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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
35826 2 0 Hold requests enhancement P5 - low --- Optimize building of holds queue based on transport cost matrix
35746 2 0 Reports enhancement P5 - low --- Multiple selections for parameters used in the IN function
35687 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing blocker P5 - low --- Upgrade to may fail
35404 2 0 Templates minor P5 - low --- Wrong copy and paste in string (ILL batches)
34993 4 0 Cataloging major P5 - low --- Framework doesn't load defaults in existing records or duplicate as new
34838 2 0 Test Suite normal P5 - low --- ILL tests generate a lot of "redefined" warnings
34516 3 0 Installation and upgrade (command-line installer) blocker P5 - low --- Upgrade database fails for, points to web installer
34478 17 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing blocker P1 - high --- Full CSRF protection
34467 2 0 Web services minor P5 - low --- OAI GetRecord bad encoding for UNIMARC
34438 2 0 OPAC enhancement P5 - low --- OPAC self registration form does not include lang (preferred language for notices) field
34276 2 0 Installation and upgrade (command-line installer) blocker P5 - low --- upgrading 23.05 to 23.05.002
34270 2 0 Templates enhancement P5 - low --- Upgrade and prune jQueryUI assets in the staff interface
34119 2 0 Templates normal P5 - low --- Improve staff interface print stylesheet following redesign
34092 2 0 Patrons normal P5 - low --- patron-autocomplete.js and patron-search.inc search logic should match
34028 2 0 Authentication major P5 - low --- Two factor authentication (2FA) shows the wrong values for manual entry
34022 2 0 Acquisitions blocker P1 - high --- Adding items on receive is broken
33766 3 0 Accessibility enhancement P5 - low --- Accessibility: Fix ambiguous form-field in opac-auth.tt
33731 2 0 System Administration enhancement P5 - low --- Add hint to audio alert configuration page that for self checkout pages full URLs must be used
33621 2 0 Staff interface normal P5 - low --- Javascript error when claiming return via circulation.pl
33568 2 0 Staff interface enhancement P5 - low --- Use the REST API to display items on the biblio detail view

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