---- Reported by cnighswonger@foundations.edu 2008-01-18 14:33:03 ---- 1. Select the "Set" option on the Staff-client header bar. 2. Choose a library. 3. Click "Submit." 4. Find yourself at "Checkouts" with a blank main frame. Not sure if this is a "bug" or a "feature request." It looks like one should be returned to the originating screen. Or at least to a populated "Checkouts" screen. ---- Additional Comments From oleonard@myacpl.org 2008-01-22 08:53:59 ---- Yeah, this technically qualifies as an enhancement request. The process you describe is working as intended. The selectbranchprinter script submits to circulation.pl to complete the branch-setting process. When circulation.pl loads, it loads without any particular patron data, so there is nothing displayed: the page is waiting for your input in the "check out" box at the top. That said, I like the idea of being redirected to the referring page. --- Bug imported by chris@bigballofwax.co.nz 2010-05-21 00:34 UTC --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 1778 at http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1778 Actual time not defined. Setting to 0.0
Tested on current master the user is still redirected to a blank circulation page after setting another library.
Tested on current master ( Went to several pages (e.g. Reports, Reports>Items with no checkouts, Acquisitions...) Changed Library with Set option in title bar Result: Redirection back to orgination screen was OK.
Hm, this seems to work sometimes, but not always. I just tried from an open patron account in staff and ended on the blank 'checkouts' page. My guess it it happens when you do a search for the patron that forwards you directly to the patron's account (cardnumber for example) - the URL doesn't include a borrowernumber then. If you switch around tabs in the patron account and back to checkouts tab, the redirect does work. Should we split this out into individual bugs for the pages it affects? Changing this one to be for the patron account as this sounds to be the issue from the initial description.
Owen's comment to my original report is what happens (or happened) in the past. Redirecting to the patron account would not be desirable in all cases. For example, if I decide to set the branch when I am in one of the various other screens, I would not expect to end up back at the patron account screen, but rather at the screen I was originally at. So being redirected to the referring page would be the expected and desired action in all cases, IMHO. Since this is an enhancement request, the original bug description was intended to reflect this. I think the current description implies that selecting this link should always result in being returned to the patron account page.
Hi Chris, it already redirects well in other cases - to the page you came from. I was just trying to reword this is a bit into an easier to fix bug for a known case that is not working :)