When running check-url-quick.pl, it fails due to AnyEvent::HTTP module bad loading. It comes from this commit: f88f11b4f805a70c9748bc3676cb1ce086db2ce8
Created attachment 22666 [details] [review] Proposed patch
The commit in question: Bug 7963 follow-up: die nicely if AnyEvent libraries not installed Does this mean that the follow-up on 7963 was wrong, and no follow-up was needed?
> Does this mean that the follow-up on 7963 was wrong, and no follow-up > was needed? The follow-up was wrong. If the optional dependency AnyEvent::HTTP isn't installed, a Perl error is displayed in any case.
Created attachment 22942 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 11185 check-url-quick.pl fails Revert commit f88f11b4f805a70c9748bc3676cb1ce086db2ce8 Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org> Before this patch, check-url-quick.pl fails with an error. After the patch it runs correctly.
Frédéric, Could you explain the goal of this patch please? I understand what it does, but not why it is useful.
> Could you explain the goal of this patch please? > I understand what it does, but not why it is useful. Not sure to understand you. If AnyEvent and AnyEvent::HTTP module are installed, the script execution fails. Long explanation: require AnyEvent::HTTP <> use AnyEvent::HTTP => the last exports http_request subroutine not the first.
Ok, I did not see the call to http_request.
Created attachment 22955 [details] [review] Bug 11185 check-url-quick.pl fails Revert commit f88f11b4f805a70c9748bc3676cb1ce086db2ce8 Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org> Before this patch, check-url-quick.pl fails with an error. After the patch it runs correctly. Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@biblibre.com>
Pushed to master and 3.14.x. Thanks, Frédéric!
This patch has been pushed to 3.12.x, will be in 3.12.8. Thanks Frédéric!