For this example I have a Kindle bib record with analytic records for each title on the Kindle. If you place a hold on the next available copy of 'Gone Girl' (a title on the Kindle) it goes on the holds queue for the analytic record (the title) but it should go on the Kindle because the title isn't really it's own item. I haven't tried checking in the barcode associated with the Kindle and the title, but I would assume that it would confuse Koha quite a bit if there were holds on the title and on the Kindle. Nicole
I am not sure I understand your example, but I think this would need to be an option. If you are using analytics for bound together things or other printed materials the hold on the analytic should go on the item of the record it's linked to.
Katrin, I'll use your example. Let's say we have a bound volume with the titles in that bound volume linked to it using Analytics. If I place a hold on the 'next available item' on one of the titles in the bound volume then the hold isn't on the bound volume, it's on the individual title, but you can't get just the title without the entire bound volume, so that hold shouldn't be allowed or should be forced to the bound volume if placed on the individual title. I'll do a screencast to try and explain too. Nicole
So the problem is, that the biblionumber is wrong for the hold placed?
Yes! I think that's the problem - great way to boil it down :)
I guess the problem is that it's not a general yes/no thing. If your analytic has not only the analytics item, but also a real item, that can be placed on hold, a biblio level hold on this would be ok. But we have no way to decide which record should be chosen then. If the record has only the analytical item, only a bib level hold on the parent would be ok. Maybe we could say that analyticals should only be availabable for item level holds?
I'd be okay with that. I do see how this is a very difficult issue ...
Still valid?