.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_has_whitespaces ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_weak_password">Password must not contain leading or trailing whitespaces.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_mismatch ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_password_mismatch">Passwords do not match.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed ) %] >+ <li id="ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed"><strong>[% ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed_description | html %]:</strong> Attribute value "[% ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed_value | html %]" is already in use by another patron record.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ERROR_bad_email %] >+ <li id="ERROR_bad_email">The primary email is invalid.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ERROR_bad_email_secondary %] >+ <li id="ERROR_bad_email_secondary">The secondary email is invalid.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ERROR_bad_email_alternative %] >+ <li id="ERROR_bad_email_alternative">The alternative email is invalid.</li> >+ [% END %] >+ </ul> >+ </div> >+ [% END %] > >- [% UNLESS nocontactfirstname %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorycontactfirstname ) %] >- <label for="contactfirstname" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="contactfirstname"> >- [% END %] >- Guarantor first name: </label> >- <input type="text" id="contactfirstname" name="contactfirstname" value="[% contactfirstname | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatorycontactfirstname ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %]<div class="hint">Non-patron guarantor first name</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >+ <div id="toolbar" class="btn-toolbar"> >+ [% UNLESS ( check_member ) %] >+ [% IF quickadd && opadd %] >+ <button class="btn btn-default toggler" id="save_quick_add" name="save"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button> >+ [% END %] >+ <button class="btn btn-default toggler" id="saverecord" name="save" ><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button> >+ [% IF opadd %] >+ <a class="btn btn-default" href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/member.pl" class="toggler save_entryform"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <a class="btn btn-default" href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% borrowernumber | html %]"> >+ [% END %] >+ <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Cancel >+ </a> >+ [% END %] >+ </div> > >- [% UNLESS norelationship %] >- [% IF possible_relationships %] >- <li> >- <label for="relationship">Relationship: </label> >- <select class="relationship" name="relationship"> >- <option value=""></option> >- [% FOREACH pr IN possible_relationships.split('\|') %] >- [% IF pr == relationship %] >- <option value="[% pr | html %]" selected="selected">[% pr | html %]</option> >+ <form name="form" id="entryform" action="/cgi-bin/koha/members/memberentry.pl" method="post" autocomplete="off" class="toggler"> >+ [% UNLESS ( check_member ) %] >+ <input type="hidden" name="nodouble" value="[% nodouble | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ <!-- field always hidden in different form (1,2,3) --> >+ <input type="hidden" name="BorrowerMandatoryField" value="[% BorrowerMandatoryField | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="category_type" value="[% category_type | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="updtype" value="[% updtype | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="destination" value="[% destination | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="check_member" value="[% check_member | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="borrowernumber" value="[% borrowernumber | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="nodouble" value="[% nodouble | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="[% csrf_token | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( step ) %] >+ <input type="hidden" name="step" value="[% step | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( opadd ) %] >+ <input type="hidden" name="op" value="insert" /> >+ [% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="hidden" name="op" value="insert" /> > [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% pr | html %]">[% pr | html %]</option> >+ <input type="hidden" name="op" value="save" /> >+ [% IF step == 4 || step == 5 || step == 6 || step == 2 || step == 1 || step == 7 %] >+ [%# Only put the cardnumber if we arent showing it in the form later %] >+ [% IF cardnumber %] >+ <input type="hidden" name="cardnumber" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] > [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- >- [% UNLESS nophone %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryphone ) %] >- <label for="phone" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="phone"> >- [% END %] >- Primary phone: </label> >- <input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" value="[% phone | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatoryphone ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %]<div class="hint">Shows on transit slips</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- >- [% UNLESS nophonepro %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryphonepro ) %] >- <label for="phonepro" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="phonepro"> >- [% END %] >- Secondary phone: </label> >- <input type="text" id="phonepro" name="phonepro" value="[% phonepro | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatoryphonepro ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- >- [% UNLESS nomobile %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorymobile ) %] >- <label for="mobile" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="mobile"> >- [% END %] >- Other phone: </label> >- <input type="text" id="mobile" name="mobile" value="[% mobile | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatorymobile ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- >- [% UNLESS noemail %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryemail ) %] >- <label for="email" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="email"> >- [% END %] >- Primary email: </label> >- <input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="45" value="[% email | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatoryemail ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %]<div class="hint">Shows on transit slips</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- >- [% UNLESS noemailpro %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryemailpro ) %] >- <label for="emailpro" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="emailpro"> >- [% END %] >- Secondary email: </label> >- <input type="text" id="emailpro" name="emailpro" size="45" value="[% emailpro | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatoryemailpro ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] > >- [% UNLESS nofax %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryfax ) %] >- <label for="fax" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="fax"> >- [% END %] >- Fax: </label> >- <input type="text" id="fax" name="fax" value="[% fax | html %]" /> >- [% IF ( mandatoryfax ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- </ol> >-</fieldset> >-[%END # hide fieldset %] >- >-<!-- ************************ STEP_1 *********************** --> >-[% END %] >-[% IF ( step_6 ) %] >+ [% IF ( step_1 ) %] >+ [%UNLESS notitle && nosurname && nofirstname && nodateofbirth && noinitials && noothernames &&nosex %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_identity"> >+ <legend id="identity_lgd">[% IF ( I ) %]Organization [% ELSE %]Patron [% END %]identity</legend> >+ <ol> >+ [% UNLESS ( I ) %] >+ [% UNLESS notitle %] >+ [% IF Koha.Preference('BorrowersTitles') %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorytitle ) %] >+ <label for="btitle" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="btitle"> >+ [% END %] >+ Salutation: </label> >+ <select id="btitle" name="title"> >+ <option value=""></option> >+ [% FOREACH t IN Koha.Preference('BorrowersTitles').split('\|') %] >+ [% IF btitle == t %] >+ <option value="[% t | html %]" selected="selected">[% t | html %]</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% t | html %]">[% t | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ [% IF ( mandatorytitle ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nosurname %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( I ) %] >+ <label for="surname" class="required"> >+ Name: >+ </label> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorysurname ) %] >+ <label for="surname" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="surname"> >+ [% END %] >+ Surname: </label> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% IF ( uppercasesurnames ) %] >+ <input style="text-transform:uppercase;" type="text" id="surname" name="surname" size="20" value="[% surname | html %]" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="text" id="surname" name="surname" size="20" value="[% surname | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorysurname ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS ( I ) %] >+ [% UNLESS nofirstname %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryfirstname ) %] >+ <label for="firstname" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="firstname"> >+ [% END %] >+ First name: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" size="20" value="[% firstname | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryfirstname ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% UNLESS nodateofbirth %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorydateofbirth ) %] >+ <label for="dateofbirth" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="dateofbirth"> >+ [% END %] >+ Date of birth: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="dateofbirth" name="dateofbirth" size="20" onchange="write_age();" value="[% dateofbirth | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" class="datepicker" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatorydateofbirth ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_dateofbirth ) %] >+ <span class="required">(Error)</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% UNLESS noinitials %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryinitials ) %] >+ <label for="initials" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="initials"> >+ [% END %] >+ Initials: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="initials" name="initials" size="20" value="[% initials | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryinitials ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% UNLESS noothernames %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryothernames ) %] >+ <label for="othernames" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="othernames"> >+ [% END %] >+ Other name: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="othernames" name="othernames" size="20" value="[% othernames | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryothernames ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( I ) %]<input type="hidden" name="sex" value="N" />[% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS ( I ) %] >+ [% UNLESS nosex %] >+ <li class="radio"> >+ [% UNLESS ( opduplicate ) %] >+ [% IF ( female ) %] >+ <label for="sex-female"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-female" value="F" checked="checked" /> Female</label> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="sex-female"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-female" value="F" /> Female</label> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( male ) %] >+ <label for="sex-male"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-male" value="M" checked="checked" /> Male</label> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="sex-male"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-male" value="M" /> Male</label> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( none ) %] >+ <label for="sex-none"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-none" value="" checked="checked" /> None specified</label> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="sex-none"><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-none" value="" /> None specified</label> >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="sex-female">Female </label><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-female" value="F" /> >+ <label for="sex-male">Male </label><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-male" value="M" /> >+ <label for="sex-none">None specified </label><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex-none" value="" checked="checked" /> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END # hide fieldset %] >+ >+ [% IF show_guarantor || guarantor %] >+ [% SET possible_relationships = Koha.Preference('borrowerRelationship') %] >+ <span id="memberentry_guarantor_anchor"> >+ <fieldset id="memberentry_guarantor" class="rows"> >+ <legend>Guarantor information</legend> >+ >+ <span id="guarantor_relationships"> >+ [% FOREACH r IN relationships %] >+ <fieldset class="rows"> >+ <ol> >+ [% IF category_type == 'I' %] >+ <li class="guarantor-details" data-borrowernumber="[% r.guarantor_id | $raw %]"> >+ <span class="label">Organization #:</span> [% IF ( r.guarantor_id ) %] <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% r.guarantor_id | uri %]" target="blank">[% r.guarantor_id | html %]</a>[% END %] >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="guarantor_surname">Organization name: </label> >+ <span>[% r.guarantor.surname | html %]</span> >+ </li> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <li class="guarantor-details" data-borrowernumber="[% r.guarantor_id | $raw %]"> >+ <span class="label">Patron #:</span> >+ <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=[% r.guarantor_id | uri %]" target="blank">[% r.guarantor_id | html %]</a> >+ </li> >+ >+ [% IF r.guarantor.surname %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="guarantor_surname">Surname: </label> >+ <span>[% r.guarantor.surname | html %]</span> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% IF r.guarantor.firstname %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="guarantor_firstname">First name: </label> >+ <span>[% r.guarantor.firstname | html %]</span> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="relationship">Relationship: </label> >+ <span>[% r.relationship | html %]</span> >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="delete_guarantor-[% r.id | uri %]">Remove: </label> >+ <input type="checkbox" id="delete_guarantor-[% r.id | uri %]" name="delete_guarantor" value="[% r.id | html %]" /> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END # END relationships foreach %] >+ </span> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows guarantor" id="guarantor_template"> >+ <ol> >+ <li class="guarantor-details" data-borrowernumber="0"> >+ <span class="label">Patron #:</span> >+ <span class="new_guarantor_id_text"></span> >+ <input type="hidden" class="new_guarantor_id" name="new_guarantor_id" value=""/> >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="guarantor_surname">Surname: </label> >+ <span class="new_guarantor_surname_text"></span> >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="guarantor_firstname">First name: </label> >+ <span class="new_guarantor_firstname_text"></span> >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="guarantor_relationship">Relationship: </label> >+ <select class="new_guarantor_relationship" name="new_guarantor_relationship"> >+ [% FOREACH pr IN possible_relationships.split('\|') %] >+ <option value="[% pr | html %]">[% pr | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="guarantor_cancel"> </label> >+ <span><a href="#" class="guarantor_cancel">Remove</a></span> >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <ol> >+ <input type="hidden" id="guarantor_id" value="" /> >+ <input name="guarantor_surname" id="guarantor_surname" type="hidden" /> >+ <input name="guarantor_firstname" id="guarantor_firstname" type="hidden" /> >+ >+ <li> >+ <a href="#" id="guarantor_search" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Search to add</a> >+ </li> >+ >+ [% IF relationships && Koha.Preference('AllowStaffToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor') %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="privacy_guarantor_checkouts">Show checkouts to guarantors</label> >+ <select name="privacy_guarantor_checkouts" id="privacy_guarantor_checkouts"> >+ [% IF privacy_guarantor_checkouts %] >+ <option value="0">No</option> >+ <option value="1" selected>Yes</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="0" selected>No</option> >+ <option value="1">Yes</option> >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ <div class="hint">Allow guarantors of this patron to view this patron's checkouts from the OPAC</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF relationships && Koha.Preference('AllowStaffToSetFinesVisibilityForGuarantor') %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="privacy_guarantor_fines">Show fines to guarantors</label> >+ <select name="privacy_guarantor_fines" id="privacy_guarantor_fines"> >+ [% IF privacy_guarantor_fines %] >+ <option value="0">No</option> >+ <option value="1" selected>Yes</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="0" selected>No</option> >+ <option value="1">Yes</option> >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ <div class="hint">Allow guarantors of this patron to view this patron's fines from the OPAC</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ </span> >+ [% END %] > >- [% UNLESS noB_address && noB_address2 && noB_city && noB_zipcode && noB_state && noB_country &&nocontactnote && noB_phone && noB_email %] >- [% SWITCH Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) %] >- [% CASE 'de' %] >- [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-address-style-de.inc' %] >- [% CASE # us %] >- [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-address-style-us.inc' %] >- [% END %] > >- [% END # UNLESS noB_address && noB_city && noB_state && noB_phone && noB_email %] >-[% END %] >-[% IF ( step_2 ) %] >- [% UNLESS noaltcontactsurname && noaltcontactfirstname && noaltcontactaddress1 && noaltcontactaddress2 && noaltcontactaddress3 && noaltcontactstate && noaltcontactzipcode && noaltcontactcountry && noaltcontactphone %] >- [% SWITCH Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) %] >- [% CASE 'de' %] >- [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-contact-style-de.inc' %] >- [% CASE # us %] >- [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-contact-style-us.inc' %] >- [% END %] >- [% END # UNLESS noaltcontactsurname && noaltcontactfirstname etc %] >+ [% UNLESS noaddress && noaddress2 && nocity && nostate && nozipcode && nocountry %] >+ [% IF Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) %] >+ [% INCLUDE "member-main-address-style-${ Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) }.inc" %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END # nostreet && nocity etc group%] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nophone && nophonepro && nomobile && noemail && noemailpro && nofax %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_contact"> >+ <legend id="contact_lgd">Contact</legend> >+ <ol> >+ [% UNLESS nocontactname %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorycontactname ) %] >+ <label for="contactname" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="contactname"> >+ [% END %] >+ Guarantor surname: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="contactname" name="contactname" value="[% contactname | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatorycontactname ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">Non-patron guarantor surname</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nocontactfirstname %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorycontactfirstname ) %] >+ <label for="contactfirstname" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="contactfirstname"> >+ [% END %] >+ Guarantor first name: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="contactfirstname" name="contactfirstname" value="[% contactfirstname | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatorycontactfirstname ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">Non-patron guarantor first name</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS norelationship %] >+ [% IF possible_relationships %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="relationship">Relationship: </label> >+ <select class="relationship" name="relationship"> >+ <option value=""></option> >+ [% FOREACH pr IN possible_relationships.split('\|') %] >+ [% IF pr == relationship %] >+ <option value="[% pr | html %]" selected="selected">[% pr | html %]</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% pr | html %]">[% pr | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nophone %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryphone ) %] >+ <label for="phone" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="phone"> >+ [% END %] >+ Primary phone: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" value="[% phone | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryphone ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">Shows on transit slips</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nophonepro %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryphonepro ) %] >+ <label for="phonepro" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="phonepro"> >+ [% END %] >+ Secondary phone: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="phonepro" name="phonepro" value="[% phonepro | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryphonepro ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nomobile %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorymobile ) %] >+ <label for="mobile" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="mobile"> >+ [% END %] >+ Other phone: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="mobile" name="mobile" value="[% mobile | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatorymobile ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS noemail %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryemail ) %] >+ <label for="email" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="email"> >+ [% END %] >+ Primary email: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="45" value="[% email | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryemail ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">Shows on transit slips</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS noemailpro %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryemailpro ) %] >+ <label for="emailpro" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="emailpro"> >+ [% END %] >+ Secondary email: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="emailpro" name="emailpro" size="45" value="[% emailpro | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryemailpro ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nofax %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryfax ) %] >+ <label for="fax" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="fax"> >+ [% END %] >+ Fax: >+ </label> >+ <input type="text" id="fax" name="fax" value="[% fax | html %]" /> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryfax ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END # hide fieldset %] >+ >+ <!-- ************************ STEP_1 *********************** --> >+ [% END %] > >-[% END %] >-[% IF ( step_3 ) %] >- >- [% SET autoMemberNum = Koha.Preference('autoMemberNum') %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_library_management"> >- <legend id="library_management_lgd">Library management</legend><ol> >- [% UNLESS nocardnumber %] >- <li> >- [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >- <label for="cardnumber" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="cardnumber" class="validated"> >- [% END %] >- Card number: </label> >- >- <!-- NOTE: div.hint closing tag isn't on the same line --> >- [% IF minlength_cardnumber == maxlength_cardnumber %] >- <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" minlength="[% minlength_cardnumber | html %]" maxlength="[% maxlength_cardnumber | html %]" /> >- [% IF mandatorycardnumber %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %]<span id="cn_max" class="required">Card number must not be more than [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters.</span> >- <div class="hint">Card number must be exactly [% minlength_cardnumber | html %] characters. >- [% ELSIF minlength_cardnumber && maxlength_cardnumber %] >- <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" minlength="[% minlength_cardnumber | html %]" maxlength="[% maxlength_cardnumber | html %]" /> >- [% IF mandatorycardnumber %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %]<span id="cn_max" class="required">Card number must not be more than [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters.</span> >- <div class="hint">Card number must be between [% minlength_cardnumber | html %] and [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters. >- [% ELSIF maxlength_cardnumber %] >- <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" maxlength="[% maxlength_cardnumber | html %]" /> >- [% IF mandatorycardnumber %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %]<span id="cn_max" class="required">Card number must not be more than [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters.</span> >- <div class="hint">Card number can be up to [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters. >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" /> >- [% IF mandatorycardnumber %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- <div class="hint">There is no minimum or maximum character length. >- [% END %] >- [% IF autoMemberNum %] >- [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >- <br/><span class="error">AutoMemberNum is set to enabled, but cardnumber is marked as mandatory in BorrowerMandatoryField: auto calc has been disabled.</span> >- [% ELSE %] >- <br/>Leave blank for auto calc during registration >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </div><!--/hint div --> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS nobranchcode %] >- <li> >- <label for="libraries" class="required">Library:</label> >- <select name="branchcode" size="1" id="libraries"> >- [% PROCESS options_for_libraries libraries => Branches.all( selected => userbranch, only_from_group => 1 ) %] >- </select> >- <span class="required">Required</span> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- <li> >- <label for="categorycode_entry" class="required">Category: </label> >- <select id="categorycode_entry" name="categorycode" onchange="update_category_code(this);"> >- [% FOREACH typeloo IN typeloop %] >- [% FOREACH categoryloo IN typeloo.categoryloop %] >- [% IF ( loop.first ) %] >- [% IF ( typeloo.typename_C ) %]<optgroup label="Child">[% END %] >- [% IF ( typeloo.typename_A ) %]<optgroup label="Adult">[% END %] >- [% IF ( typeloo.typename_S ) %]<optgroup label="Staff">[% END %] >- [% IF ( typeloo.typename_I ) %]<optgroup label="Organization">[% END %] >- [% IF ( typeloo.typename_P ) %]<optgroup label="Professional">[% END %] >- [% IF ( typeloo.typename_X ) %]<optgroup label="Statistical">[% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( categoryloo.categorycodeselected ) %] >- <option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" selected="selected" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( loop.last ) %] >- </optgroup> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> >- <span class="required">Required</span> >- </li> >- [% UNLESS nosort1 %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorysort1 ) %] >- <label for="sort1" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="sort1"> >- [% END %] >- Sort 1: </label> >- [% PROCESS 'av-build-dropbox.inc' name="sort1", category="Bsort1", default=sort1, size = 20 %] >- [% IF ( mandatorysort1 ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS nosort2 %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorysort2 ) %] >- <label for="sort2" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="sort2"> >- [% END %] >- Sort 2: </label> >- [% PROCESS 'av-build-dropbox.inc' name="sort2", category="Bsort2", default=sort2, size = 20 %] >- [% IF ( mandatorysort2 ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( Koha.Preference('CheckPrevCheckout') == 'softyes' || Koha.Preference('CheckPrevCheckout') == 'softno' ) %] >- <li><label for="checkprevcheckout">Check for previous checkouts: </label> >- <select name="checkprevcheckout" id="checkprevcheckout"> >- [% IF ( checkprevcheckout == 'yes' ) %] >- <option value="yes" selected="selected">Yes if settings allow it</option> >- <option value="no">No if settings allow it</option> >- <option value="inherit">Inherit from settings</option> >- [% ELSIF ( checkprevcheckout == 'no' ) %] >- <option value="yes">Yes if settings allow it</option> >- <option value="no" selected="selected">No if settings allow it</option> >- <option value="inherit">Inherit from settings</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="yes">Yes if settings allow it</option> >- <option value="no">No if settings allow it</option> >- <option value="inherit" selected="selected">Inherit from settings</option> >- [% END %] >- </select> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF Koha.Preference('TranslateNotices') %] >- <li> >- <label for="lang">Preferred language for notices: </label> >- <select id="lang" name="lang"> >- <option value="default">Default</option> >- [% FOR language IN languages %] >- [% FOR sublanguage IN language.sublanguages_loop %] >- [% IF language.plural %] >- [% IF sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag == lang %] >- <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]" selected="selected">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] [% sublanguage.region_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] [% sublanguage.region_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >+ [% IF ( step_6 ) %] >+ [% UNLESS noB_address && noB_address2 && noB_city && noB_zipcode && noB_state && noB_country &&nocontactnote && noB_phone && noB_email %] >+ [% SWITCH Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) %] >+ [% CASE 'de' %] >+ [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-address-style-de.inc' %] >+ [% CASE # us %] >+ [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-address-style-us.inc' %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END # UNLESS noB_address && noB_city && noB_state && noB_phone && noB_email %] > [% END %] >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag == lang %] >- <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]" selected="selected">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >+ >+ [% IF ( step_2 ) %] >+ [% UNLESS noaltcontactsurname && noaltcontactfirstname && noaltcontactaddress1 && noaltcontactaddress2 && noaltcontactaddress3 && noaltcontactstate && noaltcontactzipcode && noaltcontactcountry && noaltcontactphone %] >+ [% SWITCH Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) %] >+ [% CASE 'de' %] >+ [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-contact-style-de.inc' %] >+ [% CASE # us %] >+ [% INCLUDE 'member-alt-contact-style-us.inc' %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END # UNLESS noaltcontactsurname && noaltcontactfirstname etc %] > [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- [% UNLESS nodateenrolled && noopacnote && noborrowernotes %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_subscription"> >- <legend id="library_setup_lgd">Library set-up</legend><ol> >- [% UNLESS nodateenrolled %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorydateenrolled ) %] >- <label for="from" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="from"> >- [% END %] >- Registration date: </label> >- [% IF ( dateformat == "metric" ) %] >- <input type="text" id="from" name="dateenrolled" maxlength="10" size="10" onchange="CheckDate(document.form.dateenrolled);check_manip_date('verify');" value="[% dateenrolled | html %]" class="datepickerfrom" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="text" id="from" name="dateenrolled" maxlength="10" size="10" value="[% dateenrolled | html %]" class="datepickerfrom" /> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( mandatorydateenrolled ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_dateenrolled ) %]<span class="required">(Error)</span>[% END %] >- <div class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</div> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS nodateexpiry %] >- <li> >- [% ELSE %] >- <li style="display:none"> >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( mandatorydateexpiry ) %] >- <label for="to" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="to"> >- [% END %] >- Expiry date (leave blank for auto calc): </label> >- [% IF ( dateformat == "metric" ) %] >- [% UNLESS ( opadd ) %] >- <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" onchange="CheckDate(document.form.dateexpiry);check_manip_date('verify');" value="[% dateexpiry | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" class="datepickerto" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" onchange="CheckDate(document.form.dateexpiry);check_manip_date('verify');" class="datepickerto" /> >- [% END %] >- [% ELSE %] >- [% UNLESS ( opadd ) %] >- <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" value="[% dateexpiry | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" class="datepickerto" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" value="[% dateexpiry | html %]" class="datepickerto" /> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( mandatorydateexpiry ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_dateexpiry ) %]<span class="required">(Error)</span>[% END %] >- <div class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</div> >- </li> >- [% UNLESS noopacnote %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryopacnote ) %] >- <label for="opacnote" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="opacnote"> >- [% END %] >- OPAC note: </label> >- <textarea id="opacnote" name="opacnote" cols="55" rows="5">[% opacnote | html UNLESS opduplicate %]</textarea> >- <div class="hint">This message appears on this patron's user page in the OPAC</div> >- [% IF ( mandatoryopacnote ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS noborrowernotes %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryborrowernotes ) %] >- <label for="borrowernotes" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="borrowernotes"> >- [% END %] >- Circulation note: </label> >- <textarea id="borrowernotes" name="borrowernotes" cols="55" rows="5">[% borrowernotes | html UNLESS opduplicate %]</textarea> >- <div class="hint">This message displays when checking out to this patron</div> >- [% IF ( mandatoryborrowernotes ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- [% END # hide fieldset %] >- >- [% UNLESS nouserid && nopassword %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_userid"> >- <legend id="opac_staff_login_lgd">OPAC/Staff login</legend><ol> >- [% UNLESS nouserid %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatoryuserid ) %] >- <label for="userid" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="userid"> >- [% END %] >- Username: </label> >- >-[% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" disabled="disabled" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="[% userid | html %]" /> >- [% END %] >-[% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" value="" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" value="[% userid | html %]" /> >- [% END %] >-[% END %] > >-[%# Dummy input to avoid Firefox from using userid/password saved for authentication %] >-<input type="text" disabled="disabled" style="display:none" /> >- >- [% IF ( mandatoryuserid ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- [%END %] >- [% UNLESS nopassword %] >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %] >- <label for="password" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="password"> >- [% END %] >- Password: </label> >- [% IF ( opadd ) %] >- [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="[% password | html %]" /> >- [% END %] >-[% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" value="[% password | html %]" /> >- [% END %] >-[% END %] >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( password ) %] >- [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="****" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" value="****" /> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" value="" /> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_short ) %]<span class="required">Password is too short</span>[% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_weak ) %]<span class="required">Password is too weak</span>[% END %] >- [% IF ( ERROR_password_has_whitespaces ) %]<span class="required">Password has leading or trailing whitespaces</span>[% END %] >- <div class="hint">Minimum password length: [% minPasswordLength | html %]</div> >- </li> >- <li> >- [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %] >- <label for="password2" class="required"> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="password2"> >- [% END %] >- Confirm password: </label> >- [% IF ( opadd ) %] >- [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="[% password | html %]" /> >- [% END %] >-[% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" value="[% password | html %]" /> >- [% END %] >-[% END %] >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( password ) %] >- [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="****" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" value="****" /> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" value="" /> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %]<span class="required">Required</span>[% END %][% IF ( ERROR_password_mismatch ) %]<span class="required">Passwords do not match</span>[% END %] >- </li> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- [% END # hide fieldset %][% END %] >- <!--this zones are not necessary in modif mode --> >- [% UNLESS ( opadd || opduplicate ) %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_account_flags"> >- <legend id="account_flags_lgd">Patron account flags</legend> >- <ol class="radio"> >- [% FOREACH flagloo IN flagloop %] >- <li><label class="radio" for="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]"> >- [% IF ( flagloo.key == 'gonenoaddress' ) %]Gone no address:[% END %] >- [% IF ( flagloo.key == 'lost' ) %]Lost card:[% END %] >- </label> >- [% IF CAN_user_circulate_manage_restrictions %] >- <label for="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]"> >- [% IF ( flagloo.yes ) %] >- <input type="radio" id="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="1" checked="checked" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="radio" id="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="1" /> >- [% END %] >- Yes </label> >- <label for="no[% flagloo.name | html %]"> >- [% IF ( flagloo.no ) %] >- <input type="radio" id="no[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="0" checked="checked"/> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="radio" id="no[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="0" /> >- [% END %] >- No </label> >- [% ELSE %] >- [% IF flagloo.yes %]Yes[% ELSE %]No[% END %] >- [% END %] >+ [% IF ( step_3 ) %] >+ [% SET autoMemberNum = Koha.Preference('autoMemberNum') %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_library_management"> >+ <legend id="library_management_lgd">Library management</legend> >+ <ol> >+ [% UNLESS nocardnumber %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >+ <label for="cardnumber" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="cardnumber" class="validated"> >+ [% END %] >+ Card number: >+ </label> >+ >+ <!-- NOTE: div.hint closing tag isn't on the same line --> >+ [% IF minlength_cardnumber == maxlength_cardnumber %] >+ <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" minlength="[% minlength_cardnumber | html %]" maxlength="[% maxlength_cardnumber | html %]" /> >+ [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <span id="cn_max" class="required">Card number must not be more than [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters.</span> >+ <div class="hint">Card number must be exactly [% minlength_cardnumber | html %] characters. >+ [% ELSIF minlength_cardnumber && maxlength_cardnumber %] >+ <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" minlength="[% minlength_cardnumber | html %]" maxlength="[% maxlength_cardnumber | html %]" /> >+ [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <span id="cn_max" class="required">Card number must not be more than [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters.</span> >+ <div class="hint">Card number must be between [% minlength_cardnumber | html %] and [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters. >+ [% ELSIF maxlength_cardnumber %] >+ <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" maxlength="[% maxlength_cardnumber | html %]" /> >+ [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <span id="cn_max" class="required">Card number must not be more than [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters.</span> >+ <div class="hint">Card number can be up to [% maxlength_cardnumber | html %] characters. >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="text" id="cardnumber" name="cardnumber" size="20" value="[% cardnumber | html %]" /> >+ [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">There is no minimum or maximum character length. >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF autoMemberNum %] >+ [% IF mandatorycardnumber %] >+ <br/><span class="error">AutoMemberNum is set to enabled, but cardnumber is marked as mandatory in BorrowerMandatoryField: auto calc has been disabled.</span> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <br/>Leave blank for auto calc during registration >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </div><!--/hint div --> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nobranchcode %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="libraries" class="required">Library:</label> >+ <select name="branchcode" size="1" id="libraries"> >+ [% PROCESS options_for_libraries libraries => Branches.all( selected => userbranch, only_from_group => 1 ) %] >+ </select> >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="categorycode_entry" class="required">Category: </label> >+ <select id="categorycode_entry" name="categorycode" onchange="update_category_code(this);"> >+ [% FOREACH typeloo IN typeloop %] >+ [% FOREACH categoryloo IN typeloo.categoryloop %] >+ [% IF ( loop.first ) %] >+ [% IF ( typeloo.typename_C ) %]<optgroup label="Child">[% END %] >+ [% IF ( typeloo.typename_A ) %]<optgroup label="Adult">[% END %] >+ [% IF ( typeloo.typename_S ) %]<optgroup label="Staff">[% END %] >+ [% IF ( typeloo.typename_I ) %]<optgroup label="Organization">[% END %] >+ [% IF ( typeloo.typename_P ) %]<optgroup label="Professional">[% END %] >+ [% IF ( typeloo.typename_X ) %]<optgroup label="Statistical">[% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( categoryloo.categorycodeselected ) %] >+ <option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" selected="selected" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( loop.last ) %] >+ </optgroup> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ </li> >+ >+ [% UNLESS nosort1 %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorysort1 ) %] >+ <label for="sort1" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="sort1"> >+ [% END %] >+ Sort 1: >+ </label> >+ [% PROCESS 'av-build-dropbox.inc' name="sort1", category="Bsort1", default=sort1, size = 20 %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorysort1 ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nosort2 %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorysort2 ) %] >+ <label for="sort2" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="sort2"> >+ [% END %] >+ Sort 2: >+ </label> >+ [% PROCESS 'av-build-dropbox.inc' name="sort2", category="Bsort2", default=sort2, size = 20 %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorysort2 ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% IF ( Koha.Preference('CheckPrevCheckout') == 'softyes' || Koha.Preference('CheckPrevCheckout') == 'softno' ) %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="checkprevcheckout">Check for previous checkouts: </label> >+ <select name="checkprevcheckout" id="checkprevcheckout"> >+ [% IF ( checkprevcheckout == 'yes' ) %] >+ <option value="yes" selected="selected">Yes if settings allow it</option> >+ <option value="no">No if settings allow it</option> >+ <option value="inherit">Inherit from settings</option> >+ [% ELSIF ( checkprevcheckout == 'no' ) %] >+ <option value="yes">Yes if settings allow it</option> >+ <option value="no" selected="selected">No if settings allow it</option> >+ <option value="inherit">Inherit from settings</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="yes">Yes if settings allow it</option> >+ <option value="no">No if settings allow it</option> >+ <option value="inherit" selected="selected">Inherit from settings</option> >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% IF Koha.Preference('TranslateNotices') %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="lang">Preferred language for notices: </label> >+ <select id="lang" name="lang"> >+ <option value="default">Default</option> >+ [% FOR language IN languages %] >+ [% FOR sublanguage IN language.sublanguages_loop %] >+ [% IF language.plural %] >+ [% IF sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag == lang %] >+ <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]" selected="selected">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] [% sublanguage.region_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] [% sublanguage.region_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag == lang %] >+ <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]" selected="selected">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %]">[% sublanguage.native_description | html %] ([% sublanguage.rfc4646_subtag | html %])</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ [% UNLESS nodateenrolled && noopacnote && noborrowernotes %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_subscription"> >+ <legend id="library_setup_lgd">Library set-up</legend><ol> >+ [% UNLESS nodateenrolled %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorydateenrolled ) %] >+ <label for="from" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="from"> >+ [% END %] >+ Registration date: >+ </label> >+ [% IF ( dateformat == "metric" ) %] >+ <input type="text" id="from" name="dateenrolled" maxlength="10" size="10" onchange="CheckDate(document.form.dateenrolled);check_manip_date('verify');" value="[% dateenrolled | html %]" class="datepickerfrom" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="text" id="from" name="dateenrolled" maxlength="10" size="10" value="[% dateenrolled | html %]" class="datepickerfrom" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorydateenrolled ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_dateenrolled ) %] >+ <span class="required">(Error)</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</div> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nodateexpiry %] >+ <li> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <li style="display:none"> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorydateexpiry ) %] >+ <label for="to" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="to"> >+ [% END %] >+ Expiry date (leave blank for auto calc): >+ </label> >+ [% IF ( dateformat == "metric" ) %] >+ [% UNLESS ( opadd ) %] >+ <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" onchange="CheckDate(document.form.dateexpiry);check_manip_date('verify');" value="[% dateexpiry | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" class="datepickerto" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" onchange="CheckDate(document.form.dateexpiry);check_manip_date('verify');" class="datepickerto" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% UNLESS ( opadd ) %] >+ <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" value="[% dateexpiry | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" class="datepickerto" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="text" id="to" name="dateexpiry" maxlength="10" size="10" value="[% dateexpiry | html %]" class="datepickerto" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorydateexpiry ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_dateexpiry ) %] >+ <span class="required">(Error)</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</div> >+ </li> >+ >+ [% UNLESS noopacnote %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryopacnote ) %] >+ <label for="opacnote" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="opacnote"> >+ [% END %] >+ OPAC note: >+ </label> >+ <textarea id="opacnote" name="opacnote" cols="55" rows="5">[% opacnote | html UNLESS opduplicate %]</textarea> >+ <div class="hint">This message appears on this patron's user page in the OPAC</div> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryopacnote ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS noborrowernotes %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryborrowernotes ) %] >+ <label for="borrowernotes" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="borrowernotes"> >+ [% END %] >+ Circulation note: >+ </label> >+ <textarea id="borrowernotes" name="borrowernotes" cols="55" rows="5">[% borrowernotes | html UNLESS opduplicate %]</textarea> >+ <div class="hint">This message displays when checking out to this patron</div> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryborrowernotes ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END # hide fieldset %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nouserid && nopassword %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_userid"> >+ <legend id="opac_staff_login_lgd">OPAC/Staff login</legend><ol> >+ [% UNLESS nouserid %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatoryuserid ) %] >+ <label for="userid" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="userid"> >+ [% END %] >+ Username: >+ </label> >+ >+ [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" disabled="disabled" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="[% userid | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" value="" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="text" id="userid" name="userid" size="20" value="[% userid | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [%# Dummy input to avoid Firefox from using userid/password saved for authentication %] >+ <input type="text" disabled="disabled" style="display:none" /> >+ >+ [% IF ( mandatoryuserid ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS nopassword %] >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %] >+ <label for="password" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="password"> >+ [% END %] >+ Password: >+ </label> >+ [% IF ( opadd ) %] >+ [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="[% password | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" value="[% password | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ >+ [% IF ( password ) %] >+ [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="****" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" value="****" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" value="" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_short ) %] >+ <span class="required">Password is too short</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_too_weak ) %] >+ <span class="required">Password is too weak</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_has_whitespaces ) %] >+ <span class="required">Password has leading or trailing whitespaces</span> >+ [% END %] >+ <div class="hint">Minimum password length: [% minPasswordLength | html %]</div> >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %] >+ <label for="password2" class="required"> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="password2"> >+ [% END %] >+ Confirm password: >+ </label> >+ [% IF ( opadd ) %] >+ [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="[% password | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" value="[% password | html %]" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( password ) %] >+ [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="****" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( opduplicate ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" value="****" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF ( NoUpdateLogin ) %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" disabled="disabled" value="" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="20" value="" /> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% IF ( mandatorypassword ) %] >+ <span class="required">Required</span> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF ( ERROR_password_mismatch ) %] >+ <span class="required">Passwords do not match</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END # hide fieldset %] >+ [% END %] > >- </li> >- [% END %] >- >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_restrictions"> >- <legend id="restrictions_lgd">Patron restrictions</legend> >- >- [% IF ( debarments ) %] >- <table> >- <thead> >- <tr> >- <th>Type</th> >- <th>Comment</th> >- <th>Expiration</th> >- <th>Created</th> >- [% IF CAN_user_borrowers_edit_borrowers && CAN_user_circulate_manage_restrictions %] >- <th>Remove?</th> >- [% END %] >- </tr> >- </thead> >- >- <tbody> >- [% FOREACH d IN debarments %] >- <tr> >- <td>[% d.type | html %]</td> >- <td> >- [% IF d.comment.search('OVERDUES_PROCESS') %] >- Restriction added by overdues process [% d.comment.remove('OVERDUES_PROCESS ') | $raw %] >+ <!--this zones are not necessary in modif mode --> >+ [% UNLESS ( opadd || opduplicate ) %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_account_flags"> >+ <legend id="account_flags_lgd">Patron account flags</legend> >+ <ol class="radio"> >+ [% FOREACH flagloo IN flagloop %] >+ <li> >+ <label class="radio" for="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]"> >+ [% IF ( flagloo.key == 'gonenoaddress' ) %]Gone no address:[% END %] >+ [% IF ( flagloo.key == 'lost' ) %]Lost card:[% END %] >+ </label> >+ [% IF CAN_user_circulate_manage_restrictions %] >+ <label for="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]"> >+ [% IF ( flagloo.yes ) %] >+ <input type="radio" id="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="1" checked="checked" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="radio" id="yes[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="1" /> >+ [% END %] >+ Yes >+ </label> >+ <label for="no[% flagloo.name | html %]"> >+ [% IF ( flagloo.no ) %] >+ <input type="radio" id="no[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="0" checked="checked"/> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="radio" id="no[% flagloo.name | html %]" name="[% flagloo.name | html %]" value="0" /> >+ [% END %] >+ No >+ </label> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% IF flagloo.yes %]Yes[% ELSE %]No[% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_restrictions"> >+ <legend id="restrictions_lgd">Patron restrictions</legend> >+ [% IF ( debarments ) %] >+ <table> >+ <thead> >+ <tr> >+ <th>Type</th> >+ <th>Comment</th> >+ <th>Expiration</th> >+ <th>Created</th> >+ [% IF CAN_user_borrowers_edit_borrowers && CAN_user_circulate_manage_restrictions %] >+ <th>Remove?</th> >+ [% END %] >+ </tr> >+ </thead> >+ <tbody> >+ [% FOREACH d IN debarments %] >+ <tr> >+ <td>[% d.type | html %]</td> >+ <td> >+ [% IF d.comment.search('OVERDUES_PROCESS') %] >+ Restriction added by overdues process [% d.comment.remove('OVERDUES_PROCESS ') | $raw %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% d.comment | $raw %] >+ [% END %] >+ </td> >+ <td> >+ [% IF d.expiration %] >+ [% d.expiration | $KohaDates %] >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <i>Indefinite</i> >+ [% END %] >+ </td> >+ <td>[% d.created | $KohaDates %]</td> >+ [% IF CAN_user_borrowers_edit_borrowers && CAN_user_circulate_manage_restrictions %] >+ <td> >+ <input type="checkbox" id="debarment_[% d.borrower_debarment_id | html %]" name="remove_debarment" value="[% d.borrower_debarment_id | html %]" /> >+ </td> >+ [% END %] >+ </tr> >+ [% END %] >+ </tbody> >+ </table> > [% ELSE %] >- [% d.comment | $raw %] >+ <p>Patron is currently unrestricted.</p> > [% END %] >- </td> >- <td>[% IF d.expiration %] [% d.expiration | $KohaDates %] [% ELSE %] <i>Indefinite</i> [% END %]</td> >- <td>[% d.created | $KohaDates %]</td> >+ > [% IF CAN_user_borrowers_edit_borrowers && CAN_user_circulate_manage_restrictions %] >- <td> >- <input type="checkbox" id="debarment_[% d.borrower_debarment_id | html %]" name="remove_debarment" value="[% d.borrower_debarment_id | html %]" /> >- </td> >+ <p><a href="#" id="add_manual_restriction">Add manual restriction</a></p> >+ <fieldset id="manual_restriction_form"> >+ <input type="hidden" id="add_debarment" name="add_debarment" value="0" /> >+ <legend id="manual_restriction_lgd">Add manual restriction</legend> >+ <ol> >+ <li> >+ <label for="debarred_comment">Comment: </label> >+ <input type="text" id="debarred_comment" name="debarred_comment" onchange="$('#add_debarment').val(1);" /> >+ </li> >+ <li> >+ <label for="debarred_expiration">Expiration: </label> >+ <input name="debarred_expiration" id="debarred_expiration" size="10" value="" class="datepicker" onchange="$('#add_debarment').val(1);" type="text" /> >+ <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick="$('#debarred_expiration').val('');">Clear date</a> >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ <p> >+ <a class="cancel" id="cancel_manual_restriction" href="#">Cancel</a> >+ </p> >+ </fieldset> > [% END %] >- </tr> >+ </fieldset> > [% END %] >- </tbody> >- </table> >- [% ELSE %] >- <p>Patron is currently unrestricted.</p> >- [% END %] >- >- [% IF CAN_user_borrowers_edit_borrowers && CAN_user_circulate_manage_restrictions %] >- <p><a href="#" id="add_manual_restriction">Add manual restriction</a></p> >- <fieldset id="manual_restriction_form"> >- <input type="hidden" id="add_debarment" name="add_debarment" value="0" /> >- <legend id="manual_restriction_lgd">Add manual restriction</legend> >- <ol> >- <li><label for="debarred_comment">Comment: </label><input type="text" id="debarred_comment" name="debarred_comment" onchange="$('#add_debarment').val(1);" /></li> >- <li><label for="debarred_expiration">Expiration: </label><input name="debarred_expiration" id="debarred_expiration" size="10" value="" class="datepicker" onchange="$('#add_debarment').val(1);" type="text" /> >- <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick="$('#debarred_expiration').val('');">Clear date</a></li> >- >- </ol> >- <p> >- <a class="cancel" id="cancel_manual_restriction" href="#">Cancel</a> >- </p> >- </fieldset> >- [% END %] >- </fieldset> >- [% END %] >- >-[% END %] >+ [% END %] > >-[% IF ( step_7 ) %] >-[% IF Koha.Preference('HouseboundModule') %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_housebound_roles"> >- <legend id="housebound_roles">Housebound roles</legend> >- <ol class="radio"> >- <li> >- <label class="radio" for="housebound_chooser"> >- Chooser: >- </label> >- [% IF ( housebound_role.housebound_chooser == 1 ) %] >- <label for="yes_housebound_chooser">Yes </label> >- <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_chooser" >- name="housebound_chooser" value="1" >- checked="checked" /> >- <label for="no_housebound_chooser">No </label> >- <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_chooser" >- name="housebound_chooser" value="0" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="yes_housebound_chooser">Yes </label> >- <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_chooser" >- name="housebound_chooser" value="1" /> >- <label for="no_housebound_chooser">No </label> >- <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_chooser" >- name="housebound_chooser" value="0" >- checked="checked" /> >- [% END %] >- </li> >- <li> >- <label class="radio" for="housebound_deliverer">Deliverer:</label> >- [% IF ( housebound_role.housebound_deliverer == 1 ) %] >- <label for="yes_housebound_deliverer">Yes </label> >- <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_deliverer" >- name="housebound_deliverer" value="1" >- checked="checked" /> >- <label for="no_housebound_deliverer">No </label> >- <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_deliverer" >- name="housebound_deliverer" value="0" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <label for="yes_housebound_deliverer">Yes </label> >- <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_deliverer" >- name="housebound_deliverer" value="1" /> >- <label for="no_housebound_deliverer">No </label> >- <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_deliverer" >- name="housebound_deliverer" value="0" >- checked="checked" /> >- [% END %] >- </li> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >-[% END # hide fieldset %] >-[% END # IF step_7 %] >- >-[% IF ( step_4 ) %] >-[% IF Koha.Preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes') %][% UNLESS ( no_patron_attribute_types ) %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_patron_attributes"> >- <legend id="patron_attributes_lgd">Additional attributes and identifiers</legend> >- <input type="hidden" name="setting_extended_patron_attributes" value="1" /> >- [% FOREACH pa_loo IN patron_attributes %] >- <ol class="attributes_table"> >- [% IF pa_loo.class %] >- <fieldset id="aai_[% pa_loo.class | html %]"> >- <legend id="[% pa_loo.class | html %]_lgd">[% pa_loo.lib | html %]</legend> >- [% END %] >- [% FOREACH patron_attribute IN pa_loo.items %] >- <li data-category_code="[% patron_attribute.category_code | html %]"> >- <label for="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]">[% patron_attribute.description | html %]: </label> >- [% IF ( patron_attribute.use_dropdown ) %] >- <select id="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]" name="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]"> >- <option value=""></option> >- [% FOREACH auth_val_loo IN patron_attribute.auth_val_loop %] >- [% IF auth_val_loo.authorised_value == patron_attribute.value %] >- <option value="[% auth_val_loo.authorised_value | html %]" selected="selected"> >- [% auth_val_loo.lib | html %] >- </option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% auth_val_loo.authorised_value | html %]" > >- [% auth_val_loo.lib | html %] >- </option> >+ [% IF ( step_7 ) %] >+ [% IF Koha.Preference('HouseboundModule') %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_housebound_roles"> >+ <legend id="housebound_roles">Housebound roles</legend> >+ <ol class="radio"> >+ <li> >+ <label class="radio" for="housebound_chooser"> >+ Chooser: >+ </label> >+ [% IF ( housebound_role.housebound_chooser == 1 ) %] >+ <label for="yes_housebound_chooser">Yes </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_chooser" name="housebound_chooser" value="1" checked="checked" /> >+ <label for="no_housebound_chooser">No </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_chooser" name="housebound_chooser" value="0" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="yes_housebound_chooser">Yes </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_chooser" name="housebound_chooser" value="1" /> >+ <label for="no_housebound_chooser">No </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_chooser" name="housebound_chooser" value="0" checked="checked" /> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ <li> >+ <label class="radio" for="housebound_deliverer">Deliverer:</label> >+ [% IF ( housebound_role.housebound_deliverer == 1 ) %] >+ <label for="yes_housebound_deliverer">Yes </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_deliverer" name="housebound_deliverer" value="1" checked="checked" /> >+ <label for="no_housebound_deliverer">No </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_deliverer" name="housebound_deliverer" value="0" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <label for="yes_housebound_deliverer">Yes </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="yes_housebound_deliverer" name="housebound_deliverer" value="1" /> >+ <label for="no_housebound_deliverer">No </label> >+ <input type="radio" id="no_housebound_deliverer" name="housebound_deliverer" value="0" checked="checked" /> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END # hide fieldset %] >+ [% END # IF step_7 %] >+ >+ [% IF ( step_4 ) %] >+ [% IF Koha.Preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes') %] >+ [% UNLESS ( no_patron_attribute_types ) %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_patron_attributes"> >+ <legend id="patron_attributes_lgd">Additional attributes and identifiers</legend> >+ <input type="hidden" name="setting_extended_patron_attributes" value="1" /> >+ [% FOREACH pa_loo IN patron_attributes %] >+ <ol class="attributes_table"> >+ [% IF pa_loo.class %] >+ <fieldset id="aai_[% pa_loo.class | html %]"> >+ <legend id="[% pa_loo.class | html %]_lgd">[% pa_loo.lib | html %]</legend> >+ [% END %] >+ [% FOREACH patron_attribute IN pa_loo.items %] >+ <li data-category_code="[% patron_attribute.category_code | html %]"> >+ <label for="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]"> >+ [% patron_attribute.description | html %]: >+ </label> >+ [% IF ( patron_attribute.use_dropdown ) %] >+ <select id="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]" name="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]"> >+ <option value=""></option> >+ [% FOREACH auth_val_loo IN patron_attribute.auth_val_loop %] >+ [% IF auth_val_loo.authorised_value == patron_attribute.value %] >+ <option value="[% auth_val_loo.authorised_value | html %]" selected="selected"> >+ [% auth_val_loo.lib | html %] >+ </option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% auth_val_loo.authorised_value | html %]" > >+ [% auth_val_loo.lib | html %] >+ </option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <textarea rows="2" cols="30" id="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]" name="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]">[% patron_attribute.value | html %]</textarea> >+ [% END %] >+ <input type="hidden" id="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]_code" name="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]_code" value="[% patron_attribute.code | html %]" /> >+ <a href="#" onclick="clear_entry(this); return false;"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash"></i> Clear</a> >+ [% IF ( patron_attribute.repeatable ) %] >+ <a href="#" onclick="clone_entry(this); return false;"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus"></i> New</a> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% IF pa_loo.class %]</fieldset>[% END %] >+ </ol> >+ [% END %] >+ </fieldset> > [% END %] > [% END %] >- </select> >- [% ELSE %] >- <textarea rows="2" cols="30" id="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]" name="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]">[% patron_attribute.value | html %]</textarea> >- [% END %] >- <input type="hidden" id="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]_code" name="[% patron_attribute.form_id | html %]_code" value="[% patron_attribute.code | html %]" /> >- <a href="#" onclick="clear_entry(this); return false;"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash"></i> Clear</a> >- [% IF ( patron_attribute.repeatable ) %] >- <a href="#" onclick="clone_entry(this); return false;"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus"></i> New</a> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% IF ( step_5 ) %] >+ [% IF ( EnhancedMessagingPreferences ) %] >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_messaging_prefs"> >+ <legend id="patron_messaging_prefs_lgd">Patron messaging preferences</legend> >+ <div id="messaging_prefs_loading" class="form-message" style="display:none"> >+ <img src="[% interface | html %]/[% theme | html %]/img/spinner-small.gif" alt="" /> Loading new messaging defaults >+ </div> >+ <input type="hidden" name="setting_messaging_prefs" value="1" /> >+ [% INCLUDE 'messaging-preference-form.inc' %] >+ [% IF ( SMSSendDriver ) %] >+ <p> >+ <label for="SMSnumber">SMS number:</label> >+ <input type="text" id="SMSnumber" name="SMSnumber" value="[% SMSnumber | html %]" /> >+ <span class="hint">SMS number should be in the format 1234567890 or +11234567890</span> >+ </p> >+ [% UNLESS nosms_provider_id %] >+ <p> >+ <label for="sms_provider_id">SMS provider:</label> >+ <select id="sms_provider_id" name="sms_provider_id"> >+ <option value="">Unknown</option> >+ [% FOREACH s IN sms_providers %] >+ [% IF s.id == sms_provider_id %] >+ <option value="[% s.id | html %]" selected="selected">[% s.name | html %]</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% s.id | html %]">[% s.name | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ </p> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </form> >+ >+ [% IF quickadd && opadd && !check_member %] >+ <form id="quick_add_form" class="toggler"> >+ <fieldset class="rows quick_add"><legend>Quick add</legend> >+ <ol id="quick_add_list"> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ </form> > [% END %] >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% IF pa_loo.class %]</fieldset>[% END %] >- </ol> >- [% END %] >- </fieldset> >-[% END %][% END %][% END %] >- >-[% IF ( step_5 ) %][% IF ( EnhancedMessagingPreferences ) %] >- <fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_messaging_prefs"> >- <legend id="patron_messaging_prefs_lgd">Patron messaging preferences</legend> >- <div id="messaging_prefs_loading" class="form-message" style="display:none"> >- <img src="[% interface | html %]/[% theme | html %]/img/spinner-small.gif" alt="" /> Loading new messaging defaults >- </div> >- <input type="hidden" name="setting_messaging_prefs" value="1" /> >- [% INCLUDE 'messaging-preference-form.inc' %] >- [% IF ( SMSSendDriver ) %] >- <p><label for="SMSnumber">SMS number:</label> >- <input type="text" id="SMSnumber" name="SMSnumber" value="[% SMSnumber | html %]" /> >- <span class="hint">SMS number should be in the format 1234567890 or +11234567890</span> >- </p> >- [% UNLESS nosms_provider_id %] >- <p> >- <label for="sms_provider_id">SMS provider:</label> >- <select id="sms_provider_id" name="sms_provider_id"> >- <option value="">Unknown</option> >- [% FOREACH s IN sms_providers %] >- [% IF s.id == sms_provider_id %] >- <option value="[% s.id | html %]" selected="selected">[% s.name | html %]</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% s.id | html %]">[% s.name | html %]</option> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> >- </p> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </fieldset> >-[% END %] [% END %] >- >-</form> >- >-[% IF quickadd && opadd && !check_member %] >- <form id="quick_add_form" class="toggler"> >- <fieldset class="rows quick_add"><legend>Quick add</legend> >- <ol id="quick_add_list"> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- </form> >-[% END %] > >-[% END %] >- </main> >- </div> <!-- /.col-sm-10.col-sm-push-2 --> >- >- [% UNLESS ( opadd ) %] >- <div class="col-sm-2 col-sm-pull-10"> >- <aside> >- [% INCLUDE 'circ-menu.inc' %] >- </aside> >- </div> <!-- /.col-sm-2.col-sm-pull-10 --> >- [% END %] >- </div> <!-- /.row --> >+ [% END %] >+ </main> >+ </div> <!-- /.col-sm-10.col-sm-push-2 --> >+ >+ [% UNLESS ( opadd ) %] >+ <div class="col-sm-2 col-sm-pull-10"> >+ <aside> >+ [% INCLUDE 'circ-menu.inc' %] >+ </aside> >+ </div> <!-- /.col-sm-2.col-sm-pull-10 --> >+ [% END %] >+ </div> <!-- /.row --> > > [% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %] > [% Asset.js("lib/hc-sticky.js") | $raw %] >@@ -1229,8 +1403,7 @@ > } > var Sticky; > $(document).ready(function() { >- >- $("#saverecord").css({ 'margin-left': 0 }); >+ $("#saverecord").css({ 'margin-left': 0 }); > > Sticky = $("#toolbar"); > Sticky.hcSticky({ >-- >2.11.0
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bug 23533