CORE: Cost of Resource Exchange Protocol (NISO RP-10-2010) defines an XML schema to facilitate the exchange of financial information related to the acquisition of library resources between systems, such as from Koha to an Enterprise Resource Management System. MJR of is interested in implementing this. Good idea or not? Is anyone interested in funding it? Koha users would like to connect to: * MYOB - mind your own business In general, anyone interested in implementing the CORE Recommended Practice, joining the standing committee, or in receiving additional information should contact NISO at
Wow, I've never heard of this and yet to come across a product that supports it or asked for it's used. Shame, it sounds like a decent idea.
Interesting. I wonder if this protocol ever got used. It looks like it was primarily a SOAP-based protocol, which wouldn't be very common anymore...
I'm going to close this one since MJ Ray isn't around anymore. But I'll leave it as a WISHLIST as it sounds interesting...