Back to bug 6968

Who When What Removed Added
pelletiermaxime 2011-10-04 17:57:51 UTC Change sponsored? --- Sponsored
pelletiermaxime 2011-10-07 14:47:04 UTC Priority P5 PATCH-Sent
katrin.fischer 2011-11-02 20:26:36 UTC CC katrin.fischer
Patch Status --- Needs Signoff
katrin.fischer 2011-12-07 06:50:12 UTC Patch Status Needs Signoff Failed QA
pelletiermaxime 2012-01-04 17:01:10 UTC Patch Status Failed QA Needs Signoff
koha.sekjal 2012-01-15 01:00:57 UTC Status NEW Needs Signoff
adrien.saurat 2012-02-03 10:28:58 UTC Attachment #5702 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
Attachment #7038 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
adrien.saurat 2012-02-03 10:29:09 UTC Status Needs Signoff Signed Off
CC adrien.saurat
koha.sekjal 2012-02-16 17:26:42 UTC CC koha.sekjal
paul.poulain 2012-02-21 14:29:18 UTC Status Signed Off Failed QA
CC paul.poulain
charles.farmer 2014-08-11 15:07:35 UTC Assignee colin.campbell charles.farmer
CC charles.farmer
Attachment #7435 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
Status Failed QA Needs Signoff
charles.farmer 2014-08-11 15:08:09 UTC Priority PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE) P5 - low
Patch complexity --- Trivial patch
simith.doliveira 2014-09-05 14:16:39 UTC CC eric.begin, philippe.blouin, simith.doliveira
Assignee charles.farmer simith.doliveira
paola.rossi 2015-01-13 10:38:28 UTC CC paola.rossi
Status Needs Signoff Patch doesn't apply
charles.farmer 2015-01-15 16:20:52 UTC Status Patch doesn't apply Needs Signoff
Assignee simith.doliveira charles.farmer
Attachment #30703 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
charles.farmer 2015-01-15 16:22:15 UTC Attachment #35314 Attachment description this patch is exactly the same diff as the previous patch, but formatted differently Bug 6968 - Check expiration in serials expired before today.patch
charles.farmer 2015-01-15 16:22:41 UTC Attachment #35314 Attachment description Bug 6968 - Check expiration in serials expired before today.patch Bug 6968 - Check expiration in serials expired before today
paola.rossi 2015-01-20 11:09:17 UTC Status Needs Signoff Patch doesn't apply
philippe.blouin 2015-06-17 13:09:26 UTC Assignee charles.farmer maxime.beaulieu
martin.renvoize 2019-07-01 10:54:35 UTC CC martin.renvoize
martin.renvoize 2019-07-01 11:19:14 UTC Blocks 23243
martin.renvoize 2019-07-01 11:21:13 UTC Resolution --- MOVED
Status Patch doesn't apply RESOLVED

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