Bug 30559

Summary: Batch Import Number Auto Increment Miscalculation
Product: Koha Reporter: Charles Kelley <cmkelleymls>
Component: ToolsAssignee: Bugs List <koha-bugs>
Status: NEW --- QA Contact: Testopia <testopia>
Severity: enhancement    
Priority: P5 - low    
Version: 20.05   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Change sponsored?: --- Patch complexity: ---
Documentation contact: Documentation submission:
Text to go in the release notes:
Version(s) released in:
Circulation function:

Description Charles Kelley 2022-04-18 00:40:05 UTC
We have noticed that after last several batch loads, the auto increment for the next batch number increases by a seemingly random number.

#	File name	Comments	Type	Status	Staged	# Records	# Items
8911	Missing Translated Title 740 Fields.mrc	Restoration of records lacking searchable title fields	Bibliographic	Imported	04/15/2022 20:08	371	0
8543	Dahm -- Inter-Island Communications.mrc	Short record with link -- TEST	Bibliographic	Imported	04/06/2022 22:06	1	0
8409	SN 7036 -- Методика Строевой Быучки.mrc	Corrections to added title, 008, and 040 fields and to other fields as needed	Bibliographic	Imported	03/31/2022 21:38	1	0
7998	Kim Il-Song Related Works.mrc	Corrections to added title, 008, and 040 fields and to other fields as needed; correction to item fields as needed	Bibliographic	Imported	03/30/2022 01:03	3	14 (Create label batch)
7471	Reznichenko -- Taktika.mrc	Restored missing work	Bibliographic	Imported	03/24/2022 20:08	1	0
7422	SN 8507 -- Zhengce yanjiu yu juece zixun 2015-nian.mrc	Corrections to added title and 008 fields	Bibliographic	Imported	03/22/2022 23:26	1	0

We don't know what prompted this, but we would like to know whether or not this is worrisome. If it is worrisome, we would like to recommend it be fixed.