When i try to create news, appaears apache 500 Error. In the log i can see AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., referer: http://XX:XX.XX.XX:8080/cgi-bin/koha/tools/koha-news.pl I adjust the virtual host width LimitInternalRecursion 2000 but the create the same news multiple times and in the error log appears Deep recursion on subroutine "ModPerl::RegistryCooker::default_handler" at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20/ModPerl/Registry.pm line 32.\n, referer: http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8080/cgi-bin/koha/tools/koha-news.pl?op=add_form&lang= I really appreciate your help
Hi Humberto, Are you using Koha with a translation installed? If so, which one? What are the exact parameters of the news item you are adding (i.e. the vaules in all of the form fields)? Cheers, Liz
Humberto, Could you give us more details please?
after adjust the environment variable sql_mode, works fine. the version of mysql is 5.27
(In reply to Liz Rea from comment #1) > Hi Humberto, > > Are you using Koha with a translation installed? If so, which one? > > What are the exact parameters of the news item you are adding (i.e. the > vaules in all of the form fields)? > > Cheers, > Liz Dear Liz, Now the error appears when suggestion status, i used es-ES language Humberto.
if use english interface has the same eror
(In reply to Liz Rea from comment #1) > Hi Humberto, > > Are you using Koha with a translation installed? If so, which one? > > What are the exact parameters of the news item you are adding (i.e. the > vaules in all of the form fields)? > > Cheers, > Liz Dear Liz, I reviewed sql log and for the same news there are 11 inserts if you see all orders in the columns value are diferent. INSERT INTO opac_news ( title,timestamp,branchcode,new,borrowernumber,expirationdate,number,lang ) VALUES ( 'aa','2016-02-26',NULL,'<p>aa</p>','30981','2016-02-27','1','' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( borrowernumber,expirationdate,number,lang,new,branchcode,timestamp,title ) VALUES ( '30981','2016-02-27','1','','<p>aa</p>',NULL,'2016-02-26','aa' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( new,branchcode,number,lang,expirationdate,borrowernumber,timestamp,title ) VALUES ( '<p>aa</p>',NULL,'1','','2016-02-27','30981','2016-02-26','aa' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( borrowernumber,number,lang,expirationdate,branchcode,new,title,timestamp ) VALUES ( '30981','1','','2016-02-27',NULL,'<p>aa</p>','aa','2016-02-26' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( timestamp,title,branchcode,new,number,lang,expirationdate,borrowernumber ) VALUES ( '2016-02-26','aa',NULL,'<p>aa</p>','1','','2016-02-27','30981' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( title,timestamp,borrowernumber,expirationdate,number,lang,branchcode,new ) VALUES ( 'aa','2016-02-26','30981','2016-02-27','1','',NULL,'<p>aa</p>' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( timestamp,title,borrowernumber,expirationdate,number,lang,branchcode,new ) VALUES ( '2016-02-26','aa','30981','2016-02-27','1','',NULL,'<p>aa</p>' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( timestamp,title,new,branchcode,number,lang,expirationdate,borrowernumber ) VALUES ( '2016-02-26','aa','<p>aa</p>',NULL,'1','','2016-02-27','30981' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( branchcode,new,number,lang,expirationdate,borrowernumber,timestamp,title ) VALUES ( NULL,'<p>aa</p>','1','','2016-02-27','30981','2016-02-26','aa' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( borrowernumber,number,lang,expirationdate,branchcode,new,title,timestamp ) VALUES ( '30981','1','','2016-02-27',NULL,'<p>aa</p>','aa','2016-02-26' ) INSERT INTO opac_news ( title,timestamp,borrowernumber,expirationdate,number,lang,new,branchcode ) VALUES ( 'aa','2016-02-26','30981','2016-02-27','1','','<p>aa</p>',NULL ) i think that maybe the number of branches can affect the results but have 13 branches and in all cases the branch is null. Any idea??, Thanks Humberto,
Humberto, The message says you are using mod_perl. Try in CGI mode or with Plack. Lowering the severity to normal.
(In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #7) > Humberto, > The message says you are using mod_perl. Try in CGI mode or with Plack. > Lowering the severity to normal. Thanks Jonathan, Now all still working well. I tried mod_perl because CGI mode causes high load in the server. But, thanks now i can solve some other issues like errors when change suggestion status. Have a nice day Humberto,