Fri Mar 14 2025 17:49:28 UTC
<chris> Free as in kittens is a silly phrase that should die, if FOSS is free as in kittens, proprietary software is free as in an inbred purebreed cat. That costs thousands of dollars in vet bills every year and is slightly retarded.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
15449 Koha Architec jonathan.druart NEW --- [Omnibus] Move stuff to the Koha namespace 2024-09-10
16846 Koha Architec jonathan.druart ASSI --- Move C4::Members to the Koha namespace 2024-09-09
19920 Koha Architec jasmineamohia.student CLOS FIXE changepassword is exported from C4::Members but has been removed 2020-01-06
16850 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Move IsMemberBlocked to Koha::Patron 2017-06-14
16851 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Move HasOverdues to Koha::Patron->has_overdues 2017-12-07
16853 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Move changepassword to Koha::Patron->update_password 2018-01-05
17124 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t does not pass 2017-12-07
20052 Koha Architec nick CLOS FIXE Add Reports object class 2018-12-03
20495 Koha Reports nick CLOS FIXE Refactor C4::Reports.Guided - remove get_saved_report 2019-10-14
9 bugs found.


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