This happens in koha-testing-docker with ES 6.8.8 When indexing: ./misc/search_tools/ -v -d Here are both deprecation messages that are outputted and related: [DEPRECATION] the default number of shards will change from [5] to [1] in 7.0.0; if you wish to continue using the default of [5] shards, you must manage this on the create index request or with an index template - In request: {body => {settings => {index => {analysis => {analyzer => {analyzer_phrase => {char_filter => ["punctuation"],filter => ["icu_folding"],tokenizer => "keyword"},analyzer_standard => {filter => ["icu_folding"],tokenizer => "icu_tokenizer"},analyzer_stdno => {char_filter => ["punctuation"],filter => ["icu_folding"],tokenizer => "whitespace"}},char_filter => {punctuation => {pattern => "([\\x00-\\x1F,\\x21-\\x2F,\\x3A-\\x40,\\x5B-\\x60,\\x7B-\\x89,\\x8B,\\x8D,\\x8F,\\x90-\\x99,\\x9B,\\x9D,\\xA0-\\xBF,\\xD7,\\xF7])",replacement => "",type => "pattern_replace"}},normalizer => {icu_folding_normalizer => {filter => ["icu_folding"],type => "custom"},nfkc_cf_normalizer => {char_filter => "icu_normalizer",type => "custom"}}}},"index.mapping.total_fields.limit" => 10000}},ignore => [],method => "PUT",mime_type => "application/json",path => "/koha_kohadev_biblios",qs => {},serialize => "std"} [DEPRECATION] the default number of shards will change from [5] to [1] in 7.0.0; if you wish to continue using the default of [5] shards, you must manage this on the create index request or with an index template - In request: {body => {settings => {index => {analysis => {analyzer => {analyzer_phrase => {char_filter => ["punctuation"],filter => ["icu_folding"],tokenizer => "keyword"},analyzer_standard => {filter => ["icu_folding"],tokenizer => "icu_tokenizer"},analyzer_stdno => {char_filter => ["punctuation"],filter => ["icu_folding"],tokenizer => "whitespace"}},char_filter => {punctuation => {pattern => "([\\x00-\\x1F,\\x21-\\x2F,\\x3A-\\x40,\\x5B-\\x60,\\x7B-\\x89,\\x8B,\\x8D,\\x8F,\\x90-\\x99,\\x9B,\\x9D,\\xA0-\\xBF,\\xD7,\\xF7])",replacement => "",type => "pattern_replace"}},normalizer => {icu_folding_normalizer => {filter => ["icu_folding"],type => "custom"},nfkc_cf_normalizer => {char_filter => "icu_normalizer",type => "custom"}}}},"index.mapping.total_fields.limit" => 10000}},ignore => [],method => "PUT",mime_type => "application/json",path => "/koha_kohadev_authorities",qs => {},serialize => "std"}
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 27043 ***