Votes Bug # Summary
Koha (bug list) (Note: only 10 votes allowed per bug in this product.)
10 12566 Duplicate checks for self registered patrons (other than email) (Show Votes)
10 16786 Cannot add multiple emails addresses in an email field (Show Votes)
10 23258 Batch tool for placing and cancelling holds (Show Votes)
10 25631 Adding ability to alter the expiration date of the hold from the patron's account in staff (Show Votes)
10 27753 Automate resolution of return claim when checking in an item (Show Votes)
10 27919 Split claims return from LOST (Show Votes)
10 30623 Copy permissions from one user to another (Show Votes)
10 31256 Circ rules batch modification (Show Votes)
10 32572 We should have a background queue for each job type (Show Votes)
10 33751 Notice needed for password expiration (Show Votes)
10 34122 Updating location changes location of all related records (Show Votes)
10 34596 Items in transit should not show up in the holds queue (Show Votes)
10 35220 Merging patrons can cause lock timeouts (Show Votes)
10 35559 Can't change the pickup date of holds on the last day of expiration (Show Votes)
10 36762 Item not transferred correctly when there is a pending hold (Show Votes)
150 votes used out of 200 allowed.

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