pages involved: cgi-bin/koha/authorities/ cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/ In the add MARC record interface, repeated subfields from subject headings (imported from authorities) are being added to one subfield field, separated by a pipe, rather than being distributed to multiple subfields. In addition, these subfields are being placed in an arbitrary order, rather than the order in which they appear in the authority record. For instance, adding the subject "a$United States $xHistory $yCivil War, 1861-1865 $xCampaigns $vPictorial works" is instead entered into the new MARC record as "a$United States $vPictorial works $xHistory|Campaigns $yCivil War, 1861-1865." Our catalogers also report that records imported from Z39.50 exhibit the same behavior if their subject fields contain repeated subfields. We're running (on Debian Lenny), but I was able to duplicate the bug on, which is running (HEAD?), so this bug is probably present in 3.2 as well.
Changing the affected Version to 3.2, since it also affects this branch.
This bug is still present in 3.4, in a slightly different way. Instead of concatenating the |x fields, the MARC editor skips one of them. For example, when choosing the "United States|xHistory|yRevolution, 1775-1783|xPersonal narratives|vJuvenile literature" subject heading from our local authorities, the |xHistory subfield is left out when the data is distributed to the editor. Our catalogers tried adding another empty |x field before clicking the authority look up "..." link, but this just causes "xPersonal narratives" to fill every one after choosing this record.
Is this still a problem in master or the latest 3.4.x release?
I can confirm that this *is* still a bug, as Christopher Chagal described it in comment 2.
Jared - is this a bug in master too?
This has been fixed in latest master.