In the OPAC advanced search, with More Options selected, two Call Number entries show in the search pulldown. The first one is searching the item-level call number: <option value="callnum">Call Number</option> The second one, under the Standard Number section, seems to be searching an index (lccn) for the call number in the bib record -- I verified this by searching something in the 050 that wasn't in the item call number. I don't know if this includes Dewey callnums or just LC callnums, but it seems redundant to me in any case. Any objections to removing this second Call Number search from the OPAC advanced search? It isn't present in the staff advanced search.
No objections here - in fact I thought I had fixed that already ....
Both options are still present: <option value="callnum">Call number</option> <option value="lcn,phr"> Call number</option>
This is still valid.
Created attachment 30521 [details] [review] Bug 4927 - OPAC advanced search has two call number entries; remove one? This patch removes the second Call number entry in OPAC Advanced search with Advanced option (for bootstrap). To test: - Go to OPAC, Advanced search, enable Advaced options - In dropdowns you see two entries "Call number" - Apply patch - Verify that the second "Call number" has disappeared (below ISSN)
Created attachment 30603 [details] [review] 0001-SIGNED-OFF-Bug-4927-OPAC-advanced-search-has-two-cal.patch
Created attachment 30822 [details] [review] [PASSED QA] Bug 4927 - OPAC advanced search has two call number entries; remove one? This patch removes the second Call number entry in OPAC Advanced search with Advanced option (for bootstrap). To test: - Go to OPAC, Advanced search, enable Advaced options - In dropdowns you see two entries "Call number" - Apply patch - Verify that the second "Call number" has disappeared (below ISSN) Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <> Template change only - no problems found.
Patch pushed to master. Thanks Marc!