It would be nice on the staff client to show the home and holding branch on the search results so that librarians know which items are actually theirs without having to click through.
Display of the library name seems to be tied to the HomeOrHoldingBranch pref? In my $hbranch = C4::Context->preference('HomeOrHoldingBranch') eq 'homebranch' ? 'homebranch' : 'holdingbranch'; my $otherbranch = C4::Context->preference('HomeOrHoldingBranch') eq 'homebranch' ? 'holdingbranch' : 'homebranch'; # set item's branch name, use HomeOrHoldingBranch syspref first, fall back to the other one if ($item->{$hbranch}) { $item->{'branchname'} = $branches{$item->{$hbranch}}; } elsif ($item->{$otherbranch}) { # Last resort $item->{'branchname'} = $branches{$item->{$otherbranch}}; } Why?
It looks like this has been fixed in master and now uses the StaffSearchResultsDisplayBranch syspref. Can you confirm we can close this bug report?
I believe this is a duplicate to another bug from Kelly I saw - but now I just seem to be able to find it. Adding her to check.