Using the Subscription Batch Edit produces the software error of this: Undefined subroutine % C4::Serials::can_edit_subscription called at / line 72. This is missing C4::Serials from the code.
I just tested on master - it works for me without error, but we had this happen a few times now. Working for some, not for others.
On master and 18.05 the line is: next unless C4::Serials::can_edit_subscription( $subscription->unblessed ); # This should be moved to Koha::Subscription->can_edit It looks like it should work?
Kelly, can you give the exact version of Koha you are using? As well, could you confirm plack is enabled on this installation?
Created attachment 80512 [details] [review] Bug 21554: Add missing use statement in subscription-batchedit
Jonathan, We are not running plack and it was Koha version 18.05.02
Created attachment 80607 [details] [review] Bug 21554: Add missing use statement in subscription-batchedit Signed-off-by: Mark Tompsett <>
Created attachment 80848 [details] [review] Bug 21554: Add missing use statement in subscription-batchedit Signed-off-by: Mark Tompsett <> Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <>
Awesome work all! Pushed to master for 18.11
Pushed to 18.05.x for 18.05.06
Depends on Bug 18426 not in 17.11.x