Fri Mar 14 2025 19:51:11 UTC
@ranginui: "RDA: for when you want to be 35 years instead of just 30 years behind the rest of the information world"
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
30952 Koha Staff in julian.maurice RESO FIXE New design for staff interface 2025-02-06
31306 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Add Koha::Items->search_ordered method 2024-03-14
31313 Koha Architec jonathan.druart CLOS FIXE Remove GetItemsInfo from opac-detail 2024-07-04
33082 Koha Acquisit katrin.fischer CLOS FIXE Add yellow buttons and page sections to 'copy order' pages 2023-12-28
29144 Koha OPAC CLOS FIXE Move branches.opac_info to AdditionalContents allowing multi language 2024-07-04
31842 Koha Architec CLOS FIXE admin/branches: DT search generates js error on 2023-12-28
31754 Koha Tools oleonard CLOS FIXE Improve appearance of behavior of DataTables controls 2023-12-28
7 bugs found.


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