When using SRU on a package install, Koha will display the 'Zebra indexes' instead of a MARCXML record. It seems that bug 9612 fixed this for standard installations, but it's still a problem in package based installations. So this link will give you MARCXML with grs-1: ...biblios?version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&x-pquery=%20@attr%201=7%20%229783832978136%22&startRecord=1&maximumRecords=20 But with DOM you will need to add the RecordSchema attribute in order to get MARCXML: biblios?version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&recordSchema=marcxml&x-pquery=%20@attr%201=7%20%229783832978136%22&startRecord=1&maximumRecords=20
Would this in principle be the same as bug 12012?
Hi Marcel, I think you are right :) *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 12012 ***