Kyle M Hall (khall)
2012-07-17 16:23:47 UTC
Hi Owen, not sure you remember that one. What would you expect to display? I just checked, when returning the item the messages on top say: Item is withdrawn. Item not checked out. Created attachment 161342 [details] [review] Bug 8461: Display information on whithdrawn item when checked in This patch displays the due date and withdrawn information in the Checked-in items table when 'ShowAllCheckins' is enabled. While the top message is clear, if a staff member checks in two items, then refers to the table they would not have all the information. To test: 1 - Enable system preference 'ShowAllCheckins' 2 - Set system preference 'BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems' to 'Block' 3 - Check out an item to a patron 4 - Mark the item as withdrawn 5 - Check the item in 6 - Note message at top says things like 'Cannot check in' 'Item has been withdrawn' 7 - Note the Checked-in items table says 'Not checked out' 8 - Apply patch, restart all 9 - Check the item in again 10 - Note top message has not changed 11 - Note the table now say 'Item was not checked in' and displays the due date and patron info 12 - Note the table also includes the withdrawn value for the item In testing, I do not see 11 - Note the table now say 'Item was not checked in' and displays the due date and patron info 12 - Note the table also includes the withdrawn value for the item. Screenshot attachment to come. Created attachment 161371 [details]
Created attachment 161372 [details]
The checkout info does still shows the item checked out to the patron.
Setting to Failed QA so the patch author is alerted (see last comments from Kristi) (In reply to Kristi from comment #3) > In testing, I do not see 11 - Note the table now say 'Item was not checked > in' and displays the due date and patron info > 12 - Note the table also includes the withdrawn value for the item. > Screenshot attachment to come. This works for me in my testing - did you test on a sandbox, or a local dev environment? Can you confirm plack/memchaced were restarted after the patch was applied? I was testing in a sandbox, Nick. I think that may answer your second question. It sounds like perhaps this is best tested in a dev environment. Created attachment 162682 [details] [review] Bug 8461: Display information on whithdrawn item when checked in This patch displays the due date and withdrawn information in the Checked-in items table when 'ShowAllCheckins' is enabled. While the top message is clear, if a staff member checks in two items, then refers to the table they would not have all the information. To test: 1 - Enable system preference 'ShowAllCheckins' 2 - Set system preference 'BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems' to 'Block' 3 - Check out an item to a patron 4 - Mark the item as withdrawn 5 - Check the item in 6 - Note message at top says things like 'Cannot check in' 'Item has been withdrawn' 7 - Note the Checked-in items table says 'Not checked out' 8 - Apply patch, restart all 9 - Check the item in again 10 - Note top message has not changed 11 - Note the table now say 'Item was not checked in' and displays the due date and patron info 12 - Note the table also includes the withdrawn value for the item Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste Henry <> if( $issue ){ my $date_due_dt = dt_from_string( $issue->date_due, 'sql' ); $duedate = $date_due_dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'); $input{borrowernumber} = $issue->borrowernumber; $riborrowernumber{0} = $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}; } $input{duedate} = $duedate; $input{not_returned} = 1; This raises questions. If no issue, you set not_returned? Shouldnt it depend on issue? And some untidiness: WARN circ/ WARN tidiness The file is less tidy than before (bad/messy lines before: 230, now: 236) Created attachment 164828 [details] [review] Bug 8461: Display information on withdrawn item when checked in This patch displays the due date and withdrawn information in the Checked-in items table when 'ShowAllCheckins' is enabled. While the top message is clear, if a staff member checks in two items, then refers to the table they would not have all the information. To test: 1 - Enable system preference 'ShowAllCheckins' 2 - Set system preference 'BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems' to 'Block' 3 - Check out an item to a patron 4 - Mark the item as withdrawn 5 - Check the item in 6 - Note message at top says things like 'Cannot check in' 'Item has been withdrawn' 7 - Note the Checked-in items table says 'Not checked out' 8 - Apply patch, restart all 9 - Check the item in again 10 - Note top message has not changed 11 - Note the table now say 'Item was not checked in' and displays the due date and patron info 12 - Note the table also includes the withdrawn value for the item Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste Henry <> Created attachment 164829 [details] [review] Bug 8461: Tidy (In reply to Marcel de Rooy from comment #10) > if( $issue ){ > my $date_due_dt = dt_from_string( $issue->date_due, 'sql' ); > $duedate = $date_due_dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'); > $input{borrowernumber} = $issue->borrowernumber; > $riborrowernumber{0} = $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}; > } > $input{duedate} = $duedate; > $input{not_returned} = 1; > > > This raises questions. If no issue, you set not_returned? Shouldnt it depend > on issue? No issue is one reason for not_returned, others are withdrawn blocked, lost blocked etc. So the issue variable may or not be present, but the elsif block we are in means the item was not returned. > > And some untidiness: > WARN circ/ > WARN tidiness > The file is less tidy than before (bad/messy lines before: > 230, now: 236) Tidied Created attachment 165157 [details] [review] Bug 8461: Display information on withdrawn item when checked in This patch displays the due date and withdrawn information in the Checked-in items table when 'ShowAllCheckins' is enabled. While the top message is clear, if a staff member checks in two items, then refers to the table they would not have all the information. To test: 1 - Enable system preference 'ShowAllCheckins' 2 - Set system preference 'BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems' to 'Block' 3 - Check out an item to a patron 4 - Mark the item as withdrawn 5 - Check the item in 6 - Note message at top says things like 'Cannot check in' 'Item has been withdrawn' 7 - Note the Checked-in items table says 'Not checked out' 8 - Apply patch, restart all 9 - Check the item in again 10 - Note top message has not changed 11 - Note the table now say 'Item was not checked in' and displays the due date and patron info 12 - Note the table also includes the withdrawn value for the item Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste Henry <> Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <> Created attachment 165158 [details] [review] Bug 8461: Tidy Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <> Pushed for 24.05! Well done everyone, thank you! Pushed to 23.11.x for 23.11.06 Doesn't apply cleanly to 23.05.x, no backport. Created attachment 167326 [details]
(screenshot and diagram of a potential bug)
Post-production note:
This "not_returned" feature computation logic and:
[% IF ( riloo.not_returned ) %]
<span class="problem">Item was not checked in</span>
[% END %]
Our production servers started to show "Item was not checked in" for items that had just been checked in (also for manual check-in).
I noticed that this happens on the second load. I.e., when there was a modal, grayed-out content under modal is shown correctly: there is no "not checked in" message, but then circ/ page reloaded, form POST'ed again, and on next screen, it shows this "not checked in" additional message, on the next after modal, page.
Note to the above buggy behavior: it's about 23.11, on 24.05, because the page reload was removed, so this issue is not reproducible. But anyway, if to speak about the solution (maybe it CAN be somehow achieved on 24.05 too in cases when the page gives reload after modal, or so), So there the solution: UX issue, which became very annoying for our customers, as raised by librarians: They often "return again" sometimes after SIP to check, and obviously (and it's correct behaviour) the system says for them, "Item was not checked in", but they become confused very, thinking that the item wasn't checked in by SIP (sic!) :). We should make a more straightforward message so as not to confuse librarians. Saying something like, for example: "Item was not checked in because it is already checked in". |