Name Description Open Bugs Total Bugs
Academy Bugs for the catalyst Academy Search 871
accessibility Accessibility bugs Search 50
additional_work_needed Can be used to express an additional need when a patch has been pushed: - a regression has been found - something else is needed - answer is waiting Search 15
dependency Introducing a new dependency ... do you really need this? If so, you should have a go at packaging it yourself. Search 55
Hackfest Bugs we hope to focus on as a team at Hackfest Search 4
Manual Indicates that this bug makes changes that will need to be documented in the Koha manual. Search 105
Manual-updated Indicates that the changes from this bug have been incorporated into the Koha manual. Search 29
NeedsMoreQA Needs another set of eyes Search 1
needs_rfc The community process requires a voted RFC for this type of development Search 4
no-sandbox Bugs that cannot be tested in the sandboxes Search 15
nowheezy Will not work on wheezy Search 3
regression regression Search 117
release-notes-needed We need a text to in the release notes before the next release Search 95
rel_20_11_candidate Patches that need to be backported into stable Search 17
rel_21_05_candidate Candidates for 21.05 This can be either features that missed 20.11 and should target 21.05, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 17
rel_21_11_candidate Candidates for 21.11 This can be either features that missed 21.05 and should target 21.11, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 41
rel_22_05_candidate Candidates for 22.05 This can be either features that missed 21.1 and should target 22.05, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 8
rel_22_11_candidate Candidates for 22.11 This can be either features that missed 22.05 and should target 22.11, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 95
rel_23_05_candidate Candidates for 23.05 This can be either features that missed 22.11 and should target 23.05, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 29
rel_23_11_candidate Candidates for 23.11 This can be either features that missed 23.05 and should target 23.11, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 48
rel_24_05_candidate Candidates for 24.05 This can be either features that missed 23.11 and should target 24.05, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 14
rel_24_11_candidate Candidates for 24.11 This can be either features that missed 24.05 and should target 24.11, or marked by the RM to limit the scope of the last patches to focus on. Search 1
RM_priority Tagged as priority by the Release Manager Search 31
roadmap_24_05 Roadmap projects from Search 27
roadmap_24_11 Roadmap project for 24.11 Search 2
Sandbox Can be tested easily using the sandboxes Search 40