Bug 3583 - Patron Card Labels should print
Summary: Patron Card Labels should print
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Label/patron card printing (show other bugs)
Version: rel_3_2
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low blocker
Assignee: Chris Nighswonger
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Reported: 2009-09-06 06:34 UTC by Chris Cormack
Modified: 2019-06-27 09:24 UTC (History)
0 users

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Patch complexity: ---
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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Chris Cormack 2010-05-21 01:12:32 UTC

---- Reported by mjr@ttllp.co.uk 2009-09-06 18:34:27 ----

This is a blocker bug for the 3.2 release.  We need to be able to print patron cards.

[19:12]<slef> I'm hoping that the 3.2 label rewrite will include patron cards
       <gmcharlt> slef: yep, I'm inclined to treat that as a blocker for the
		  release - needs to at least meet what was in 3.0.x
[19:14]<slef> gmcharlt: I'd agree.  [...]
       <gmcharlt> slef: I haven't gotten around to creating a bug for the
[19:16]<slef> shall I?  I'm currently thrashing disk trying to reconcile/port
	      the two changes in my tree
       <gmcharlt> slef: please go ahead

---- Additional Comments From mjr@ttllp.co.uk 2009-10-08 08:52:28 ----

Often librarians would like to print a batch of patron cards immediately after a successful import.  The slickest solution would be to have the option to display the list of records, or create a batch for printing cards as soon as a successful import is complete.  Can we make this easy with the new patron card label printer, or should this be a new bug?

---- Additional Comments From cnighswonger@foundations.edu 2009-10-08 11:50:35 ----

It should be trivial to do something similar to the option to form a label batch when doing a bulk MARC import from within Koha.

The rework of the pcard code is extensive enough that incorporating trivial changes/enhancements can be done under this bug imho.

---- Additional Comments From cnighswonger@foundations.edu 2010-02-05 03:17:23 ----

The patron card creator tool has been re-written and works in the current HEAD.

The API for the ability to generate a batch of cards after a patron import is in place. However, time constraints make it improbable that this feature will be ready for the 3.2 stable release. Please open a separate enhancement request for this feature.

--- Bug imported by chris@bigballofwax.co.nz 2010-05-21 01:12 UTC  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 3583 at http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3583
This bug blocked bug(s) 4115.

Actual time not defined. Setting to 0.0
The original reporter of this bug does not have
   an account here. Reassigning to the person who moved
   it here: chris@bigballofwax.co.nz.
   Previous reporter was mjr@ttllp.co.uk.
CC member mjr@ttllp.co.uk does not have an account here