In Schemaspy, column purchaseordernumber is reported as "not used? always NULL". "grep -r cancelledby *" give this result : C4/ following keys are used: "biblionumber", "title", "basketno", "quantity", "notes", "rrp", "ecost", "gstrate", "unitprice", "subscription", "sort1", "sort2", "booksellerinvoicenumber", "listprice", "budgetdate", "purchaseordernumber", "branchcode", "booksellerinvoicenumber", "budget_id". C4/ datereceived,purchaseordernumber, installer/data/mysql/ field => 'purchaseordernumber', installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql: `purchaseordernumber` mediumtext, -- not used? always NULL installer/data/Pg/kohastructure.sql:purchaseordernumber text, t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t: purchaseordernumber In, the SELECT statement retreives purchaseordernumber, but no value is pushed to that column in any part of Koha's code. So I think it is useless. I propose the deletion of this column. M. Saby
There is a patch on bug 4456 to utilize this field. see also bug 4960
Thank you. 4456 is very old, and there is nothing attached to 4456. Do you think these enh could be "revived" ? What's the difference between the ordernumber and the purchaseordernumber? M. Saby
oups, the patch attached to 4456 is not very old, sorry for that. M. Saby
Since bug 4456 will use this field, this bug report is invalid.
(In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #4) > Since bug 4456 will use this field, this bug report is invalid. Bug 4456 died prematurely. I opened 36002 to resurrect removal of this confusing column.