At the moment, the description for "staffaccess" is "Required for staff login. Staff access, allows viewing of catalogue in staff client." However, this isn't true. This is true for the "catalogue" preference, which currently reads "View Catalog (Librarian Interface)". I propose just creating better descriptions.
Oh no... we store the descriptions in the "userflags" and "permissions" tables. This makes it a bit of a pain to update, and also makes it impossible to translate. Yikes!
So I'm working on using Template Toolkit BLOCKs instead of using the database for storing these description strings. Ideally, it would be nice to store these in a separate file, but it looks like you can't process blocks from an external file without using the EXPOSE_BLOCKS => 1 option in the Template->new() constructor. So for now I guess I'll just keep the BLOCKs in
Figured out the BLOCK stuff on Bug 13632. I'll wait to see what happens on Bug 13632 before fixing the descriptions here...
It looks like descriptions have been corrected in current versions of Koha: (catalogue) Required for staff login. Staff access, allows viewing of catalogue in staff client. (staffaccess) Allow staff members to modify permissions for other staff members