Prerequisite: Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy is searchable in the catalog. To replicate: 1) Set the system preference QueryFuzzy to 'Enable' 2) Run the following search: ti: Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy This will fail. 3) A keyword search for Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy will get hits. Technical notes: I enabled 'request' logging in koha-conf.xml: <zebra_loglevels>none,fatal,warn,request</zebra_loglevels> In the zebra logs, I see the truncation attribute @attr 5=103 In the keyword search, but not in the title search.
Using the "Title" drop-down in the OPAC, both searches work for me: Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy I believe that the CCL commands/expert search doens't fuzzy is to be expected.