Bug 3162

Summary: Authority subfileds definitions and Show/Show Collapsed/Hide option
Product: Koha Reporter: Zeno Tajoli <ztajoli>
Component: CatalogingAssignee: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt>
Status: CLOSED FIXED QA Contact:
Severity: enhancement    
Priority: P5 - low CC: ztajoli
Version: Main   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
See Also: http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12284
Change sponsored?: --- Patch complexity: ---
Documentation contact: Documentation submission:
Text to go in the release notes:
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Circulation function:

Description Chris Cormack 2010-05-21 01:07:11 UTC

---- Reported by tajoli@cilea.it 2009-04-27 16:17:52 ----

The defintion of visibilty of MARC subfields in the enviroments used
(Opac, Intranet, Editor) is different between MARC Bibliographic framework
[http://<your site>:8080/cgi-bin/koha/admin/biblio_framework.pl]
and Authority framework
[http://<your site>:8080/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authtypes.pl]

In MARC Bibliographic framework to setup this option we use an input box
that accepts values between -7 to 8.
The meaning of the values is explained into the on-line help.
No problems here.

In Authority framework there are 3 List boxes (one for Opac, one for Intranet,
one for Editor).
The CGI with the bug is .../admin/auth_subfields_structure.pl

For example see the defintion of field 035 (on Unimarc or MARC21 default framework):
http://<your site>:8080/cgi-bin/koha/admin/auth_subfields_structure.pl?op=add_form&tagfield=035&authtypecode=

But those 3 values are managed by only one SQL field, auth_subfield_structure.hidden. This field is a tinyint(3) field.

So, when the system tries to save a value like '000', Mysql transform it into '0'. So not all option avaible in the inteface are recoredable into 

The defintions of Authority subfields in 
and in 
still use the scale -7 ... 8

And in fact the CGI for the display
still use the scale -7 ... 8
with problems. 

In fact the lines used in 
to check the value of auth_subfield_structure.hidden are:

$subfield_data{visibility} = "display:none;"
        if (    ($tagslib->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{hidden} % 2 == 1) and $value ne ''
            or ($value eq '' and !$tagslib->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{mandatory})

So the only two values that it is possible to use
are 0 (or every evan value that means 'show all') and -7 (or ever odd value that means hide all).

Well, this the problem.
About solution ?

My proposal is:

-- for tree 3.0 I will write a patch to use the values '0','-5' with
the meanings 'show all' vs 'hide all'.
I select those two values because are just now used into SQL authority default defintions.
So I need to change only the code of  ../admin/auth_subfields_structure.pl,
the help template and display template
No changes in SQL defintion, into others CGI or into SQL authority default defintions.

-- for tree 3.2 I think we need to plan a better system.
Probably use 3 list box is better but we need to decide:
a)Do we do the work with one SQL field or with three fields ?
b)And what about MARC Bibliographic framework
c)And about migration of framework from 3.0 to 3.2 ?

That's all, I think


---- Additional Comments From gmcharlt@gmail.com 2009-04-27 16:25:37 ----

> -- for tree 3.2 I think we need to plan a better system.
> Probably use 3 list box is better but we need to decide:

I agree that the three dropdown lists is a better UI.

> a)Do we do the work with one SQL field or with three fields ?

I vote for splitting it into three - it will be easier to maintain and less prone to bugs.

> b)And what about MARC Bibliographic framework

I think the same UI for setting the visibility and the same set of database columns should be used for both authority and bibliographic frameworks.

> c)And about migration of framework from 3.0 to 3.2 ?

The updatedatabase.pl part will be easy.  It will be necessary to change the base MARC21 and UNIMARC SQL files as well.

---- Additional Comments From tajoli@cilea.it 2009-05-17 20:51:01 ----

I have send a patch for the problem but only for version 3.0.x

---- Additional Comments From mjr@ttllp.co.uk 2009-06-07 11:42:22 ----

This bug is described as fixed in the release notes for version 3.0.2 in the git tree.

---- Additional Comments From gmcharlt@gmail.com 2009-06-07 17:56:37 ----

Reopening.  Not resolved in HEAD.

---- Additional Comments From tajoli@cilea.it 2009-06-08 15:02:25 ----

I confirm that this bug is open in HEAD but close for 3.0.2
In 3.0.2 I have done only an hack to fix it.
But for 3.2 we need a better (and a more difficult) patch.

---- Additional Comments From tajoli@cilea.it 2009-08-13 13:35:17 ----

I change the Priority, the Version and the Severity of this bug.
I config that for 3.0.x tree is close.

But we still need to work for 3.2 tree

---- Additional Comments From tajoli@cilea.it 2010-02-10 09:16:00 ----

I confirm that this bug is still open in 3.2 tree.
It is close in 3.0 tree.

---- Additional Comments From gmcharlt@gmail.com 2010-02-10 11:11:15 ----

Changing to blocker as it is an issue that is fixed in the maintenance branch but whose fix was not submitted to HEAD.  I intend to forward-port the "hack" from the 3.0.x branch unless Zeno has another patch available for HEAD.

---- Additional Comments From gmcharlt@gmail.com 2010-02-10 11:25:02 ----

Cherry-picked patch from 3.0.x.  This should only be temporary, but for now marking as enhancement and retargetting to 3.4

---- Additional Comments From tajoli@cilea.it 2010-02-10 15:03:22 ----

I confirm that I don't have a good solution for 3.2.
I see the cherry-picking.

--- Bug imported by chris@bigballofwax.co.nz 2010-05-21 01:07 UTC  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 3162 at http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3162

Actual time not defined. Setting to 0.0
CC member irma@calyx.net.au does not have an account here

Comment 1 Katrin Fischer 2014-05-17 11:27:55 UTC
Zeno, is this still valid? We know have checkboxes for the bibliographic frameworks - but not sure that resolves the problem described here.
Comment 2 Zeno Tajoli 2014-05-19 07:21:36 UTC
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #1)
> Zeno, is this still valid? We know have checkboxes for the bibliographic
> frameworks - but not sure that resolves the problem described here.

Hi Katrin,
in fact this bug is a mix of a bug and a request for a new  feature.

The bug part is fixed, now SQL files for authorities, templates and .pl are coherent.
You can select only 'Show all' (value 0) or 'Hide all' (value -5).

So I close the bug but I open a new bug (12284) for the future develop.