When creating a new purchase suggestion, all funds display and are available for selection. The behaviour of this drop-down menu should mirror that of those drop-down menus elsewhere in acquisitions, where only funds that are linked to active budgets display to the user.
Isn't this a duplicate of Bug 10875 ?
(In reply to Fridolin SOMERS from comment #1) > Isn't this a duplicate of Bug 10875 ? No, this bug is about suggestions, sorry.
*** Bug 12047 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Hi In this we have to show only active budget or we have to give option to select inactive also. I m interested to work on this bug.
I would very much support some work to be done on this bug and this issue gaining some traction.
In 17.05, there is an other problem: when creating a new suggestion, active funds do not appear at first time. You have to save the suggestion and then go back to see active funds (with all inactive funds too). Anyone works on this? Regards Marjorie
*** Bug 21040 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is still an issue. It has been corrected in other places in acq with bugs 22405 and 14805 leaving purchase suggestions as the last place it is a problem. With libraries using the same fund names year to year, it is really confusing and causes a great number of errors.
Created attachment 110646 [details] [review] Bug 11176: Add active switch on budgets select in suggestions When creating a new purchase suggestion, all funds display and are available for selection. The behaviour of this drop-down menu should mirror that of those drop-down menus elsewhere in acquisitions, where only funds that are linked to active budgets display to the user. This patch add the active switch based on what exists in acqui/invoice.tt and acqui/invoice.pl. Looks like actually in suggestion.pl budgets list was fetches with GetBudgets(). But this is for the filter in 'Acquisition information'. Budgets selection on suggestion creation/edition must use GetBudgetHierarchy(), like in acqui/invoice.pl, in order to have the actif status. Test plan : 1) Create a budget periods active B1 with a fund F1 2) Create a budget periods inactive B2 with a fund F2 3) Go to suggestions module 4) Create a new suggestion 5) Check you see only active fund F1 6) Click on 'Show inactive' 7) Check you see also 'F2 (inactive)' 8) Choose fund F1 and save 9) Select the suggestion and edit 10) Check fund F1 is selected 11) Come back to suggestion table 12) Check filter 'Book fund' under 'Acquisition information' contains all funds
Bug 22405 also needs a patch BTW
Created attachment 110659 [details] [review] Bug 11176: Add active switch on budgets select in suggestions When creating a new purchase suggestion, all funds display and are available for selection. The behaviour of this drop-down menu should mirror that of those drop-down menus elsewhere in acquisitions, where only funds that are linked to active budgets display to the user. This patch add the active switch based on what exists in acqui/invoice.tt and acqui/invoice.pl. Looks like actually in suggestion.pl budgets list was fetches with GetBudgets(). But this is for the filter in 'Acquisition information'. Budgets selection on suggestion creation/edition must use GetBudgetHierarchy(), like in acqui/invoice.pl, in order to have the actif status. Test plan : 1) Create a budget periods active B1 with a fund F1 2) Create a budget periods inactive B2 with a fund F2 3) Go to suggestions module 4) Create a new suggestion 5) Check you see only active fund F1 6) Click on 'Show inactive' 7) Check you see also 'F2 (inactive)' 8) Choose fund F1 and save 9) Select the suggestion and edit 10) Check fund F1 is selected 11) Come back to suggestion table 12) Check filter 'Book fund' under 'Acquisition information' contains all funds Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
First of all: I am really glad to see this one moving! Thx Frido!
Created attachment 110699 [details] [review] Bug 11176: Add active switch on budgets select in suggestions When creating a new purchase suggestion, all funds display and are available for selection. The behaviour of this drop-down menu should mirror that of those drop-down menus elsewhere in acquisitions, where only funds that are linked to active budgets display to the user. This patch add the active switch based on what exists in acqui/invoice.tt and acqui/invoice.pl. Looks like actually in suggestion.pl budgets list was fetches with GetBudgets(). But this is for the filter in 'Acquisition information'. Budgets selection on suggestion creation/edition must use GetBudgetHierarchy(), like in acqui/invoice.pl, in order to have the actif status. Test plan : 1) Create a budget periods active B1 with a fund F1 2) Create a budget periods inactive B2 with a fund F2 3) Go to suggestions module 4) Create a new suggestion 5) Check you see only active fund F1 6) Click on 'Show inactive' 7) Check you see also 'F2 (inactive)' 8) Choose fund F1 and save 9) Select the suggestion and edit 10) Check fund F1 is selected 11) Come back to suggestion table 12) Check filter 'Book fund' under 'Acquisition information' contains all funds Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Pushed to master for 20.11, thanks to everybody involved!