From 8e8be7673c1f3651c8ed182d0f6bdb5d8f7e8cc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Renvoize <>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2020 11:54:20 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 24592: Reword LOST_RETURN to LOST_FOUND

This patch updates the wording in the 'lost and found' process to more
closely reflect what the process is achieving by replacing 'RETURNED'
with 'FOUND'

Test plan:
1) Grep codebase for _FixAccountForLostAndReturned and note there are no
   longer any instanced of it.
2) Run t/db_dependent/Circulation.t and note it passes
3) Test returning/renewing an item that has been marked as lost and note
   the updated values in the accountlines now use LOST_FOUND as
   credit_type_code and 'FOUND' as the status for the 'LOST' fee
   (debit_type_code 'LOST')

Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
 C4/                                  | 24 ++++++-----
 Koha/                                    |  4 +-
 .../swagger/definitions/patron_account_credit.json |  2 +-
 .../intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/    |  2 +-
 .../bootstrap/en/includes/        |  2 +-
 t/db_dependent/Circulation.t                       | 50 +++++++++++-----------
 6 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/C4/ b/C4/
index 09389eca81..2e20e3203c 100644
--- a/C4/
+++ b/C4/
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ sub AddIssue {
-                    _FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $item_object->itemnumber, undef,
+                    _FixAccountForLostAndFound( $item_object->itemnumber, undef,
                         $item_object->barcode );
@@ -2037,7 +2037,7 @@ sub AddReturn {
-                _FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $item->itemnumber,
+                _FixAccountForLostAndFound( $item->itemnumber,
                     $borrowernumber, $barcode );
                 $messages->{'LostItemFeeRefunded'} = 1;
@@ -2443,9 +2443,9 @@ sub _FixOverduesOnReturn {
     return $result;
-=head2 _FixAccountForLostAndReturned
+=head2 _FixAccountForLostAndFound
-  &_FixAccountForLostAndReturned($itemnumber, [$borrowernumber, $barcode]);
+  &_FixAccountForLostAndFound($itemnumber, [$borrowernumber, $barcode]);
 Finds the most recent lost item charge for this item and refunds the borrower
 appropriatly, taking into account any payments or writeoffs already applied
@@ -2455,7 +2455,7 @@ Internal function, not exported, called only by AddReturn.
-sub _FixAccountForLostAndReturned {
+sub _FixAccountForLostAndFound {
     my $itemnumber     = shift or return;
     my $borrowernumber = @_ ? shift : undef;
     my $item_id        = @_ ? shift : $itemnumber;  # Send the barcode if you want that logged in the description
@@ -2467,7 +2467,7 @@ sub _FixAccountForLostAndReturned {
             itemnumber      => $itemnumber,
             debit_type_code => 'LOST',
-            status          => [ undef, { '<>' => 'RETURNED' } ]
+            status          => [ undef, { '<>' => 'FOUND' } ]
             order_by => { -desc => [ 'date', 'accountlines_id' ] }
@@ -2506,11 +2506,13 @@ sub _FixAccountForLostAndReturned {
     if ( $credit_total > 0 ) {
         my $branchcode = C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} : undef;
         $credit = $account->add_credit(
-            {   amount      => $credit_total,
-                description => 'Item Returned ' . $item_id,
-                type        => 'LOST_RETURN',
+            {
+                amount      => $credit_total,
+                description => 'Item found ' . $item_id,
+                type        => 'LOST_FOUND',
                 interface   => C4::Context->interface,
-                library_id  => $branchcode
+                library_id  => $branchcode,
+                item_id     => $itemnumber
@@ -2518,7 +2520,7 @@ sub _FixAccountForLostAndReturned {
     # Update the account status
-    $accountline->discard_changes->status('RETURNED');
+    $accountline->discard_changes->status('FOUND');
     if ( defined $account and C4::Context->preference('AccountAutoReconcile') ) {
diff --git a/Koha/ b/Koha/
index ae6bebbb7a..6fc464178f 100644
--- a/Koha/
+++ b/Koha/
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ $credit_type can be any of:
   - 'CREDIT'
   - 'PAYMENT'
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ sub reconcile_balance {
 our $offset_type = {
     'CREDIT'           => 'Manual Credit',
     'FORGIVEN'         => 'Writeoff',
-    'LOST_RETURN'      => 'Lost Item',
+    'LOST_FOUND'       => 'Lost Item Found',
     'PAYMENT'          => 'Payment',
     'WRITEOFF'         => 'Writeoff',
     'ACCOUNT'          => 'Account Fee',
diff --git a/api/v1/swagger/definitions/patron_account_credit.json b/api/v1/swagger/definitions/patron_account_credit.json
index a231471c21..ba156fe9ff 100644
--- a/api/v1/swagger/definitions/patron_account_credit.json
+++ b/api/v1/swagger/definitions/patron_account_credit.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   "properties": {
     "credit_type": {
       "type": "string",
-      "description": "Type of credit ('CREDIT', 'FORGIVEN', 'LOST_RETURN', 'PAYMENT', 'WRITEOFF' )"
+      "description": "Type of credit ('CREDIT', 'FORGIVEN', 'LOST_FOUND', 'PAYMENT', 'WRITEOFF' )"
     "amount": {
       "type": "number",
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/
index 162a641e57..172acc6347 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
             [%- CASE 'WRITEOFF'         -%]Writeoff
             [%- CASE 'FORGIVEN'         -%]Forgiven
             [%- CASE 'CREDIT'           -%]Credit
-            [%- CASE 'LOST_RETURN'      -%]Lost item fee refund
+            [%- CASE 'LOST_FOUND'       -%]Lost item fee refund
             [%- CASE 'Refund'           -%]Refund
             [%- CASE                    -%][% account.credit_type.description | html %]
         [%- END -%]
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/includes/ b/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/includes/
index 8f38a70d7d..a193b11a4c 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/includes/
+++ b/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/includes/
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
             [%- CASE 'WRITEOFF'         -%]Writeoff
             [%- CASE 'FORGIVEN'         -%]Forgiven
             [%- CASE 'CREDIT'           -%]Credit
-            [%- CASE 'LOST_RETURN'      -%]Lost item fee refund
+            [%- CASE 'LOST_FOUND'       -%]Lost item fee refund
             [%- CASE                    -%][% account.credit_type.description | html %]
         [%- END -%]
     [%- ELSIF account.debit_type_code -%]
diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t b/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t
index 4b17bf5d61..7e1784bda8 100755
--- a/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t
+++ b/t/db_dependent/Circulation.t
@@ -2346,7 +2346,7 @@ subtest 'AddReturn | is_overdue' => sub {
-subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned' => sub {
+subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndFound' => sub {
     plan tests => 5;
@@ -2424,14 +2424,14 @@ subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned' => sub {
         $credit->apply( { debits => [ $debts->as_list ], offset_type => 'Writeoff' } );
-        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
-        is( $credit_return_id, undef, 'No LOST_RETURN account line added' );
+        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndFound( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
+        is( $credit_return_id, undef, 'No LOST_FOUND account line added' );
         $lost_fee_line->discard_changes; # reload from DB
         is( $lost_fee_line->amountoutstanding + 0, 0, 'Lost fee has no outstanding amount' );
         is( $lost_fee_line->debit_type_code,
             'LOST', 'Lost fee now still has account type of LOST' );
-        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'RETURNED', "Lost fee now has account status of RETURNED");
+        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'FOUND', "Lost fee now has account status of FOUND");
         is( $patron->account->balance, -0, 'The patron balance is 0, everything was written off' );
@@ -2486,20 +2486,20 @@ subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned' => sub {
         $credit->apply( { debits => [ $debts->as_list ], offset_type => 'Payment' } );
-        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
+        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndFound( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
         my $credit_return = Koha::Account::Lines->find($credit_return_id);
-        is( $credit_return->credit_type_code, 'LOST_RETURN', 'An account line of type LOST_RETURN is added' );
+        is( $credit_return->credit_type_code, 'LOST_FOUND', 'An account line of type LOST_FOUND is added' );
         is( $credit_return->amount + 0,
-            -99.00, 'The account line of type LOST_RETURN has an amount of -99' );
+            -99.00, 'The account line of type LOST_FOUND has an amount of -99' );
         is( $credit_return->amountoutstanding + 0,
-            -99.00, 'The account line of type LOST_RETURN has an amountoutstanding of -99' );
+            -99.00, 'The account line of type LOST_FOUND has an amountoutstanding of -99' );
         is( $lost_fee_line->amountoutstanding + 0, 0, 'Lost fee has no outstanding amount' );
         is( $lost_fee_line->debit_type_code,
             'LOST', 'Lost fee now still has account type of LOST' );
-        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'RETURNED', "Lost fee now has account status of RETURNED");
+        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'FOUND', "Lost fee now has account status of FOUND");
         is( $patron->account->balance,
             -99, 'The patron balance is -99, a credit that equals the lost fee payment' );
@@ -2544,18 +2544,18 @@ subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned' => sub {
         is( $lost_fee_line->amountoutstanding + 0,
             $replacement_amount, 'The right LOST amountountstanding is generated' );
-        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
+        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndFound( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
         my $credit_return = Koha::Account::Lines->find($credit_return_id);
-        is( $credit_return->credit_type_code, 'LOST_RETURN', 'An account line of type LOST_RETURN is added' );
-        is( $credit_return->amount + 0, -99.00, 'The account line of type LOST_RETURN has an amount of -99' );
-        is( $credit_return->amountoutstanding + 0, 0, 'The account line of type LOST_RETURN has an amountoutstanding of 0' );
+        is( $credit_return->credit_type_code, 'LOST_FOUND', 'An account line of type LOST_FOUND is added' );
+        is( $credit_return->amount + 0, -99.00, 'The account line of type LOST_FOUND has an amount of -99' );
+        is( $credit_return->amountoutstanding + 0, 0, 'The account line of type LOST_FOUND has an amountoutstanding of 0' );
         is( $lost_fee_line->amountoutstanding + 0, 0, 'Lost fee has no outstanding amount' );
         is( $lost_fee_line->debit_type_code,
             'LOST', 'Lost fee now still has account type of LOST' );
-        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'RETURNED', "Lost fee now has account status of RETURNED");
+        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'FOUND', "Lost fee now has account status of FOUND");
         is( $patron->account->balance, 20, 'The patron balance is 20, still owes the processing fee' );
@@ -2630,25 +2630,25 @@ subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned' => sub {
         my $outstanding = $lost_fee_line->amountoutstanding;
-        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
+        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndFound( $item->itemnumber, $patron->id );
         my $credit_return = Koha::Account::Lines->find($credit_return_id);
-        is( $account->balance, $processfee_amount - $payment_amount, 'Balance is PROCESSING - PAYMENT (LOST_RETURN)' );
+        is( $account->balance, $processfee_amount - $payment_amount, 'Balance is PROCESSING - PAYMENT (LOST_FOUND)' );
         is( $lost_fee_line->amountoutstanding + 0, 0, 'Lost fee has no outstanding amount' );
         is( $lost_fee_line->debit_type_code,
             'LOST', 'Lost fee now still has account type of LOST' );
-        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'RETURNED', "Lost fee now has account status of RETURNED");
+        is( $lost_fee_line->status, 'FOUND', "Lost fee now has account status of FOUND");
-        is( $credit_return->credit_type_code, 'LOST_RETURN', 'An account line of type LOST_RETURN is added' );
+        is( $credit_return->credit_type_code, 'LOST_FOUND', 'An account line of type LOST_FOUND is added' );
         is( $credit_return->amount + 0,
             ($payment_amount + $outstanding ) * -1,
-            'The account line of type LOST_RETURN has an amount equal to the payment + outstanding'
+            'The account line of type LOST_FOUND has an amount equal to the payment + outstanding'
         is( $credit_return->amountoutstanding + 0,
             $payment_amount * -1,
-            'The account line of type LOST_RETURN has an amountoutstanding equal to the payment'
+            'The account line of type LOST_FOUND has an amountoutstanding equal to the payment'
         is( $account->balance,
@@ -2726,10 +2726,10 @@ subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned' => sub {
         t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AccountAutoReconcile', 1 );
-        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $item_id, $patron->id );
+        my $credit_return_id = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndFound( $item_id, $patron->id );
         my $credit_return = Koha::Account::Lines->find($credit_return_id);
-        is( $account->balance, $manual_debit_amount - $payment_amount, 'Balance is PROCESSING - payment (LOST_RETURN)' );
+        is( $account->balance, $manual_debit_amount - $payment_amount, 'Balance is PROCESSING - payment (LOST_FOUND)' );
         my $manual_debit = Koha::Account::Lines->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->id, debit_type_code => 'OVERDUE', status => 'UNRETURNED' })->next;
         is( $manual_debit->amountoutstanding + 0, $manual_debit_amount - $payment_amount, 'reconcile_balance was called' );
@@ -2803,7 +2803,7 @@ subtest '_FixOverduesOnReturn' => sub {
     is( $credit->amountoutstanding + 0, 0, "Credit amountoutstanding is correctly set to 0" );
-subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned returns undef if patron is deleted' => sub {
+subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndFound returns undef if patron is deleted' => sub {
     plan tests => 1;
     my $manager = $builder->build_object({ class => "Koha::Patrons" });
@@ -2839,9 +2839,9 @@ subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned returns undef if patron is deleted' => su
-    my $return_value = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $patron->id, $item->itemnumber );
+    my $return_value = C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndFound( $patron->id, $item->itemnumber );
-    is( $return_value, undef, "_FixAccountForLostAndReturned returns undef if patron is deleted" );
+    is( $return_value, undef, "_FixAccountForLostAndFound returns undef if patron is deleted" );