In order to print item information in overdue notices you can use the <items></items> syntax. At the moment all information within those tags has to be on one line to make it output all overdue items. If you have a line break somewhere, only the 1st item will be printed to the overdue notice. Line breaks would allow for more flexible formatting of the information. Examples: Works perfectly: <item><<biblio.title>> <<>>, Callnumber: <<items.itemcallnumber>> Barcode: <<items.barcode>> Fine: <fine>EUR</fine></item> Will result in output of only 1 item: <item> <<biblio.title>> <<>>, Callnumber: <<items.itemcallnumber>> Barcode: <<items.barcode>> Fine: <fine>EUR</fine> </item>
It seems to me that this multi-line problem was fixed since this bug was reported.
I saw it working for Dobrica - I believe it's save to mark this resolved.