When ordering from an external source on acquisitions if you choose to search more than 2 targets you get a 500 error. I tried this on two installs of HEAD on two different servers with many different z39.50 targets before reporting this.
Same results for me. Here's the error in my log: z3950_search.pl: Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /home/oleonard/kohaclone/acqui/z3950_search.pl line 249. From the script: 248 my $oldbiblio = TransformMarcToKoha( $dbh, $marcrecord, "" ); 249 $oldbiblio->{isbn} =~ s/ |-|\.//g, 250 $oldbiblio->{issn} =~ s/ |-|\.//g,
I can't see the problem. Can you confirm it has been fixed ? So i could mark it as resolved.
I tried searching 3 targets at the same time and it worked without any error message.