On Catalog statitics form, first field filters on callnumber, but because of "From" and "To" values, a calendar is displaid, and it is not possible to enter something different from a date.
This patch is a followup of BZ8181
Created attachment 18628 [details] [review] Bug 10396 : Because of "From" and "to" input field on callnumber, a datepicker is forced on those fields. This bug was introduced by bug 8181. The patch removes the datepicker function on "from" and "to" inputs and adds a datepicker class where needed has described in Bug 8181
Created attachment 18681 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 10396 : Because of "From" and "to" input field on callnumber, a datepicker is forced on those fields. This bug was introduced by bug 8181. The patch removes the datepicker function on "from" and "to" inputs and adds a datepicker class where needed has described in Bug 8181 Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
QA comment: The patch does not work: both from and to inputs (for publication year) are changed when I choose a date. To reproduce: 1/ Go on reports/catalogue_stats.pl 2/ Choose a from date OK 3/ Choose a to date KO: The from date is changed too Marked as Failed QA.
Created attachment 18823 [details] [review] Bug 10396 : Itemcallnumber and year of publication does not need datepicker fields in catalog stats form
New patch proposed because even publication year does not need to be a datepicker
Created attachment 18832 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 10396 : Itemcallnumber and year of publication does not need datepicker fields in catalog stats form Signed-off-by: Srdjan <srdjan@catalyst.net.nz>
That form is just diabolical.
Created attachment 19032 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 10396 : Itemcallnumber and year of publication does not need datepicker fields in catalog stats form Signed-off-by: Srdjan <srdjan@catalyst.net.nz> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de> Removes datepickers from fields where they are not needed. When the new datepickers were added Owen made them so they show up when you use certain keywords in your markup. That's great, but by accident this older form was affected. Template only change.
I think Srdjan forgot to switch this to signed off :)
Just a note to the release maintainers: I have seen this problem in 3.10.2 as well.
Pushed to master. Thanks, Sophie!
This patch has been pushed to 3.12.x, will be in 3.12.2. Thanks Sophie!
Pushed to 3.10.x, will be in 3.10.8