Bug 13772 - koha-translate still looks for ccsr and prog OPAC themes
Summary: koha-translate still looks for ccsr and prog OPAC themes
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Packaging (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low minor
Assignee: Magnus Enger
QA Contact: Testopia
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Reported: 2015-03-02 10:30 UTC by Magnus Enger
Modified: 2015-12-03 22:00 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Bug 13772 - koha-translate still looks for CCSR and prog (1.87 KB, patch)
2015-03-02 10:59 UTC, Magnus Enger
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

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Description Magnus Enger 2015-03-02 10:30:41 UTC
If you run e.g. "koha-translate -u nb-NO" you get some warnings about missing directories:

$ sudo koha-translate -u nb-NO
/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/ccsr/en/: Input must be a directory.
(Symbolic links are not supported at the moment)
Try `/usr/share/koha/misc/translator/tmpl_process3.pl --help for more information.
/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/prog/en/: Input must be a directory.
(Symbolic links are not supported at the moment)
Try `/usr/share/koha/misc/translator/tmpl_process3.pl --help for more information.

This is caused by the following lines in koha-create:

rm -rf $KOHA_INSTALL_DIR/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/prog/$lang
rm -rf $KOHA_INSTALL_DIR/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/ccsr/$lang
rm -rf $KOHA_INSTALL_DIR/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/$lang
rm -rf $KOHA_INSTALL_DIR/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/prog/$lang
Comment 1 Magnus Enger 2015-03-02 10:59:10 UTC
Created attachment 36274 [details] [review]
Bug 13772 - koha-translate still looks for CCSR and prog

koha-translate still tries to use the CCSR and prog OPAC themes.

To reproduce:
- Make sure you have at least one other language than en installed
- Try to update the language with "koha-translate -u <langcode>"
- Observe warnings similar to this:

$ sudo koha-translate -u nb-NO
/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/ccsr/en/: Input must be a directory.
(Symbolic links are not supported at the moment)
    Try `/usr/share/koha/misc/translator/tmpl_process3.pl --help for more information.
    /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/prog/en/: Input must be a directory.
    (Symbolic links are not supported at the moment)
    Try `/usr/share/koha/misc/translator/tmpl_process3.pl --help for more information.

To test:
(This is probably easiest to test on a gitified setup)
- Apply the patch to your git repo
- Copy the modified koha-ranslate to a place where you can use it, e.g.:
  $ sudo cp debian/scripts/koha-translate /usr/sbin/koha-translate
- Run "koha-translate -u <langcode>" again
- Observe the lack of warnings
Comment 2 Magnus Enger 2015-03-02 13:45:51 UTC
Hm, the warnings can not be reproduced on different systems. They might be caused by weirdnessess in my setup. Marking as "resolved invalid".