When using the batch modify tool, one cannot unset a set status such as Lost with an empty value. As this is one of the first things my librarians will try to do with this tool, I propose that all authorized value fields be allowed to be emptied using this tool (Lost, Damaged, Not For Loan, Use Restrictions, etc.). The tool CAN set items to a value from a null value (good behavior).
screencap of unsetting Lost status not working: http://screencast.com/t/NzkzODE1NWY
This enhancement request would also apply to other fields, such as notes fields, that a user might want to clear. Some fields (the mandatory ones) shouldn't be clearable, of course.
Re-marking this as a normal bug. Being unable to un-set is a significant limitation.
Created attachment 2659 [details] Proposed patch Pro
Created attachment 2668 [details] 2nd Try -- first didn't apply The first patch didn't apply, this one should. Sorry >.<
signed off on and sent second patch - which works
This bug is mentioned in: [bug 4935] fix for allowing authorized values to be "unset" http://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2010-October/012634.html [bug 4935] fix for allowing authorized values to be "unset" http://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2010-October/012637.html [bug 4935] fixed ability to unset statuses such as "lost" or "damaged" http://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2010-October/012635.html
Pushed please test
appears to be working when unsetting lost and other statuses. Does not work if you want to unset a shelving location (which isn't required - but might be up for discussion).
I will note also that it is helpful, when setting up the authorized values, to have a description in the value for "not withdrawn," and "not lost" so that those show up in the list with the proper description. Otherwise, you end up with two blank lines, and are unsure which to pick to unset the value. As for shelving location, I can't think of any reason to have that value be blank, ever. And, you could always add a value for "no location" if you needed it to be unset, and use that. LR
Not everyone uses shelving locations - so that's why it would need to be unset ... but then again if they don't use them it shouldn't be set in the first place :)
Reopening this bug since I now have a reason to need shelving location to be unset. Some libraries use shelving location only when an item is on display or on the new shelf - and then unset that when they move them back to the regular shelves. I have a librarian who wants to unset the shelving location.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue for unsetting shelving locations? Nicole
The shelving location works as long as you have the authorised values set