Bug 3866

Summary: Errror in sample_budgets.sql
Product: Koha Reporter: Chris Cormack <chris>
Component: Installation and upgrade (web-based installer)Assignee: Henri-Damien LAURENT <henridamien>
Status: CLOSED FIXED QA Contact: Bugs List <koha-bugs>
Severity: minor    
Priority: P4 CC: nengard
Version: rel_3_2   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Change sponsored?: --- Patch complexity: ---
Documentation contact: Documentation submission:
Text to go in the release notes:
Version(s) released in:
Circulation function:

Description Chris Cormack 2010-05-21 01:15:56 UTC

---- Reported by ropuch@bagno.be 2009-12-07 08:18:04 ----

Attempt to install throws:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'koha.aqbudget' doesn't exist

---- Additional Comments From nengard@gmail.com 2010-02-07 16:27:26 ----

is this still an issue with the new acq module?

--- Bug imported by chris@bigballofwax.co.nz 2010-05-21 01:15 UTC  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 3866 at http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3866

Actual time not defined. Setting to 0.0
The original reporter of this bug does not have
   an account here. Reassigning to the person who moved
   it here: chris@bigballofwax.co.nz.
   Previous reporter was ropuch@bagno.be.

Comment 1 Owen Leonard 2011-05-20 20:15:58 UTC
I assume based on the age of this report that this issue has been resolved.