I was looking to see if I could address any of the issues reported in Bug 8126 and saw that handling of filter information could be done better: - Template logic can be introduced to better handle untranslatable strings coming out of the script. - Template plugins can be used to output library and item type names instead of codes. - Template plugin can be used to output dates in the preferred date format.
Created attachment 29762 [details] [review] Bug 12587 - Improve output of filter information on patrons with the most checkouts report This patch makes some changes to the way filter information is displayed after running the patrons with the most checkouts report. Before this patch several untranslatable English strings would be displayed, and library and item type codes would be shown instead of descriptions. To test, go to Reports -> Patrons checking out the most. Enter values for all the filter options: - Checkout date from - Checkout date to - Checkin date from - Checkin date to - Library - Item type - Patron category When you submit the form and view the results you should see your date submissions formatted according to your selected dateformat system preference. The library name and item type names should be shown instead of codes.
Patch tested with a sandbox, by Aleisha <aleishaamohia@hotmail.com>
Created attachment 30246 [details] [review] Bug 12587 - Improve output of filter information on patrons with the most checkouts report This patch makes some changes to the way filter information is displayed after running the patrons with the most checkouts report. Before this patch several untranslatable English strings would be displayed, and library and item type codes would be shown instead of descriptions. To test, go to Reports -> Patrons checking out the most. Enter values for all the filter options: - Checkout date from - Checkout date to - Checkin date from - Checkin date to - Library - Item type - Patron category When you submit the form and view the results you should see your date submissions formatted according to your selected dateformat system preference. The library name and item type names should be shown instead of codes. Signed-off-by: Aleisha <aleishaamohia@hotmail.com>
Created attachment 30316 [details] [review] [PASSED QA] Bug 12587 - Improve output of filter information on patrons with the most checkouts report This patch makes some changes to the way filter information is displayed after running the patrons with the most checkouts report. Before this patch several untranslatable English strings would be displayed, and library and item type codes would be shown instead of descriptions. To test, go to Reports -> Patrons checking out the most. Enter values for all the filter options: - Checkout date from - Checkout date to - Checkin date from - Checkin date to - Library - Item type - Patron category When you submit the form and view the results you should see your date submissions formatted according to your selected dateformat system preference. The library name and item type names should be shown instead of codes. Signed-off-by: Aleisha <aleishaamohia@hotmail.com> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de> Improves translatability of the filters output after running the report and the readability of them (removing codes). Note: it would be nice if the read-only would be removed from the date fields, as forcing people to use the date widget is a known accessibility issue.
Hi Owen, could you provide a follow-up, making the report name on the reports start page match the table heading and the navigation?
Created attachment 31490 [details] [review] Bug 12587: (qa followup) report name consistency Reports home should show the same report name (i.e. "Patrons with the most checkouts") the report itself uses. It is chosen as it is more idiomatic. Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@gmail.com>
Patch pushed to master. Thanks Owen!