When placing an item level hold in the OPAC, the column for item types is empty, missing the description. If you have linked your itemtypes to icons, the icon will still show.
found the error submit patch soon
Created attachment 148823 [details] [review] Bug 33299: Item type column displays translated_description when placing item level holds in OPAC 0. go to detail page of a record->place hold->"show more options"->"specific item" 1. Item type column is empty when placing item level holds in OPAC (or only the image is displayed) 2. apply patch 3. now the translated description is also shown 4. test with another language 4. please sign off ;-)
Created attachment 149013 [details] [review] Bug 33299: Item type column displays translated_description when placing item level holds in OPAC 0. go to detail page of a record->place hold->"show more options"->"specific item" 1. Item type column is empty when placing item level holds in OPAC (or only the image is displayed) 2. apply patch 3. now the translated description is also shown 4. test with another language 4. please sign off ;-) Signed-off-by: Amaury Gau <amaury.gau@bulac.fr>
Created attachment 149073 [details] [review] Bug 33299: Item type column displays translated_description when placing item level holds in OPAC 0. go to detail page of a record->place hold->"show more options"->"specific item" 1. Item type column is empty when placing item level holds in OPAC (or only the image is displayed) 2. apply patch 3. now the translated description is also shown 4. test with another language 4. please sign off ;-) Signed-off-by: Amaury Gau <amaury.gau@bulac.fr> Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
Pushed to master for 23.05. Nice work everyone, thanks!
Nice work, thanks everyone! Pushed to 22.11.x for the next release.