Bug 2495 - Currently no way to correct a typo in an authority controlled bib tag $a in Koha
Summary: Currently no way to correct a typo in an authority controlled bib tag $a in Koha
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: MARC Authority data support (show other bugs)
Version: rel_3_0
Hardware: PC All
: P3 enhancement
Assignee: Galen Charlton
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Reported: 2008-08-08 08:37 UTC by Chris Cormack
Modified: 2013-12-05 20:01 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Chris Cormack 2010-05-21 00:51:50 UTC

---- Reported by debra.denault@liblime.com 2008-08-08 08:37:36 ----

The current set-up/definition in the bib frameworks in Koha of the subfield a of tags deemed under authority control prevent the user from being able to edit any typos etc. that exist in the contents of the $a of these tags directly via the editor. 

This is especially a problem where the library has not loaded any authorities and had them linked to bibs nor have the syspref BiblioAddsAuthorities turned on to create brief authorities. They have NO way of changing this info.

Suggestion is to add a syspref that will allow users to edit the contents of the $a in these tags directly from the editor.

Caveat to be clearly explained to customer for short term - In the case where a library has loaded authorities or created stubbies and have them linked to the tag, they can/will need be directed to make the changes in the authority record itself and have the changes reflect back into the bib otherwise they are in the position where they will delink the authority from the bib. 

I will be adding another open enhancement request to make it more efficient to access the edit authorities via the bib frameworks editor.

---- Additional Comments From jransom@library.org.nz 2009-05-19 02:50:47 ----

Is this related to the issue of not being able to fix typos made in a record when placing an order for a new record?

--- Bug imported by chris@bigballofwax.co.nz 2010-05-21 00:51 UTC  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 2495 at http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2495

Actual time not defined. Setting to 0.0
The original reporter of this bug does not have
   an account here. Reassigning to the person who moved
   it here: chris@bigballofwax.co.nz.
   Previous reporter was debra.denault@liblime.com.
CC member jmf@liblime.com does not have an account here
CC member rch@liblime.com does not have an account here

Comment 1 Mirko Tietgen 2012-12-16 13:14:25 UTC
Either the field is set to authority controlled in the framework, in which case you have to edit the authority record (and you can allow cataloguers to add authorities too) or it is not. I assume that this is fixed.