We have found an issue where the system preference "SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing" is not properly restricting permissions. Based on what we are seeing, I suspect it has something to do with drop down vs. free text fields. Drop down fields are locked from editing, free text fields are not being locked properly. We are trying to disable editing on 952$2, 952$a, 952$b, 952$e, 952$h, 952$o. The first three fields (which are all drop downs) are locked properly. The last three fields (which are free text) are still editable by users with the restricted editing permission. This system preference is identical in set-up with 'SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod' and that system preference is working properly with the same input values.
This bug has been introduced by bug 12176.
Created attachment 54511 [details] [review] Bug 15173: Restore SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing Bug 7673 introduced SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing but bug 12176 broke it assuming that only selects were impacted by this feature. Test plan: Go back on bug 7673 and confirm that SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing is working as expected with this patch applied.
testing this I found that before applying patch I was able to edit all free text fields as reported. After applying the patch I could not edit anything, even with the exceptions defined in SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing.
It works for me, please try again, you must be logged with a non-superlibrarian users and have editcatalogue => edit_items_restricted
Created attachment 66856 [details] [review] Bug 15173: Restore SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing Bug 7673 introduced SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing but bug 12176 broke it assuming that only selects were impacted by this feature. Test plan: Go back on bug 7673 and confirm that SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing is working as expected with this patch applied. Signed-off-by: Lee Jamison <ldjamison@marywood.edu> For clarification, the item fields that are entered in SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing should EXCLUDE the desired fields you want to disable. Test plan (updated to test the scenario in the bug Description): 1. Create a patron with only the following permissions: - catalogue (Required for staff login) - editcatalogue -> edit_catalogue - editcatalogue -> edit_items - editcatalogue -> edit_items_restricted 2. Navigate to Administration -> Global system preferences -> Cataloging -> Record Structure -> SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing 3. In the input field for SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing enter in all the 952 fields EXCEPT the ones desired to be disabled. In this case, we want to disallow editing of 952$2, 952$a, 952$b, 952$e, 952$h, and 952$o so we enter the following into the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing (without quotes) "952$0 952$1 952$3 952$4 952$5 952$7 952$8 952$c 952$d 952$f 952$g 952$i 952$j 952$p 952$t 952$u 952$v 952$w 952$x 952$y 952$z" 4. Click Save all Cataloging preferences 5. Login to the staff client as the created restricted editing patron 6. Edit an item 7. Note that all fields except for the ones excluded from the syspref are editable
Created attachment 67434 [details] [review] Bug 15173: Restore SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing Bug 7673 introduced SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing but bug 12176 broke it assuming that only selects were impacted by this feature. Test plan: Go back on bug 7673 and confirm that SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing is working as expected with this patch applied. Signed-off-by: Lee Jamison <ldjamison@marywood.edu> For clarification, the item fields that are entered in SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing should EXCLUDE the desired fields you want to disable. Test plan (updated to test the scenario in the bug Description): 1. Create a patron with only the following permissions: - catalogue (Required for staff login) - editcatalogue -> edit_catalogue - editcatalogue -> edit_items - editcatalogue -> edit_items_restricted 2. Navigate to Administration -> Global system preferences -> Cataloging -> Record Structure -> SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing 3. In the input field for SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing enter in all the 952 fields EXCEPT the ones desired to be disabled. In this case, we want to disallow editing of 952$2, 952$a, 952$b, 952$e, 952$h, and 952$o so we enter the following into the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing (without quotes) "952$0 952$1 952$3 952$4 952$5 952$7 952$8 952$c 952$d 952$f 952$g 952$i 952$j 952$p 952$t 952$u 952$v 952$w 952$x 952$y 952$z" 4. Click Save all Cataloging preferences 5. Login to the staff client as the created restricted editing patron 6. Edit an item 7. Note that all fields except for the ones excluded from the syspref are editable Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <julian.maurice@biblibre.com>
Note that restricted borrowers are still able to edit every subfields if they know how to use a browser to manipulate the DOM (removing the 'readonly' attribute is enough). But that may be fixed in another bug.
Pushed to master for 17.11, thanks to everybody involved!
Pushed to 17.05.x, will be in 17.05.06.
This patch has been pushed to 16.11.x and will be in 16.11.14.