Bug 20197 - Missing rfc3339 in systempreference choices for dateformat
Summary: Missing rfc3339 in systempreference choices for dateformat
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Architecture, internals, and plumbing (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low trivial
Assignee: Mark Tompsett
QA Contact: Testopia
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Reported: 2018-02-14 15:26 UTC by Mark Tompsett
Modified: 2023-12-28 20:42 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: Small patch
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Bug 20197: RFC3339 missing from options (4.15 KB, patch)
2018-02-14 15:53 UTC, Mark Tompsett
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 20197: RFC3339 missing from options (4.43 KB, patch)
2018-05-28 02:38 UTC, Dilan Johnpullé
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Mark Tompsett 2018-02-14 15:26:03 UTC
Koha::DateUtils.pm has logic for rfc3339 in output_pref, but there is no way for the end user to get that value into the system preference.
Comment 1 Mark Tompsett 2018-02-14 15:53:40 UTC
Created attachment 71617 [details] [review]
Bug 20197: RFC3339 missing from options

The output_pref in Koha::DateUtils has rfc3339 logic, but
there is no way to set the system preference to rfc3339.
This adds that option.

0) back up your DB if you wish.
1) apply this patch.
2) Run the following commands:
    $ mysql -u koha_kohadev -p
    > use koha_kohadev;
    > SELECT options FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='dateformat';
    -- no rfc3339 listed.
3) Run the following commands:
    > quit
    $ updatedatabase
    $ mysql -u koha_kohadev -p
    > use koha_kohadev;
    > SELECT options FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='dateformat';
    -- rfc3339 now listed.
4) Run the following commands:
    > quit
    $ reset_all
    $ mysql -u koha_kohadev -p
    > use koha_kohadev;
    > SELECT options FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='dateformat';
    -- rfc3339 still listed.
5) Log into the staff client
6) Home -> Administration -> Global System Preferences -> i18n/l10n
   -- rfc3339 should be listed in the dateformat syspref drop-down.
7) run koha qa test tools
8) restore DB if needed
Comment 2 Dilan Johnpullé 2018-05-28 02:38:11 UTC
Created attachment 75577 [details] [review]
Bug 20197: RFC3339 missing from options

The output_pref in Koha::DateUtils has rfc3339 logic, but
there is no way to set the system preference to rfc3339.
This adds that option.

0) back up your DB if you wish.
1) apply this patch.
2) Run the following commands:
    $ mysql -u koha_kohadev -p
    > use koha_kohadev;
    > SELECT options FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='dateformat';
    -- no rfc3339 listed.
3) Run the following commands:
    > quit
    $ updatedatabase
    $ mysql -u koha_kohadev -p
    > use koha_kohadev;
    > SELECT options FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='dateformat';
    -- rfc3339 now listed.
4) Run the following commands:
    > quit
    $ reset_all
    $ mysql -u koha_kohadev -p
    > use koha_kohadev;
    > SELECT options FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='dateformat';
    -- rfc3339 still listed.
5) Log into the staff client
6) Home -> Administration -> Global System Preferences -> i18n/l10n
   -- rfc3339 should be listed in the dateformat syspref drop-down.
7) run koha qa test tools
8) restore DB if needed

Followed test plan and everything checks out. Syspref appears as another yyy-mm-dd entry though.
Signed-off-by: Dilan Johnpullé <dilan@calyx.net.au>
Comment 3 Jonathan Druart 2018-05-30 16:33:27 UTC
I still do not see the point of adding it.


17:30 	mtompset 	BTW, easy sign off: bug 20197
17:30 	huginn` 	Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20197 trivial, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Needs Signoff , Missing rfc3339 in systempreference choices for dateformat
17:31 	Joubu 	It's not missing
17:32 		we do not want it
17:32 		do you want it?
17:34 	mtompset 	Why don't we want?
17:35 		DonnaB joined #koha
17:35 	mtompset 	No, I don't believe I would use it, but if the API uses it, why not let the user set things to see what the API sees?
17:37 		andrewfh joined #koha
17:38 	Joubu 	because it's only used by the api to format date for JSON
17:39 	tcohen 	mtompset: if you are curious about it, better look at the RFC :-P
17:40 	Joubu 	mtompset: you should also keep in mind that we do not want to add stuffs that nobody asked for :)
17:41 		it will adds code to maintain for nothing
17:42 	paxed 	mtompset: also see date-format.inc
17:43 		although it doesn't explicitly need change, ...
Comment 4 David Cook 2022-12-06 05:26:31 UTC
Closing due to age and doesn't seem to be needed/wanted