Holds Ratio report does not allow decimals. When decimal is entered (1.5) as the ratio, the system reverts to the default value.
Created attachment 5201 [details] [review] bug 6724: enable decimals on values greater than 1
Created attachment 5202 [details] [review] Separating perl standard uses from koha uses
Created attachment 5203 [details] [review] bug 6724: enable decimals on values greater than 1
Created attachment 5204 [details] [review] bug 6724: enable decimals on values greater than 1
Created attachment 5210 [details] [review] Signed-off patches, squashed Before applying the patch entering a value like "1.5" would return the same results as leaving the default "3." After applying the patch I get revised results using the "1.5" value.
It occurs to me that we could do away with the if-not-defined block, as undef += 0 == 0. Shouldn't worry about it for now, though?
Math-only patch, easy to read, marking as Passed QA
Pushed, please test
The fix for this bug was published in the 3.4.5 release. If you were the reporter of this bug, please take time to verify the fix and update the status of this bug report accordingly. If the bug is fixed to your satisfaction, please close this report.