Patron card printing: Layout: the entered text in a text field is longer then the possible page height, page width, card height and card width in the template. Result: when running a batch, the created pdf can't be opened, and Koha doesn't respond. It also seems to end in an infinite loop. It also happens if all values in the template are saved with the default values "0". Template: page height: 50 mm page width: 20 mm card heigh: 50 mmm card width: 20 mm Layout: Textfield Text: Libraries are great
If what Christian describes happens, this brings down the instance until the process is killed (like with a Plack restart)
Can you provide detailed steps to recreate the problem?
It's actually in the bug description: 1) Set up a template for patron card printing with either Template: page height: 50 mm page width: 20 mm card heigh: 50 mmm card width: 20 mm or leaving all those as 0. 2) Create a layout, including: Textfield Text: Libraries are awesome, great and super cool. (or something else too long for the card width) 3) Create a batch with one or more patrons to print cards for 4) Print the cards. 5) PDF won't open.
I don't recreate with those step (the pdf is blank however).
Maybe this has been fixed by bug 23488?