Fri Mar 14 2025 19:51:11 UTC
Vagrant is like one of those teletransportation machines, great when it works but if a fly enters the cabin, I don’t know how to solve the mess.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
15449 Koha Architec jonathan.druart NEW --- [Omnibus] Move stuff to the Koha namespace 2024-09-10
16846 Koha Architec jonathan.druart ASSI --- Move C4::Members to the Koha namespace 2024-09-09
19920 Koha Architec jasmineamohia.student CLOS FIXE changepassword is exported from C4::Members but has been removed 2020-01-06
16850 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Move IsMemberBlocked to Koha::Patron 2017-06-14
16851 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Move HasOverdues to Koha::Patron->has_overdues 2017-12-07
16853 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Move changepassword to Koha::Patron->update_password 2018-01-05
17124 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t does not pass 2017-12-07
20052 Koha Architec nick CLOS FIXE Add Reports object class 2018-12-03
20495 Koha Reports nick CLOS FIXE Refactor C4::Reports.Guided - remove get_saved_report 2019-10-14
9 bugs found.


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