Votes Bug # Summary
Koha (bug list) (Note: only 10 votes allowed per bug in this product.)
10 2234 Make cart email from/reply-to/return-path address configurable (Show Votes)
10 11300 Add a new authority linker which searches for authority links on a Z39.50 server. (Show Votes)
10 13243 Make it possible to have library-level patron restrictions (Show Votes)
10 13706 Deduping authorities script ( (Show Votes)
10 19037 Circulation and fine rules test tool (Show Votes)
10 24180 maintain separate repeated subfields when linking authority in advanced catalog editor (Show Votes)
10 34899 Circulation rules: Only allow "Local use" patron category to place holds on specific library's items (Show Votes)
10 35066 In the Holds Queue, add ability to decline to fill a hold and automatically push to the next branch (Show Votes)
10 35570 Add a generic master form in ILL (Show Votes)
90 votes used out of 200 allowed.

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