To recreate: 1. Have a waiting hold - the expiration date of 9/9/2020. 2. Reserve table shows 9/9, shows 9/9 3. Fast forward to 9/10 4. If library is not expiring holds, this hold expiration date will now show the expiration date of 9/11 on the page. 5. The reserve table still shows the 9/9 date. It would appear that since the date picker (from the page) can not show dates in the past or even for the current date, it will show the next available date. This is confusing! This bug seems very relevant to the bug I am filing:
I can also confirm that we are seeing this and finding it confusing.
My bad. I used "datepickerto" class (which is actually used when e.g filtering between dates) instead of adding "futuredate" class to this specific field in bug 25789.
Created attachment 110748 [details] [review] Bug 26429: Show correct expiration date at the Bug 25789 changed holds tables expriration input class as "datepickerto". This results to past expiration date to be displayed as tomorrows date. Class "futuredate" should have been used instead. To test: 1. Have waiting hold with expiration date in past (e.g 24.9) 2. Observe that waiting reserves table displays correct expiration date 3. At the page expiration date is however displayed as 26.9 => Apply patch 4. Confirm that expiration date at the is now 24.
Created attachment 111312 [details] [review] Bug 26429: Show correct expiration date at the Bug 25789 changed holds tables expriration input class as "datepickerto". This results to past expiration date to be displayed as tomorrows date. Class "futuredate" should have been used instead. To test: 1. Have waiting hold with expiration date in past (e.g 24.9) 2. Observe that waiting reserves table displays correct expiration date 3. At the page expiration date is however displayed as 26.9 => Apply patch 4. Confirm that expiration date at the is now 24.9 Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Created attachment 111564 [details] [review] Bug 26429: Show correct expiration date at the Bug 25789 changed holds tables expriration input class as "datepickerto". This results to past expiration date to be displayed as tomorrows date. Class "futuredate" should have been used instead. To test: 1. Have waiting hold with expiration date in past (e.g 24.9) 2. Observe that waiting reserves table displays correct expiration date 3. At the page expiration date is however displayed as 26.9 => Apply patch 4. Confirm that expiration date at the is now 24.9 Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
@RMaints, you will need this one for the next stable releases.
Emmy, I confirm that it fixes the problem, but I don't really understand something: I've tried to find out other wrong occurrences in our code and found one in serials/ We have datepickerto without datepickerfrom. However the date in the past is kept correctly there. Why that?
Pushed to master for 20.11, thanks to everybody involved!
backported to 20.05.x for 20.05.06
backported to 19.11.x for 19.11.12
Missing dependencies for 19.05.x, can't backport.
*** Bug 28124 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***