The syspref UsageStatsGeolocation needs to be improved, in couple ways: Perform value format checking (eg. there should be no spaces, no letters) OR Make the value read-only. AND Change the syspref description to mention this is edited in <intranet>/cgi-bin/koha/admin/ (with a link to there, of course)
Created attachment 99361 [details] [review] Bug 24682: Make UsageStatsGeolocation readonly (and redirect to the config page) To prevent invalid values in this pref (and so on the server), we should make this input readonly on the syspref page. The sysprefs related to Hea should be edited from the dedicated page, so also adding a note about that. Test plan: Search syspref with "UsageStats" Notice the note about the admin page Notice the UsageStatsGeolocation input is now readonly (and resized, to display the whole value when filled)
Created attachment 99452 [details] [review] Bug 24682: Make UsageStatsGeolocation readonly (and redirect to the config page) To prevent invalid values in this pref (and so on the server), we should make this input readonly on the syspref page. The sysprefs related to Hea should be edited from the dedicated page, so also adding a note about that. Test plan: Search syspref with "UsageStats" Notice the note about the admin page Notice the UsageStatsGeolocation input is now readonly (and resized, to display the whole value when filled) Signed-off-by: Maryse Simard <>
Created attachment 99489 [details] [review] Bug 24682: Make UsageStatsGeolocation readonly (and redirect to the config page) To prevent invalid values in this pref (and so on the server), we should make this input readonly on the syspref page. The sysprefs related to Hea should be edited from the dedicated page, so also adding a note about that. Test plan: Search syspref with "UsageStats" Notice the note about the admin page Notice the UsageStatsGeolocation input is now readonly (and resized, to display the whole value when filled) Signed-off-by: Maryse Simard <> Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Useful simple improvement.. Passing QA
Nice work everyone! Pushed to master for 20.05
PUshed to 19.11.x branch for 19.11.05
backported to 19.05.x for 19.05.10
Enhancement will not be backported to 18.11.x
*** Bug 20106 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***